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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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On 02/12/2023 at 18:13, TxRover said:

Easiest is 193 (in the UN). Then we have 2 with UN observers (Vatican City and Palestine), 1 without UN observer (Taiwan), plus 2 dependencies of New Zealand (Cook Islands and Niue) who have some UN representation, and then a further 17 that the UN recognizes as not self governing (https://www.un.org/dppa/decolonization/en/nsgt). So you can argue for as many as 215.

Has this been verified with Richard Osman? 

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16 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

It's a conspiracy theory perpetuated by US supporters of the Israeli occupation. They allege that all the crimes Israel commits against Palestinians in the occupied territories are staged. They talk about crisis actors and the like.

Here's an example of a current Pallywood conspiracy theory, claiming that dead Gazan babies are actually Chinese dolls:

I suppose the term Pallywood being picked up and used by idiots here (well, at least by one idiot) shows again how easily US nonsense transfers to UK.

Jerusalem Post fell for a doctored photo being spread around by the Pallywood conspiracy theorists:

Visegrad24, a prominent Twitter account that received funding from the former Polish government, also did.

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The US ambassador to the UN, Robert A. Wood, has said his country does not support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, arguing that it “would only plant the seeds for the next war”.

Wood, speaking at the UN headquarters in New York, said the security council’s failure to condemn the Hamas 7 October attacks on Israel was a serious moral failure.

Hamas continues to pose a threat to Israel, he said, adding that an “undeniable part of that reality” that if Israel unilaterally laid down its weapons today, Hamas would continue to hold hostages. He said:

For that reason, while the US strongly supports a durable peace in which both Israel and Palestine can live in peace and security, we do not support calls for an immediate ceasefire. This would only plant the seeds for the next war, because Hamas has no desire to see a durable peace, to see a two-state solution.


As opposed to the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, that the US has shielded from literally scores of UN Security Council resolutions, who is of course entirely committed to a two-state solution and durable peace. 🤡

The same US government that blacklisted Cuba for actually helping to end the conflict in Colombia, while batting for yet another of its client states regardless of innocent victims.

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10 hours ago, bluearmyfaction said:


This satire is about 60 years out of date. "The Arabs" haven't existed as a bloc since the death of Nasser. With the exception of Syria, all Arab states are now aligned with USA, regional powers Egypt and Saudi particularly so.

The Palestinians are alone. They have no state of their own and the state which occupies them refuses them citizenship. They're forced to live under apartheid conditions with a side order (although currently its the main course) of ethnic cleansing.

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9 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

This satire is about 60 years out of date. "The Arabs" haven't existed as a bloc since the death of Nasser. With the exception of Syria, all Arab states are now aligned with USA, regional powers Egypt and Saudi particularly so.

The Palestinians are alone. They have no state of their own and the state which occupies them refuses them citizenship. They're forced to live under apartheid conditions with a side order (although currently its the main course) of ethnic cleansing.

Satire?  More a documentary.

Point is that even 40 years ago there were arguments about whether to condemn Israel or abstain in UN votes, as part of the balancing exercise between supporting the US and getting cheap oil.  Right now the US is wavering over Ukraine so the UK not letting the Septics be a lone voice may be valuable in that war.  So much is intertwined these days I reckon politics is now an impossible game.  At least for democracies.  Dictatorships play by different rules.  Putin is not answerable to anyone, he counts a win if he survives, even if 150m Russians die.

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The story of the school in the above clip provides quite a good case study. 

In 2014, Israel shelled the playground, murdering and maiming a load of women and children:



So you have the initial tragedy then you get the rebuilding process (some of which is funded by UK taxpayers - https://www.unrwa.org/how-you-can-help/government-partners/funding-trends).

Just in March this year, a garden was built for the kids at the school: https://prc.org.uk/en/news/5622/unrwa-european-union-open-first-school-garden-in-beseiged-gaza

But they can't even have that. Nine years later the IDF have returned this time to blow up the school.

To destroy Fariha's "safe space", if she's even still alive:


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2 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Well, that's that fekked. The strapline at the bottom of the Sky News page on TV at the moment says "Israel's Ambassador to the UK says there absolutely cannot be a two-state solution with the Palestinians."

That's been obvious for years, except the major powers have been doing their best not to notice.

If ever there was a moment for the US to start putting the strong arm on Israel, it's now.

Also, the situation has a large potential for ruining Biden's run for a second term as President..., leaving

the door open for you know who to let the Israelis continue doing what they want.

Perhaps Israel is banking on that.

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Is this the right place to say that Piers Morgan should be permanently censored?

His constant arselickning of Mark Regev and that c**t Douglas Murray is an affront to any objective analysis of what is being perpetrated by the Israelis in Gaza.

His 'performances' on. Monday and Tuesday night are worthy of further investigation. Ask for Douglas Murray, he exposes himself as a bigot who has no credibility in front of the public as an objective observer. 

Objective analysis?

My arse.

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4 hours ago, beefybake said:

Also, the situation has a large potential for ruining Biden's run for a second term as President..., leaving

the door open for you know who to let the Israelis continue doing what they want.

Perhaps Israel is banking on that.

Certainly banking on it and possibly also working on it. We know they did in 2016.

Attempted intervention from a non-state Israeli actor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psy-Group

State intervention from Israel, directed by Netanyahu: https://archive.ph/TvWhR

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