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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Well then we agree.

Your "trendy" pish is nonsense though. It's totally justifiable to be annoyed that there's a hugely internationally funded, modern nation state acting like a bunch of fucking Nazis, whilst we help them do it.

Questions like "what would you do if" analogies simply provide a platform for P1 level goodies and baddies verdicts and justifications.

I think its naive to suppose that all these US dollars and Euros poured into Gaza were used for the benefit of the people. Theyre also Nazis. Or what would you call people who call for the utter destruction of the Jewish people/ Bit of history there no? The kind my dad put a uniform on to defeat,

Edited by Keith197141
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The Labour Party were exactly the same, settlement building in the occupied territories actually went up when they pretended to be negotiating for a two state solution, making it impossible.

To be honest both the Israelis and the Palestinians (probably more so) have a piss-poor record when it comes to choosing who their leaders are.

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The topics are related or do you think these Sunni groups all operate independently? Puleeze.. And how many beaches got bombed before over 2000 rockets were fired into Israel? And why has Egypt also blockaded Gaza ? Hamas' stated constitutional aim is the destruction of Israel. I think the Israeli response has been draconian, unless you can point out where I said otherwise, Jeez.

What would you do if I fired 2000 rockets are your house?. Aye.

Try to not murder children that had nothing to do with you firing the rockets at my house?

I'm going to go with "Try to not murder children that had nothing to do with you firing the rockets at my house".

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I think its naive to suppose that all these US dollars and Euros poured into Gaza were used for the benefit of the people. Theyre also Nazis. Or what would you call people who call for the utter destruction of the Jewish people/ Bit of history there no? The kind my dad put a uniform on to defeat,

Seems to me that Hamas and Israel have absolutely no regard for the lives of those living under the other. The fact that one group is largely Jewish and the other Muslim makes f**k all difference to me. They both have sinister intentions, one is suceeding in carrying them out due to its privilaged position.

Anyway I can't help but mark people who use "my dad fought for" patter as utter arseholes and probable racists, so I think we'll stop speaking now. Bye.

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Hamas were first promoted by the Israelis as an annoyance to the PLO who were gaining respectability on the world stage. Then they were elected to the Palestinian parliament with a majority over the West Bank and Gaza. The reason the Israelis won't talk to them is that Hamas won't pretend that the Israelis have any intention ever to draw back to the 67 borders, to create the conditions for a 2 state solution, to stop settlements that make it impossible. Israel also won't incorporate the West Bank and Gaza into the state of Israel, because there would be too many damned Arabs, and they'd have to share power or stop calling themselves a democracy, and have to admit to apartheid. Israel have expanded settlements during every pretended peace negotiation, to the point where there is nowhere for an independent Palestinian state to exist. Only solution is a unitary state from the Jordan to the Med and the Sinai, with decent folk who don't believe in god running it, or maybe religious nutters sharing power, a bit like Lebanon but hopefully without the meddling they get.

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I think its naive to suppose that all these US dollars and Euros poured into Gaza were used for the benefit of the people. Theyre also Nazis. Or what would you call people who call for the utter destruction of the Jewish people/ Bit of history there no? The kind my dad put a uniform on to defeat,

Was your Dad fighting for the British Army in Palestine?

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That isn't targeting something, that's just firing at random. You are aware that the US funded iron done system, wipes out the majority of rockets launched from Gaza?

So because most of the rockets are shot down this means...?

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Golda Meir

"Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us".

I'm sure that quote was from an ICT fan talking about Ross County except it was Staggies and not Arabs.
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The Palestinian rockets are home made in garages. The Palestinians know they probably won't make it through the missile shield and if they do they will probably land harmlessly and do next to no damage, particularly when fired at long range.

This is born out by the fact the 2 Israeli citizens and 1 non citizen have been killed by rockets fired from Gaza. Do the people firing these rockets have murderous intent? Perhaps, but these rockets aren't even really military grade weapons, there main purpose is as an act of defiance against an 'oppressor' and to provide some means of exerting psychological pressure on the Israelis.

Despite this Israel has every right to defend its people and soil even from a threat that is extremely minimal. If Israel had gone into Gaza and secured 'buffer zones' that made the firing of these rockets into Israel ineffective I don't think there would be much to complain about. But that is not what Israel is doing. Israel is trying to destroy the entire infrastructure of Gaza, water supply, power stations, schools, housing and everything else...including it's people.

What is happening in Gaza is one of the very worst examples of the strong destroying the weak in modern history. The disparity in the casualties speaks volumes, 600 Palestinians to every 1 Israeli civilian. Both sides have legitimate areas where they can point the finger of blame at each other but of those areas of blame you cannot possibly ascribe the same value to each side. The lack of proportionality from Israel is obscene to such a degree that in my opinion it constitutes a crime against humanity.

Edited by Ya Bezzer!
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