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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. It would look good if it matched the roofs of the end stands. I just wish 'well would "finish" the main stand.
  2. The other side of hope. Deadpan comedy about a Syrian refugee in Finland. Amusing and entertaining. Well worth seeking out. 7/10
  3. If you swallow your jizz afterwards it gets added back onto your quota...
  4. I reckon Kirrie and Carnoustie should form a 2nd Angus side. Possibly called Panmure Thistle. Angus United will need a local rival after all.
  5. Mindhorn Utterly silly but pretty entertaining. 7/10
  6. Cheers Bobby. I like the look of Treacle.
  7. I may as well ask this here instead of starting a new thread. I'll have a couple of hours to kill in Edinburgh one afternoon later this week. Can anyone recommend a decent place for some scran? I'll be on my jack so nothing too formal and it needs to be within reasonable walking distance of Waverley. I'm not interested in any chain type places. Preferably it would be something unusual. By that, I mean something that isn't typical pub grub.
  8. I was thinking Eric Morcambe... But I suppose Fred Dinage works just as well.
  9. Another example of the movie being better than the book.
  10. Yeah, I just watched the first episode. Kinda slow moving but pretty much what I expected. I think I'll stick with it.
  11. Tora Tora Tora Pearl Harbour gets blown to f**k. 9/10
  12. The guy in middle looks like one of the walking dead.
  13. If it's old soap opera characters that we're talking about then this fucking fanny deserves a mention...
  14. I listen to Chris Evans when getting ready for work in the morning and I usually stick on a bit of Absolute 80s in the kitchen when I'm cooking my tea. My favourite radio show of all time was Mark Radcliffe's "Out On Blue Six". This was on Radio 1 for an hour late on Monday nights back in the early 90s. He played the likes of The Ramones, Iggy Pop and The New York Dolls at a time when these bands were pretty much forgotten. I used to listen to John Peel but I have to say that he played plenty of absolute shite alongside the good stuff.
  15. I vaguely remember that. I'm sure he said the first Tron film had a greater cultural impact than the sequel because cinema audiences in the 80s believed that it was possible to get sucked into a computer game. He then had a subsequent meltdown when it was pointed out that he was talking out of his fucking arse.
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