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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. I'm currently reading For Two Thousand Years by Mihail Sebastian. It's about the trails and tribulations of a young Jewish fellah in 1920s Bucharest. Tbh it hasnt grabbed me. Not much is happening. The guy is just going about his day to day business against the backdrop of looming fascism and anti-Semitism.
  2. Yardie A Jamaican hoodlum seems revenge for the murder of his brother. It looks cool and has a decent soundtrack but spirals into predictable and cliched pointlessness pretty quickly. 5/10
  3. The Mallisons are smart as... I'm tempted to get a pair.
  4. i just watched Goldeneye and it is indeed superb. Very entertaining nonsense and by far the best Brosnan era Bond effort. 8/10
  5. Are they Karhu? I had a wander around the sales in Dundee today but didn't spot anything i fancied. There were Adidas Gazelle in Size? For £30 but in pretty lurid colours.
  6. How many times would they actually die as a result of injuries inflicted in that film however? Yeah. I was thinking that. It's Tom 'n' Jerry levels of violence.
  7. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York A decent film to watch while lazing around the house. 7/10
  8. I was at a Xmas party earlier tonight and this shite appeared onscreen. It was actually painful. Like some kind of Chinese water torture.
  9. Robin Thicke is an absolute welt but I don't know why. It's not his music, because I've never heard it. I don't even know what he looks like and I've no inclination to look up him online. It's fair to say that I dislike the c**t for no particular reason.
  10. The Clash had a couple of decent tunes but were very much overrated. Joe Strummer was a bit of a tit and his lyrics were not nearly as profound as he thought they were.
  11. Wall - E i don't normally bother with Disney movies or animation but I was talking to a couple of work colleagues about the future of humanity the other day and this film was mentioned so I thought I'd check it out. I was pleasantly surprised, the vision of a toxic earth and idle people living in space stations was wonderfully realised. It was slightly saccharin in the end but it's a kid's movie so I'll give them a free pass. 7/10
  12. Carlito's Way Classic Al Pacino gangster flick. One I go back to every couple of years. Damn near perfect. 10/10
  13. Easy Rider Somehow manages to be both mesmerising and boring as f**k at the same time. 5/10
  14. Stand up comedy is absolute fucking dogshit. Do you remember Skippy the Bush kangaroo? No, but I do remember the last shite comedian I saw going on about it you utter c**t.
  15. Shitting your pants is far quicker and more convenient than searching for a toilet then dropping your drawers.
  16. Punisher: War Zone I watched the Punisher tv series a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed it so I thought I'd check this movie out. I lasted 10 minutes before switching it off. It was fucking shite. 0/10
  17. I usually get a pie, a hot dog and a bovril before kick off then get a cup of tea after half time. It's all part of the match day experience. I never buy a programme though. f**k that.
  18. Yeah. I read that a couple of years ago. It did give one explanation for early German successes.
  19. I finished this last night and I loved most of it. The scene on the merry go round in the final episode pissed me off though as it was ripped off of an episode of Mob City, which also starred Jon Bernthal. It was weird watching the same actor play out a similar scene in two different shows.
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