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Everything posted by thisal

  1. How the f**k is it? You tell the players and give them time to tell their family. If the players decide to post it on twitter right away there's not much the club can do. I be raging if my employer bagged me and told the world before I could tell anyone else.
  2. Would you rather the club tell the fans first and the players find out on twitter?
  3. Some fun facts for the close season. Thistle with Erskine 16pts from 21 games. Thistle without Erskine 27pts from 15 games Livvy with Erskine 14 pts from 15 games. Livvy without Erskine 30 pts from 21 games.
  4. The only way Falkirk stay in this League is if someone gets points deducted.
  5. I see the latest Conservative party political broadcast was disguised as Reporting Scotland's top story for the day. Is that allowed?
  6. Hoping to go to Russia for a week next yea. Plan is to fly into Moscow Sapsan train to St Petersburg and fly back from there. 3/4 days in each city. Anyone used the train? Any recommendations how I should split my time. Should I spent the extra day in Moscow or St P.
  7. I think a lot of pubs, both in the city and in the suburbs will be looking to run their own shuttle buses. Pick up/drop off from the pub, guaranteed custom for the pub and a guaranteed hurl out to the fitba for the fan. Means you can get your few pints as well. Plenty busses run from pubs in Glasgow to OF home games every week. Including the Star and Garter 400 yards from Firhill. c***s.
  8. Squeaky bum implies you have kept at least some control of your sphincter. I'm pure shiting it.
  9. Thank f**k he doesn't know the password to the real Everton thread.
  10. Firhill is a copy of Leitches design by someone who used to work for him.
  11. When I saw this yesterday I thought what a boring way to spend an evening. Several hours later I wished I was at a tile unveiling.
  12. I think he was talking in terms of football careers. A international career last around ten years so in that sense yes it's 2 generation of players. Made sense to me anyway.
  13. Ok slightly is the wrong word. But among the people who attacked Peter Sutcliffe were a guy who killed his mother and another who killed a shop assistant. Ok not in the same League but still well down my list of upstanding citizens.
  14. I'm uncomfortable with my justice being served by some scum who is slightly less repulsive than the culprit trying to make a name for himself.
  15. I once worked with a guy who was a conscript in the Egyptian army during the 6 day war. He said the reason it lasted 6 days was because it took them 5 days to find us.
  16. I don't think he has ever came up with anything original.
  17. Must be that Jordan Jones guy. Start of Wednesday all the Killie fans hated him, by the end of the day all the **** hated him.
  18. Judging people as being ageist racist and sexist because of their age race and gender is a bit gammon if you ask me.
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