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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran)


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16 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

"Might makes right" isn't a US invention. It applied to the Soviet Union when it quelled uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia and the West sat with it's finger up it's arse. It applied to China when they took Tibet.  The ICC are currently investigating alleged crimes in Ukraine by Russia - how much of a shit do you think Russia gives? 


Any global standard that doesn't include the active participation (and subjucation of) the major powers isn't worth the high quality embossed vellum it's written on.  This is political grandstanding, no more. 

Might makes right is not a US invention, sure, Genghis Khan wasn't an American. I should've worded that better. What I meant was that the post-WW2 order has been forged by USA as they became the hegemonic power following that war. USA and Soviet Union were rival powers but not equal powers, it was very much USA who set the global tone. While the Soviets were crushing the Prague Spring, the US was at the height of its Vietnam intervention, a far grander endeavour. Cold War scenarios are probably what ICC idealists want to move away from. While the Cold War ended in 1991, the incoherent way in which US applies sanctions has had the effect of creating new rival blocs. That's partly why attempts to isolate and coerce Putin's government have failed. 

Achieving global consensus or something close to it is probably the aim. That will take a very long time to achieve through very gradual progress. I think the short term benefit of the ICC can be to shore up alignment among its members. You'll always get p***kly outliers like Hungary whose government is both pro-Putin and pro-Netanyahu. The larger issue, though, is the servility of Germany and UK to USA. On this latest ICC ruling, Germany have backed the ICC but UK have come out against it. 

Yet even if complete global consensus on legal standards was achieved, current levels of economic inequality would stop coordinated action. For example, demanding Georgia sanction Russia - effectively sanctioning itself as Russia is its second largest trading partner - doesn't seem fair on what is a society with huge poverty issues. Asking this of Georgia is not the same as asking it of, eg. France. So maybe the whole thing is doomed to fail but I think the ICC is an interesting experiment. It's a fledgling attempt, as I put, it only began in 2002. 

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Half of Europe has long since recognised a Palestinian state - Iceland, Sweden, Malta, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Ukraine, Belarus, Cyprus, Georgia, Russia, Azerbaijan and Turkey. It's not a radical or marginal position within Europe although the west of the continent has been slow on the uptake. Malta, Iceland and Sweden now being joined by Ireland, Norway and Spain might help move things along.

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Posted (edited)

I wonder if @KnightswoodBear has anything to say about the Irish ambassador to Israel who just got called in for a reprimand off Israel.















Edited by Nkomo-A-Gogo
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8 minutes ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

I wonder if @KnightswoodBear has anything to say about the Irish ambassador to Israel who just got called in for a reprimand off Israel.















Other than 'wid', you mean?

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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

It's all tied up in legalese, but I think the ICJ has just told Israel to GTF over it's assault on Rafah.

But without its teeth in.

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Beginning to think that the issue might just be with the American client state and not the international rules based order that the West laughably claims to uphold.

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On 20/05/2024 at 16:30, Freedom Farter said:

He's just an out and out militant with no pretence to being a political figure so he already couldn't make public appearances anywhere.

The Blackpool Christmas lights switch on committee beg to differ.

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With more and more civilians pushed into refugee encampments around Rafah, because they were once again told by the IDF these were safe zones, those safe zones were bombed last night. Predictably, fire spread among tents and burned people alive in addition to all those killed by the initial blast.

It has been for 75 years, but this is the most glaring act of a state operating with total impunity that believes no rules should or do apply to them. The ICJ orders them to stop, so they ramp up the ethnic cleansing of the civilian population to stick two fingers up at them. Israel's allies in the US and UK who have been saying for months that Rafah is a red line and there must be no attack not only do nothing to enforce this red line once it begins, but actively encourage them to continue.

It's clear that no such thing as a rules based international order actually exists, but if it did Biden and Sunak would be joining Netanyahu on trial for their complicity in this.

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