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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. Perfect by Fairground Attraction is the most irritating song that has ever been recorded.
  2. You can't dip Rich Tea biscuits into a pizza...
  3. You can't dip Rich Tea biscuits into a pizza...
  4. U R The Best Thing by D:Ream is the greatest pop song of the 90s. Male Stripper by Man 2 Man Meets Man Parrish is the greatest pop song of the 80s.
  5. It looks like it was designed on minecraft. And for that it gets a thumbs up from me...
  6. The Last American Virgin 1982 English language remake of the Israeli cult classic: Lemon Popsicle. Even though it's pretty much scene for scene, it's not as good as the original. There's plenty of tits and a decent soundtrack but not a patch on other teen sex comedies from the same era, like Porky's or Fast Times at Ridgemont High. 5/10
  7. Yeah, some of these shops have got about nine or ten fridges full of beer and only one with soft drinks.
  8. Kreuzburg or Freidrichschain. Basically the most jumping bits of the city. Bit hipster for some but best boozers and best scran I had was in that neck of the woods. Last time I was there i stayed at the Hotel Friedrichshain on Warschauer Street. It was fairly cheap, close to a railway station, surrounded by good bars and restaurants and very easy to get to from Schonefeld airport.
  9. Yeah mate. I'm the same, you only really scratch the surface when you're there for a few days. As for cheap bevy. Last time I was there we were running out of money on the last day but found a bookies in Freidrichshain that sold half litres of draught beer for 2.50. So we had a couple of rounds in there. Hardly glamourous but needs must.
  10. Agreed. Most of are bars around Boxhagener Platz were around 3.50 for a beer last time I was there. Cheaper than I'm used to paying over here. Some of the places around Hackescher Markt were around 7 euros. Looks like Keith didn't travel off the beaten track...
  11. Psychomania A biker gang discover a way to return from the dead... So they become a bunch of immortal nuisances. 8/10
  12. Just in case you were in any doubt that Jones is a hypocritical c**t.... https://www.infowars.com/terms-of-service/#nineteen
  13. "Owning the libs" is more important than telling the truth...
  14. It's basically an extended version of this music video. I found the film to be amusing at first but the joke wore thin pretty quickly and it did start to drag...
  15. Prime Sylvester Stallone would pwn prime Dolph Lundgren in a street fight.
  16. I enjoyed the latest episode. It's definitely moving into breaking bad territory now.
  17. There's plenty of whiny little c***s on the left as well but at least they generally get upset about worthwhile causes, like poverty and racism. Right-wing shitebags turn into simpering wrecks over inconsequential pish, like flags and poppies.
  18. A pretty obvious hoax too. I'm astonished that anyone fell for it.
  19. Yeah, there's no better way to protest than by destroying your own clothes.
  20. Sign him up to p&b. We'll get him telt.
  21. Public image ltd were really good last night. They gie'd it laldy.
  22. Public Image Ltd in Dundee tonight. i went to see Lydon do a q&a at the Whitehall theatre last night. He was interviewed by Billy Sloan before taking questions from the audience. It was mildly amusing. Lydon was half pissed and sat sipping beer all night. Although he can be witty it did feel at times like some old drunk guy in a pub was talking at you. There was a few drunk hecklers shouting out absolute bollocks. overall it was alright and a decent precursor for the main event tonight.
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