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Everything posted by thisal

  1. No. I've checked the deadpool thread. He must have just faked to so he didn't have to listen to any more of Rab's Liverpool pish.
  2. You're right link to the excellent stuthejag web Thistle history.
  3. Can't say I noticed that in the West and certainly not in P&B
  4. Are there really more Man U than Liverpool "supporters" in Scotland? Not been my experience. especially not on P&B.
  5. Rachael Riley was on the radio this morning complaining of online trolls!
  6. Ahem. I believe Brian Barnes sadly passed away this week and was a solo pick for someone.
  7. The most telling part of that is the last paragraph. From the top Protestant church in Scotland. "The Church of Scotland said it recognised that the decision made by Glasgow City Council was not based on religious discrimination nor a desire to oppress the protestant faith."
  8. If you have been watching Scotland that long you should know this is just another method of building our hopes up only to end in more failure.
  9. You folk know this isn't a documentary?
  10. It most certainly is a middle class sport in Glasgow.
  11. It's quite simple our clubs are crap and coaching young footballers.
  12. Typical Thatcher policy. Fast profit with no thought of the social consequences of losing a large portion of affordable housing.
  13. Okay you got me and made me look. He uses we in the whole interview.
  14. I think he has a N Ireland cap.
  15. Morton are only famous for one thing. I'm certen you all know what.
  16. Bless. They're all excited at playing the Jags again.
  17. Where is this training facility that Dunfermline have bought?
  18. I'm bored with this. I think I'll just go to the games and avoid anything Thistle board related till it's finished. Once it's all finished we'll have us a board that'll budget according to our finances and we'll continue being a 1st division team that sometimes gets promoted. Some one light the bat signal when its done.
  19. This is my granda's flag Do you think it will make me look edgy and part of an elite?
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