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That scrawny stick insect must have a hole like a doo's eye.

Get yer cock in there and you'll rattle both her hips.

I'd like to give her a back-breaker, Bret the Hitman Hart style. Right on the point of my knee.

Excellence of execution.

Too far.

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so that was kirsty's revenge on max, when all it would have taken is a cheeky phonecall from max to pc plod and she'd be done for stealing his car

also, just how fucking terrible are the current storylines, everything seems to revolve round the vic, a clear attempt at integrating dyer's family, only problem is that the actual good storylines like bianca's mum dealing with possible cancer is something that doesnt get discussed over a pint at the local

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so that was kirsty's revenge on max, when all it would have taken is a cheeky phonecall from max to pc plod and she'd be done for stealing his car

I was more interested in the fact she was blind drunk when she left the pub yet ten minutes later was fit to drive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

how can fatboy dump his burd? solid 8/10 punching well above his weight.

Cos she's a pain in the arse and in 10 years when her looks have faded the memory of having a 8/10 on his arm won't seem that great.

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