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    In the canyons of your mind
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  1. Check the legal right to compo under UK and EU law I missed a connection in Frankfurt to Milan last year due to a late connecting flight from Glasgow Same scenario not enough time to cross the airport I got meal vouchers and £250 compo paying for my https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/holiday-cancellations-and-compensation/if-your-flights-delayed-or-cancelled/
  2. Well how about St. Mirrren 2 Aberdeen 2 after Penalty. that shouldn’t have stood Aberdeen 0 St Mirren 3 St Mirren 2 Aberdeen 1
  3. Now here’s your problem I’m a St Mirren fan But over the past years me and three others have gone to Firhill when Saints weren’t playing Every time the Jags have won and scored at least three goals. We’ve been to two away games and Thistle have drawn both We’re planning to go to the playoffs again this season Better hope you’re already safe!!
  4. Really good point There were three of. us in hospitality yesterday to celebrate my. 70th leaving 3 empty seats in W2 Could have been resold with the.demand
  5. We need good cover for Ryan Strain We’re well short here Flynnie is OK but it’s a down on our currrent options
  6. When I was at school in the late 60s we had gym shorts that colour It was known as Paisley Blue so that might be the connection
  7. I remember that Hughie Gilshan goal Scored in the fog Half the ground didn’t see it! Featured on the cover of programmes for a few weeks The other notable point about that game was Rangers new goal machine Colin Stein failed to score for the first time in a number of games ETA Oops just noticed the Captain has posted that very photo!
  8. Macaroni pie, vegan sausage roll not to your liking ? Won't a macaroni pie have lard in the pastry,?
  9. There has been astro turf on the sides since the stadium opened I recall thinking the pitch went right out to It then but was narrowed a couple of years later
  10. When I was a boy many moons ago players got booked for ungentlemenly conduct that is any attempt to cheat or decieve the ref All changed now
  11. When's the next installment ? Can't wait!! This is so pointlessly brilliant!
  12. Saw them and Fred Wedlock on the same nivht at Devizes psychiatric hospital social club before their big hits
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