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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. I've not listened to many but there an audiobook version of A Clockwork Orange that is narrated by the actor Tom Hollander, that is really good.
  2. Those leather jeans deserve wider exposure, as do the contents...
  3. Dr Stranglove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb I've watched this several times before and it's a film I come back to every couple of years. An absolute masterpiece with virtuoso performances from both Peter Sellers and George C Scott. 10/10
  4. Humans of the sesh Quite possibly the shittest thing I have ever seen.
  5. PJ O'Rourke hit the nail on the head when he said: She's wrong about absolutely everything but she's wrong within the normal parameters.
  6. I can't find any sickles but MC Hammer does enjoy a protest...
  7. Marathon Man is a classic. That is one of my favourite eras for movies. The Odessa File, Black Sunday, Capricorn One, The Boys From Brazil, The Parallax View etc. You cant beat a 70s political/espionage thriller.
  8. The USA is moving more and more towards "idiocracy" every day.
  9. Revenge of the Nerds Quintessential 80s frat house comedy. Bad taste humour and gratuitous nudity galore... 8/10
  10. Sometimes. I did it a couple of weeks ago after watching The Long Goodbye. Elliott Gould's character lives in the building here... ... The High Tower in LA. It looks cool as f**k.
  11. If you like the New York gang stuff I'd also recommend "slow motion riot" by Peter Blauner. Its set during the crack epidemic in the late 80s and follows a young probation officer with a particularly difficult caseload. There plenty of cultural references to hiphop and the punk scene etc. Well worth checking out...
  12. Clockers is good. I'd recommend The Wanderers by Richard Price. It's one of the funniest books I've ever read and it's far better than the film. I'm currently reading Blood and Guts in High School by Kathy Acker but I can't say I'm enjoying it. It's like she's trying too hard to be weird and edgy. I doubt if I'll finish it.
  13. I took in my first ever hockey game last night. Dundee v Belfast. Overall it was an enjoyable experience, even though I don't fully understand the rules. It was quite dramatic at the end with Dundee scoring an equaliser with about 20 seconds left on the clock before winning a penalty shootout. It was less violent than I expected, but my only previous experience comes from watching films like Youngblood and Slapshot which make it look like a bloodbath. The match day experience was quite good even though it was kinda "american" with heavy metal music blaring away during pauses in play. The crowd wasn't particularly rowdy compared with football. There must have been around a thousand or so in attendance. I was sitting behind the 20 or so away supporters but they didn't make much noise and there was no "banter" between the fans. Any chanting was of the "rah rah" variety. It was also good to get a pint while watching the game. At £18 it was reasonably priced compared to football and I will go back, but not regularly. I assume the games v Fife attract the biggest crowds so I'll keep an eye on the fixtures and may head to the next one.
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