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Ya Bezzer!

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Everything posted by Ya Bezzer!

  1. Yeah Flashscores is better than Livescore.
  2. Andy Parsons Russell Kane John Bishop Justin Lee Collins Jim Davidson and more... Mickey Flanagan Hugh Dennis Rhod Gilbert Patrick Kielty Gina Yashere
  3. Business speak is exactly what it looks and sounds like - dehumanizing gobbledygook written by cowardly, characterless corporate whores who have subsumed themselves in the barren soulless philosophy of the business world due to being, without doubt, the most artless and useless dullards extant in the human species. Or to put it in simpler terms - shite written by c***s.
  4. Old people hate snow. Everywhere you look old people are clearing paths and drives of the hated snow. This despite the fact it's probably more dangerous to clear snow off a path when you are old than to walk down a snowy path. And it's certainly more dangerous to walk down a path at any age on a thin layer of scrapped ice instead of a couple of inches of snow. I mean, it's not as if it's knee deep! Social services should confiscate shovels from all old people at this time of year. They are a danger to themselves and others. They need to learn to love the crunch of snow under their feet, feel invigorated by the blue skies and chilly weather, give wry smiles as they remember snowball fights, forts built and jumping over hedges and fences into drifts in their youth instead of being miserable old c***s tossing disgusting liver coloured grit everywhere that turns everything mushy and wet instead of a having a landscape of pristine white snow. What is wrong with these people! Nature has made even a post industrial shitehole like Motherwell look beautiful and these wrinkly clowns are out there at 7 in the morning to get rid of it!
  5. I voted to legalise it but would you apply this logic to, oh I dunno, asbestos?
  6. I gave up following this story ages ago so can someone do me a favour? Explain to me how if Mike Ashley is putting all this money into Rangers why its to his benefit if Rangers go under? If he has put millions of pounds in and the fans boycott the club or don't buy merchandise and the club collapses again how does Ashley come out of this in favourable terms?
  7. Calamity Jane was Jessie James weekend transvestite alter ego.
  8. Almost all animal are born completely white and have to be painted in colour before being released into the wild.
  9. Saw Burgess play against Motherwell in a pre season friendly when Fulham whipped us. Burgess actually scored one of the goals. Looked impressive that day. On paper at least Ross County are putting together a decent defence - Quinn, Saunders and Burgess would walk into our team right now. Still seem to be lacking up the other end though although maybe Craig Curran will fix that.
  10. The last couple of months of my Senior Honours I was doing 12-14 hour shifts most of the time. It was pretty stressful and I did go a little mad not made any easier by splitting up with my girlfriend in February just before the final stretch. My advice, which no one will follow is this. Get as much as your dissertation done as soon as possible and don't leave it to the last couple of months. It's difficult to fit in with course work and everything else but believe me it will help a lot and reduce stress when you are trying to finish off course work. I wrote and submitted something like 35,000 words in the last 10 days of the term which was pretty hellish.
  11. Not only do all three of these look like absolute vermin, one of them uses a straw to drink his pint.
  12. For many years Glaswegians could catch glimpse of a cycling giraffe called Dorothy on Glasgow Green where the animal was trained by a local animal trainer. Dorothy was initially successfully trained to ride a tricycle, later a bicycle, but when she failed to grasp riding a unicycle owner Norrie Zimmermann had the animal put down. The giraffe's skin was divided between the Rector of the University of Glasgow, the Lord Provost and the minister of Glasgow cathedral to be used to line robes of state, while the skinless corpse was left close the People's Palace for a period, as an act of charity on behalf of the stray dogs of Calton, until the surviving remains were stolen by gypsies in 1963.
  13. It's embarrassing that certain newspapers still have page 3 nudity. Even the alcohol industry stopped putting girls on the cans 25 years ago. That's how backwards it is, even the manufacturers of pishy lager thought a quarter of a century ago that they ought to get with the times.
  14. Orwell's essays are very good as well. Some are actually quite funny (working in a book shop) others are very poignant (being present at an execution). I recently discovered the Partially Examined Life podcast which I have been quite enjoying listening to as I did 2 years of philosophy at university. They set a text and then discuss it in the podcast so I've decided just to start at the beginning and read the texts and then listen to the discussion. I'm on to Podcast 4 so the next thing I will read is Camus' 'An Absurd Reasoning' and 'The Myth of Sissyphus'. The three previous texts (Socrates, Descartes, Hobbes) I'd already read at university but this one is new to me.
  15. The last episode was straining the trade descriptions act as it didn't feature Tim Brooke Taylor or Barry Cryer. The only original member was Graeme Garden.
  16. Between the ages of 14 - 21 the Roman emperor Claudius Gothicus refused to open his bedroom curtains, made the Senate pass an edict proclaiming Alien Sex Fiend as 'musical geniuses' and chose to dress like an Edwardian funeral director while maintaining a gloomy and angry persona. After crushing the Thracian Revolt under King Cersobleptes, Gothicus dyed his hair peroxide "like Steven Severin" and briefly changed his official title to Claudius Psychobillius before settling down and becoming normal.
  17. 'Meditations' is good. So is a lot of philosophy. Schopenhauer and Chateaubriand for example. My little bible is 'Reveries of the Solitary Walker' by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Rousseau was a paranoiac and depressive and, for me, a fascinating character who lived an amazing life and who had....eh....some mental problems. The Reveries are really about trying to cope with being a paranoiac and depressive and extract little joys from life.
  18. The old three foreigners rule would be a bit of a headache for the likes of Real Madrid and Barcelona these days.
  19. I used to live close to Ibrox. Have you been held up yet by a junkie with a hypodermic needle?
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