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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Are you trying to suggest that the HMRC guesstimates were not hanging over any potential sale before the 'tit on the internet' decide to play fast and loose with the truth via illegally obtained documents from within HMRC?

And you'll struggle to get a date for the started of the runway's blog - because the man who was so emboldened to say this: "Alistair, Sir David, Martin: as we say in Glasgow: "Come ahead!" has fucked off and deleted the contents of his blog.

Isn't it very entertaining that now Murray has indeed decided to 'come ahead' the RTC man is running as fast as he can?

I guess he had to leave to help other folks in trouble. His work here is done. But who was that masked man?

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On your first point I disagree. Of course companies will try and reduce the sums they pay out. Because Arsenal paid a settlement previously, I'm really not sure how that could prove your point. If companies don't believe that they are liable, they won't pay. Hence, the appeal.

I agree completely with your second point, but again I'm not sure as to how it contests what I said.

I was giving Arsenal only as an example that companies may try and reduce liability by agreeing a deal. Many companies will pay out at a reduced sum than the original given rather than get tied up in a protracted case such as this whether they believe they are liable or not. Murray for example has always maintained he was not liable for any such sum,offered a compromise deal,it was rejected but won the case as he said he would.

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A recap of the creditors meeting at Ibrox on 4th of December.

Publication Date: Friday, 16 November 2012

Notice Code: 2455

Meetings of Creditors

RFC 2012 P.L.C. (Formerly: The Rangers Football Club P.L.C.)(In Liquidation)Registered Office: Ibrox Stadium, Glasgow G51 2XD.

We, James Bernard Stephen and Malcolm Cohen, of BDO LLP, 4 Atlantic Quay, 70 York Street, Glasgow G2 8JX, hereby give notice that we were appointed Joint Interim Liquidators of RFC 2012 P.L.C., formerly The Rangers Football Club P.L.C. on 31 October 2012, by Interlocutor pronounced at the Court of Session. Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 138 of the Insolvency Act 1986 that the first meeting of creditors of the above Company will be held within the Hilton Hotel, 1 William Street, Glasgow G3 8HT, on 4 December 2012, at 12.00 noon, for the purpose of choosing a Liquidator and determining whether to establish a Liquidation Committee. A resolution at the meeting will be passed if a majority in value of those voting have voted in favour of it. A creditor will be entitled to vote at the meeting only if a claim has been lodged with us at the meeting or before the meeting at our office and it has been accepted for voting purposes in whole or in part. For the purpose of formulating claims creditors should note that the relevant date for claims is the commencement of the Administration being 14 February 2012. Proxies may also be lodged with us at the meeting or before the meeting at my office.James Bernard Stephen, Joint Interim Liquidator

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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I was giving Arsenal only as an example that companies may try and reduce liability by agreeing a deal. Many companies will pay out at a reduced sum than the original given rather than get tied up in a protracted case such as this whether they believe they are liable or not. Murray for example has always maintained he was not liable for any such sum,offered a compromise deal,it was rejected but won the case as he said he would.

To reduce liability you must accept, at least a degree of, liability.

Who would say in public that they believed that they were guilty of a crime but f**k it we're going to appeal anyway?

Some of the EBT trusts were appealed successfully, some unsuccessfully and some were not contested at all.

I still cannot fathom how it is being repeated over and over again that it was a victory.

You got more than most thought you would get. But in no way, whatsoever, was it a complete vindication.

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Serious questions - anyone know the answers?

This creditors' meeting, then.

I see there's a vote to appoint the liquidators - and establish a liquidation committee. I assume that's just to rubber-stamp BDO is it?

Do the creditors have any say in how the liquidators proceed, or do they have to trust to the liquidators' professionalism and experience to extract the maximum worth from the liquidation?*

ETA:* By which I mean do the creditors have any right to direct the liquidators?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Serious questions - anyone know the answers?

This creditors' meeting, then.

I see there's a vote to appoint the liquidators - and establish a liquidation committee. I assume that's just to rubber-stamp BDO is it?

Do the creditors have any say in how the liquidators proceed, or do they have to trust to the liquidators' professionalism and experience to extract the maximum worth from the liquidation?*

ETA:* By which I mean do the creditors have any right to direct the liquidators?

A rather tenuous link to this post but I find it absolutely astonishing that given the facts:- Rangers stiffing creditors for millions.

Rangers stiffing the taxman for millions in VAT and PAYE.

Rangers not contesting some EBT's and being found to have administered some incorrectly.

Not to mention the dual contract investigation or the strange payments to Graeme Souness or the SFA allowing them into the league set up with meeting the necessary accounts requirements.

That somehow we were all barking up the wrong tree and that Rangers have been given a raw deal.

Because they won some of the EBT cases.


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A rather tenuous link to this post but I find it absolutely astonishing that given the facts:- Rangers stiffing creditors for millions.

