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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. Hemmings is still signed up and I still wouldn't have Simon Murray. Aged perfectly well tbqhwy.
  2. PS1 brought games such as Resident Evil 1-3, Silent Hill, MGS, Crash, Spyro, Tomb Raider 1 & 2, Castlevania, Tekken 1, 2 & 3, Oddworld, Rayman, Medal of Honor, Tony Hawk & Dino Crisis off the top of my head. Many of those games have been remade, but I don't think a Sony console has had as many iconic and genre defining games launched on one console. That's why the PS1 should be number 1 in terms of Sony consoles.
  3. Robert Thomson, one of the few journalists at The Sun that is usually trustworthy has had an absolute nightmare with his most recent article on the ongoings at Dens: https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/5822763/dundee-kane-hemmings-reduce-wages-cut/ He states, 'Hemmings has a year left on his deal with the Dark Blues' - Incorrect, he has 2 year left. He goes on, 'And the shortened 27-game campaign will slash their revenue in half for the campaign ahead.' - A quarter of our league season being removed does not equate to half of our revenue. Finally, he says, 'But they face an anxious wait to see the outcome of a High Court trial next month before discovering the extent of their payout.' - The FCA has the trial ending on the 30th June.
  4. Robert Thomson has had an absolute mare in that article. The court case is due to end on 30th July - Not next month. Hemmings has 2 years left on his current deal, not 1. Therefore, I can't trust anything he's written when basic Google searches show him a wanting. ETA: He also says our revenue will be slashed in 'half' due to the league season being shortened by a quarter.
  5. We could have just Jack Hamilton on the books and no other players and goalkeeper would still be my priority tbh.
  6. Let's not talk about Simon Murray, thanks. Danny Mullen working off Hemmings would be an upgrade on Nelson doing it IMO.
  7. Posted this in the Ayr thread as they're discussing Nelson as well: I liked Nelson. He was the explosive striker that'd get you excited, but he never seemed to deliver. Became 3rd choice striker behind Hemmings & Danny Johnson then was moved to the wing when he did get on which just isn't for him. Lot of off field rumours about him which if true, will spell the end for his career if he doesn't get his act together, but overall I'm quite sad he's gone, but there'll be a few that aren't. Second touch is a tackle and that severely hindered any progress with us. It looks like he wasn't wanting to agree to our reduced terms so wherever he goes I expect he'll be expecting to be the established number one striker and have wages that reflect that. Can't see a Prem team taking a punt on him (Could be wrong, of course) so he'll either be with a club in the Championship, yourselves or back down South. I'd expect the latter tbh.
  8. I have 3 that are interchangeable depending on my mood. The Godfather - Best film ever made IMO and I know that's a cliche and open for ridicule on here. Casino & Goodfellas are the other two. Today it's Casino.
  9. I liked Nelson. He was the explosive striker that'd get you excited, but he never seemed to deliver. Became 3rd choice striker behind Hemmings & Danny Johnson then was moved to the wing when he did get on which just isn't for him. Lot of off field rumours about him which if true, will spell the end for his career if he doesn't get his act together, but overall I'm quite sad he's gone, but there'll be a few that aren't. Second touch is a tackle and that severely hindered any progress with us. It looks like he wasn't wanting to agree to our reduced terms so wherever he goes I expect he'll be expecting to be the established number one striker and have wages that reflect that. Can't see a Prem team taking a punt on him (Could be wrong, of course) so he'll either be with a club in this division, Falkirk or back down South. I'd expect the latter tbh.
  10. Expecting Hemmings to update his Twitter with this gif:
  11. Updated with Andrew Nelson being released from Dundee.
  12. Really liked Nelson. Didn't expect that. Could be that he was the 'striker that's not agreeing to contract terms' and the media just ran with Hemmings?
  13. I really hope, particularly if money is tight, that Ferrie gets his chance this season. It feels like we've been waiting forever on either Ferrie (Or Gourlay before he was let go as we committed to Ferrie) to make the step up. I feel like if Ferrie isn't deemed ready to start for a Championship club at his age (22) then he's never gonna be ready particularly when we have such a weak first choice goalkeeper. You're spot on regarding his loan last season. We also sent him to a club that just wanted him for their bench as Falkirk were never gonna drop Robbie Mutch who they deemed as one of their best players last season.
  14. Stenny fan on Moore & a Cove fan on Mulligan underneath: Stirling fans on Ferrie:
  15. PS1 being rated below the PS4 is an absolute no for me.
  16. This is class. Declan, as you could expect, also got called out for having a name like Declan.
  17. Nothing is coming up for me. Thankfully, by the sounds of things.
  18. Compilation of highlights for you: As you can see, he's pretty fucking decent at picking the ball out of the net. A vital skill required by a goalkeeper otherwise the game can't continue.
  19. And rightfully so. I've been moaning about our goalkeeping position since Rab got told to f**k off and pack his bags.
  20. His line of attack at PMQs going on about 'respecting referendum result of Scotland' in regards to Brexit was ridiculous and he must have surely expected the clear and obvious retort from Boris. He's becoming a joke figure down South and rightly so with his PMQ performances.
  21. Lads how was Callum Ferrie for you when he was on loan? It's looking likely we won't make many if any signings for this coming season and I don't think many can face having Jack Hamilton in the sticks much longer. Ferrie played for us once last season and had an absolute mare getting sent off (Not really his fault - but certainly rash). What's he good at? What's he a bit weak at? Cheers in advance.
  22. Most managers were arseholes in that era. To be a successful manager, your style had to be what we'd now call 'old school'. Nothing wrong with calling Chick Young out on a shite question IMO. If more of that was done over the years, the terrible journalism thread would perhaps be a 100 pages shorter.
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