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Everything posted by craigkillie

  1. I finally made it on, and I got a First . Straight As again this year
  2. I haven't had any of these problems in the past three years.
  3. I've logged into the "Off Campus Use" group with my username and password, then went back on the site and reloaded it from fresh. It has been hanging the same way it was without the VPN.
  4. Hmm, I've downloaded it all, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything for me.
  5. How did you manage to get your results? My degree classification is supposed to be out today, but they've locked us out of WebSurf, and ExamSurf isn't working.
  6. There's a certain irony that I'm not playing the year they've decided to wear Killie tops.
  7. Mine or Ad Lib's? I'm not playing this year because I'm on holiday.
  8. I had to wear a Thistle top last year. Although we don't dislike you as much as you seem to dislike us .
  9. Short cuddle = OK Prolonged cuddle/spooning = Not advisable Sexual intercourse = Definite no
  10. I had a look and it doesn't seem to have a website, so I can't check the prices. My dad told me there's a place in Kilwinning which does it, so I'm going to head down there in the morning.
  11. Does anyone know where I can get an A0 poster printed in Glasgow? It needs to be done to a fairly good standard, because I'm presenting it at a conference. I'd ideally need to have it by Thursday. I was just going to get it printed at the Uni, but it's going to be £70 there .
  12. I'm. Not. Sure. If. It. Has. Been. On. Here. Yet. But. I. Really. Get. Annoyed. At. People. Who. Post. Things. Like. This.
  13. I had an U19 game when I sent a guy off with about 2 minutes left for kicking an opponent after being tackled. When I showed the guy the red card he was shouting and swearing like a mental case, and had to be dragged off the pitch by his teammates. When the game finished, and I went back to the changing room, I saw the boy standing outside my door and feared the worst. Then when I walked over he said "Sorry mate, I just lost it", and shook my hand.
  14. A couple of my Freeview channels weren't working, so I retuned my TV. I now have Challenge TV as channel 4, and Channel 4 as channel 800. Is it just me?
  15. When I did it, you were able to do 60 credits of stats if you wanted. There are 40 compulsory credits of stats, and 60 compulsory credits of maths. Then you have to find 20 additional credits from somewhere. Maths offered the number theory course, the financial modelling course, and maybe something else at 10 credits each. Stats had two courses about the design of experiments or something along those lines. If your advisor is from maths, then they might have "forgotten" to tell you about the stats ones. Or they might not be running any more. I did 50 credits of stats (the compulsory 40 + one of the design ones) and 70 credits of maths (the compulsory 60 + number theory).
  16. It obviously doesn't quite count as evidence, but the fact that nobody complained at the time suggests that nobody found it particularly offensive. I'm not sure how he can be charged with breach of the peace when the "peace" wasn't actually "breached".
  17. I had my last ever exam yesterday, and I thought that I managed to do fairly well although it was a tough one. They weren't nearly as good this year as last year, but hopefully I'll have done enough to get the First I need. We had a good night out last night too, and the majority of the class came along for a change. Now it's time for the waiting game. Hopefully they get them marked quickly! Some of the stats will be fairly straightforward. IIRC, there are a few bits which are repetitions of things you'll have done in first year. I found maths pretty good in the first semester, but I really didn't enjoy it in the second half of the year. It was those courses which put me off continuing any further with maths. You'll be looking forward to proving that 2 > 1 and that 0 exists in Foundations of Real Mathematics (I think that's what it's called). Then you have Introduction to Real Analysis (which amusingly was called Introduction to Real Anal on the exam timetable), which none of us really understood, but which we all managed to get good grades in. From the sounds of things, you're studying the Cryptography and Number Theory module too - it is piss easy compared to the rest.
  18. I had exam number 7 today, and my last ever one is on Wednesday morning. They haven't been great this year, but I'm hoping last year's good results will keep my head above water for the First which I need. I wonder if chuckles will post on this thread now that Gaz has announced that news.
  19. That reminds me of the mock forum posts in Private Eye.
  20. 4 down, 4 to go for me. I had two today - one in the afternoon and one in the evening. The first one went quite well, but the second was a bit of a disaster. It was for Further Modelling, which is something I've never been able to understand or really get a grip of. I did last year's paper last night, and I reckon I would have got an A on it, but unfortunately this year's one wasn't anything like as good. It was definitely the worst exam I've had since I started uni, but hopefully I still passed it. The next one is on Wednesday, so I'll be battering away at the stuff for that tomorrow.
  21. Cheers, that has solved problem 2. Does anyone know how to fix problem 1? Basically I want the text to be displayed in the same way as it was pre-update.
  22. I have just downloaded the new update of Firefox, and while I quite like it, I have a couple of things I don't like. 1) The font on all my websites seems to have changed style. This is particularly true on here, where everything seems to be wider and there are more spaces. I'd like it to display in a similar style to the previous incarnation of Firefox. 2) When I hover my mouse over a link, the name of the site pops up at the bottom. I realise this has replaced the bar at the bottom, but I find it annoying. If I'm honest, I'd quite like the bar back rather than having something popping up every second as I move the mouse around the screen. Is it possible to fix either of these things?
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