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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. Owning an acoustic guitar and insisting on playing it a parties, barbecues etc.
  2. One mention of michelin and you all start wheeling out the puns...
  3. A strong finale. I believe there's one more season planned, taking it up to the mid 80s. I hope it's as good...
  4. I'm keen to give it a go. Which whisky would you recommend?
  5. Vodka and coke is the shittest drink combination imaginable.
  6. Summer Wine by Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood. Tune.
  7. F.E.A.R is the best song hes written by far It's a good tune but Corpses In Their Mouths is my favourite of his. I still listen to his solo albums but the The Roses sound dated as f**k these days.
  8. Ian Brown's solo stuff is far superior to The Stone Roses.
  9. The Style Council are far superior to The Jam.
  10. They go around calling people cucks, snowflakes, betas etc but they play the victim card at every opportunity. It's like they want to be the tough guys and be the victims at the same time. A confused bunch. They kinda remind me of old firm fans in that respect...
  11. Biere D'or from Tesco is far better than Tennent's or Carling.
  12. Walking around wearing a rugby or polo shirt with the collar sticking up...
  13. There was a shooting incident with two deaths at a supermarket in Kentucky last week... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-46001617 It's been pretty much overlooked because of the letter bombs and the synagogue incident. What a country.
  14. The NRA seem to assume that a shooter would ignore an armed guard before opening up on the public. Surely they would just kill the guard first?
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