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Everything posted by thisal

  1. It was actually the Tories before that. Skye bridge and various motorways were built with PFI. They also started it for Schools as well (Balfron in Michael Forsyth's constituency). Labour opposed them at the time but carried on with Balfron High School and others once they got in. Doesn't really change the argument but pedantic is my favourite word..
  2. After what happened the last time we were relegated from from the SPL I hope so.
  3. I found them here https://ptfc.co.uk/tickets-matchday/2018-19-season-tickets/tickets-matchday-2018-19-season-tickets-prices/
  4. Right I can say this now without sounding like i have a vested interest. I don't want an 18 team league. It produces far too many boring games. People say they get bored playing the same team 4 times a season, but it,s not the number of times you play that's boring it's meaningless games that are boring. Thistles fourth games with Hamilton Ross Co. and Dundee brought in an extra 1000 each on the earlier fixtures because their was something to play for. If it was an 18 team league the teams 9th-12th would have nothing to play for and the crowds would be down. 4 smaller leagues mean more relegation battles, more promotion battles. Just more interesting games. Thistle are now in the Championship. it's a great league. it would disappear if we had an 18 team league.
  5. Highly debatable. A poorer club yes but the evidence in European football this season suggests he went to superior league.
  6. It's not Brexit that makes it more difficult to get. Remember that global bank crisis? and the only time mortgages were any cheaper than they are now was before we were in the EU.
  7. The club should now be seeking a replacement for Archie and they have to get it right. I'm struggling to see any decent managers who would be available at this stage in the season. Maybe someone out there who would normally be out of our reach might take it on until the end of season as a shot to nothing to boost their image. Saving the doomed club might look good on their CV. But sacking Archie just to get someone like Butcher or Hughes as a caretaker to the end of the season isn't a good idea in my opinion. So I'm saying yes unfortunately Archie's time has come but don't push him until a better option is available.
  8. It's not just Facebook Jim Duffy has been mentioned here. As well as Paul Paton as a player.
  9. No you're wrong if it had been left at that I wouldn't have seen it. I only saw it because an SNP MP retweeted it.
  10. Another piece of shit that I've only seen because those that are offended publicise it. If you want something to spread around the internet don't sent it to people who agree sent to to people who disagree. Kate Hopkins makes a living out of it.
  11. Also from Thistle history website v Rangers 1969 So you're right that it did survive longer than the January '68 storm. http://partickthistleahistory.wikifoundry.com/page/v+Rangers+(H)+Sep1969
  12. Definitely Firhill, definitely north end Ruchill park and the Panmure Street tenements in the background. I searched google for Firhill 1971 and this is the only image showing the North terrace. it confused me at first but further searching found this from Celticwiki Semi-Final 4 August 1971 Celtic 4 - 2 St Johnstone [hide]Glasgow 19:30 BST Stadium: Firhill Park Attendance: 30,000 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1971–72_Celtic_F.C._season
  13. I think you might be wrong. Here's Celtic v St Johnstone Dryburgh cup sf a month earlier.
  14. What do you mean meh? That will be our 6th must win game in a row.
  15. That's nothing his younger brother has 15500 posts on football website.
  16. Did he make an arse of mending his brogues?
  17. GD stands holding one end of the wet wipe to the front and one to the back and sweeps it back and forward. Try and get that image out your head.
  18. I heard someone talking recently about the difference between China and the USA, saying that America change their Government but not their policies and China changes their policies but not their government.
  19. Football is the only industry I know that talks down one of its income streams. The cup represents one of the only chances of a significant income boost to clubs. You don't need to win it to make money out of it. There is significant money to be made by getting to the semi finals or even in Thistles case this year an away tie against one of the old firm. An Aberdeen v United tie should have been hyped up and been close to a sell out. Instead the clubs allow talk of more important games. Uniteds next game isn't until the 23rd of February. away to Livingston ffs. Better get your ticket early for that one. I love cup games but they're being badly sold by football.
  20. "Glamour friendlies" announced within a week of a winter break being accepted. Covered by the same TV Companies that will have no Premier League action to show for those 2/3 weeks. All I said was there was nothing wrong with the press comparing the EPL with like for like leagues rather than Scotland. It was actually more of a dig the press in Scotland always comparing us with England. Friendlies in between training in the sun. Hardly comparable with playing competitive games. Right you're all starting to bore me now. Think for yourselves ffs.
  21. Because it makes more sense to look at what benefits your peers and competitors than it does to countries that don't compete with you. Do you think it's coincidence that the biggest leagues in western Europe come from the countries with the biggest populations?
  22. Because it's not about weather , it's about giving the players a break.
  23. To me that seems like sensible journalism. Make comparisons with your peers. Terrible Journalism would be making comparisons with a league from a country with 11 times your population.
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