Rangers stiffing the taxman for millions in VAT and PAYE.

Rangers not contesting some EBT's and being found to have administered some incorrectly.

Not to mention the dual contract investigation or the strange payments to Graeme Souness or the SFA allowing them into the league set up with meeting the necessary accounts requirements.

That somehow we were all barking up the wrong tree and that Rangers have been given a raw deal.

Because they won some of the EBT cases.


Can the creditors direct the BDO to sell off the assets of Rangers cause Charles Green valued the land at £80m?

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Are you trying to suggest that the HMRC guesstimates were not hanging over any potential sale before the 'tit on the internet' decide to play fast and loose with the truth via illegally obtained documents from within HMRC?

I'm not suggesting that at all, I'm suggesting that the blame for the club being unable to find a buyer does not really lie with RTC or Mark Daly, which is what Tedi seems to think:

The RTC blog and the BBC doc were hugely influential in swaying public opinion, according to everyone Rangers were now guilty, the £49M was a dead cert, this effectively killed any chance we had of getting a decent buyer

The delay with the FTTT was to blame IMO although to be honest I'm not even entirely sure if the 'sale' in question is from Minty to Craigy or Duff n Phelps to Blue Knights/American dude/Asian dude

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Rangers F.C. Plc

Intention to Float on AIM

RNS Number : 4376O

Rangers Football Club Plc

11 October 2012

11 October 2012

The Rangers Football Club

("Rangers" or the "Club")

Intention to Float on AIM

Raising up to £20million

Rangers, the Scottish football club, today announces its intention to seek Admission to the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.

Rangers intends to raise up to £20million through an institutional investor placing and limited public offering. The funds raised will be used for strengthening the player squad, improving and developing the Club's properties and facilities, as well as providing additional working capital. It is anticipated that Admission will become effective before the end of the year.

Since its formation in 1872, The Rangers Football Club has become one of the world's most successful clubs, having won 54 League titles, 33 Scottish Cups, 27 League Cups and the European Cup Winners' Cup in 1972. The Club's loyal and sizeable supporter base, both in Scotland and around the world, enables the Club to boast one of the highest percentages of season ticket holders in the UK, with over 36,000 having been sold for the current season. Playing at the 51,000 seater Ibrox Stadium, which is Scotland's only UEFA elite club stadium, and benefitting from the world class 38 acre Murray Park training facility, the Club has been a major force in Scottish football for decades.

Fans and others interested in investing in the Club should register with Capita Registrars only (details below).

Commenting on the announcement Charles Green, Chief Executive of Rangers, said: "From the time we acquired the business and assets of Rangers FC, we indicated our intention to list the Company and provide our fans with the opportunity to invest in their Club. I am delighted that our plans are coming to fruition.

"Rangers is debt-free and a huge club with enormous support and a 140 year track record of success on the domestic and international arenas. Our aim is to return the Club to its glory days whilst ensuring it is run efficiently and profitably."

Malcolm Murray, Chairman,added: "Charles has done a great job to bring the Club back from the brink of extinction. We now move on to the next stage which is full recovery and growth. The fans loyalty has been instrumental in getting the Club on its feet and the IPO gives them the chance to have a say on club matters."

Rangers Flotation

Hmmm so the club has been phoenixed by Charles Green. ph34r.gif

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Can the creditors direct the BDO to sell off the assets of Rangers cause Charles Green valued the land at £80m?

Yes. Yes they can.

I was around Ibrox the day Charlie was valuing the place - I knew because he had a scrap of paper, a pen and a calculator. He shouted at a guy in a hard hat that he couldn't be fucked with it anymore and that £80m 'will just have to do'.

I knew there and then I'd be investing.

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To reduce liability you must accept, at least a degree of, liability.

Who would say in public that they believed that they were guilty of a crime but f**k it we're going to appeal anyway?

Some of the EBT trusts were appealed successfully, some unsuccessfully and some were not contested at all.

I still cannot fathom how it is being repeated over and over again that it was a victory.

You got more than most thought you would get. But in no way, whatsoever, was it a complete vindication.

Well you are obviously quite dense. HMRC lost the bulk of the case therefore Rangers won the bulk of the case. Furthermore Rangers won on the legal point that the side-letters did not constitute a contract and that any payment from a trust fund was purely discretionary.

It doesn't really matter that they lost a few side issues (mainly paying contracted compensation improperly through EBTs) the SPL and SFA don't have specific rules against not paying your taxes on time. They didn't even have rules about paying players on time. Those losses can get added to the mountain of VAT and PAYE that Craig Whyte juked.

The one thing the SPL and SFA do state is that all contracts must be lodged and now Rangers have a legal ruling that backs up their claim about their handling of he paperwork. The only thing that matters about oldco is whether titles were going to be stripped. I won't prejudged the SPL outcome but the victory in the tax case is a boon to their chances of not being punished by the footballing authorities.

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