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Well they have signed multiple established Tier One internationals (Henshaw, Fardy, Tomane) and James Lowe would not have been cheap.
It also needs to be remembered that they are the only professional sport team in an area with a population of 2.5m and Dublin has a load of private schools that spend big money on their rugby teams.
Heard Brian O'Driscoll talking about it last week on the radio. All the Irish academies are improving because guys who would normally have stuck to GAA sports have realised their best chance of becoming a professional sportsman is to play rugby. He was saying that even Connacht who are in real GAA heartlands, have seen a massive rise in the number of youth teams they have.
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Neither of those are 'gimmees' for Munster.
You'd think that they have enough quality to win at least one of those, but away to Gloucester is not as easy as it was earlier in the season.  Lose that and it could be squeaky bum time.
As for Exeter.  As a scottish Wasps fan, I can safely say that what they have done in the past 10 years is simply amazing.  They are a model club for how things should be done.
Great academy and youth set up, great integration into the community throughout the South West of England, they've also developed as a rugby team from a very effective 'forwards dominated' style to an exceptionally balanced team of forwards and backs (I think Hogg will shine even more brightly there).
They and Saracens are head and shoulders better than the rest of the English Premiership, and (unlike Saracens) Exeter haven't broken the bank to do it.
On a wider topic, how great is Scottish Rugby at the moment.  Glasgow are still (IMHO) the second best side to watch (Leinster being no. 1).  But it is the massive strides that Edinburgh have taken under Cockerill that I'm really delighted with at the moment.
As for Wasps...  Oh dear, we've spunked millions on top knotch internationals (Geroge Smith, Piatau, Beale etc) only to be perenial bridesmaids.  Rumours have it that Wasps are back to living hand-to-mouth. 
Final shout out to Adam Hastings.  After a torrid time v the USA, has turned it around and I think he is a proper international standard 10 (when is the last time Scotland had two of them on the go at the same time)?
Whilst Leinster are currently a better team than Glasgow they are certainly not better to watch.
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Two sides naturally playing their strongest sides.

I'm more hopeful of winning at Scotstoun as Edinburgh are unbeaten at home this season.  However, whilst they've been good in Europe, they've been a bit more mediocre in the league but at the same time they'll raise their game as it's a derby.

On paper we've got the better backs but, barring the front row, the packs are fairly even though I'd JUST give Edinburgh the edge. The likes of Ashe and M. Fagerson have been excellent so far this season but Hamish Watson and Bill Mata are established heavyweights. 

Edinburgh could cream us in the front row as Stuart McInally is the 1st choice Scotland hooker whereas our 2 main hookers are injured.  Grant Stewart is defo one for the future but still learning the trade. 

Edited by come on shire
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For me the 2 sides are fairly even, obviously Glasgow stronger in the backs with Edinburgh having the better forwards.

For me though the Glasgow bench is much stronger than Edinburgh's which may be the difference. If Glasgow are in contention early 2nd half, bring on the likes of Jones and Matawalu will swing the game

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Munster are resting most of their 1st XV tonight away to Ulster who have a full strength side out.

This double header could cement the conference for Glasgow and simultaneously kill Edinburgh's playoff chances. Their best hope looks like Scarlets shite form is permanent rather than temporary.


Edited by Detournement
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Glasgow back to the old problem of trying to force it wide when they haven’t got enough quick ball and go forward. Edinburgh defended well and were pretty much gifted the game.

We need a big destructive ball carrier in the Mata/Nick Williams mould. The young boys may get there, but it’s the big thing that is lacking.

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