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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. There's a restaurant in the Boxhagener Platz area called Spatzle & Knodel that does decent Bavarian stuff.
  2. Is the correct answer. The Rock, Lord of War and Unknown are all pretty dece too.
  3. I kinda drifted off halfway through the latest episode. The ending was pretty chilling though. That was vintage Walking Dead right there. It's good to see they have finally ran out of petrol...
  4. Good blog mate. I've just read your baseball reports. Good reading even though I know SFA about the sport.
  5. f**k that. This is excellent stuff. Season 2 is every bit as good as the first. this is by far my favourite show of recent years. I just love how amoral it is. Sleazy as f**k and with a wicked streak of dark humour.
  6. You need to be careful not to p***k yourself with one of those pin badges. It may end up getting bloostained.
  7. Just wrap some tinfoil around your head. You'll be alright...
  8. The American remake of The Ring is far superior to the Japanese original.
  9. BBC News at 10. They should stop showing this depressing shite and give us more reality shows and talent contests.
  10. Ivo Den Bieman celebrates as Montrose defeat QOS to secure promotion at the end of the 90/91 season.
  11. Emo is the coolest youth subculture of all time.
  12. PayPal have given Alex Jones the boot now. How the fućk am I going to pay for my Brain Force tablets now? http://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN1M12NT
  13. Tightrope 80s crime thriller starting Clint Eastwood as cop hunting a serial killer in the seedy New Orleans underbelly. Pretty dull tbh. 5/10
  14. Was thinking that when I typed it but couldn't be bothered to check who was who. Don't worry mate. I saw what you were getting at.
  15. To be fair it won't let you down. PhD won't let you down. H2O dreams of sleep.
  16. Bovril is the greatest hot drink known to man.
  17. I just watched the first episode of season 2 and it was fairly slow. I'm going to stick with it but I fear it may not be as good as season 1.
  18. I was going to donate until I saw "because irony" in the description. Anyone who uses that shite "because" patter can f**k right off.
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