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Everything posted by thisal

  1. His own thread on TAR that's him jinxed
  2. That and the fact their promotion was based on the tightest defence in League 1 and they've just sold their goalie and both centre halves.
  3. Enoch Powell. Despite what the lunatic fringes tell you and try to stir up, Britain is a better more tolerant place than it was in the 60's and 70's.
  4. Or Mongrels with silly names like labradoodle or cockapoo that gullible people pay megabucks for. Hat's of to the breeders for that one. It's up there with selling potato peelings as potato skins and charging a fiver.
  5. I know it's terrible isn't it and it's berry picking time.
  6. Your forgetting he has already worked with the diplomatic service. I don't think their opinion of him could go any lower.
  7. I'm amazed at the number of people who watch these videos and they're first reaction is to comment how embarrassing the police are. Can they not see and hear everyone else in there?
  8. If someone did that to me I'd go full road rage. finger up and reverse lights on.
  9. I've been told what normally happens is ex OF player is interviewed for an an hour about his current diddy team then at the end is asked a throwaway question about his time at the old firm. When the article is published it's comprises of his answer to the OF question
  10. Oh c'mon. Hamilton are the same size a club as Alloa and he kept Hamilton in the Premier League.
  11. I really have to plan a trip there.
  12. And? I don't not anymore than the people who say that it's the elderly and English that back him. That's kind of my point.
  13. Over 1m Scots voted for brexit so no I can't do it yourself.
  14. Did you read what I said. The only point I made is that support for Johnson's latest take on Brexit is not unique to the elderly and the English remember over 1m Scots voted for Brexit. Off course it is what would you call making assumption on someone based on race gender and age. It might be one of the least harmful but it's still prejudiced.
  15. Again not the point I'm making as someone who is no longer a spring chicken and has an English parent I get pee'd off with that attitude that is allowed to go unchallenged here that everyone over 40 and English hold a certain view. The Da patter is chronic. and as for gammon, well if stereotyping someone on race gender and age isn't "gammon" I don't know what is.
  16. Your prejudices are slipping. Unfortunately there are a lot of young folk and Scots old and young who support Johnson on Brexit.
  17. I thought you where banned after your homophobic shite yesterday? Please f**k off.
  18. Single wheels tend to be outties and double innies.
  19. Sounds like a good plan to remove plastic from our oceans.
  20. Maybe the Tories are double bluffing. The EU won't give May any concessions because they know she doesn't want a no deal brexit. But Johnston is daft enough to go for it so they might give him something. Although it might just be a tax free home in Monaco.
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