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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. Any suggestions for names? Thought of Livi Room and Lions Pride, so far.
  2. Might start an alternate Livi forum, given the other one is so utterly shite and cliquey and Livi Lions appears to be gone for good. Thoughts?
  3. McGlynn's solid, if nothing else. I'm confident of a 7th or 8th with limited excitement and ever more shitey players.
  4. Why are we signing another fucking centre-mid? What a way to piss the extra season ticket money up the wall.
  5. Scott leaving surely is a money thing. As you say, not too bothered about anyone else.
  6. Yeah, Fox is pretty awful. Jacobs is a far superior player and I'd probably greet if he went to Raith. If he doesn't stay with us, the only move he should be considering is to what was the SPL (or possibly down south).
  7. Has he signed for Raith? I liked him but it's clear McGlynn wasn't too keen.
  8. I'm disappointed to an extent but if I'm being honest, he didn't quite look like he had it at this level. That said, will probably be better than the mugs we bring in. Hope he does well.
  9. Would I be right in saying we were the only team to lose twice? Sums up our season as well.
  10. This. Livibudgie talks a lot of nonsense on LiviLions but he's spot on that we need to desperately get some creative marketing minds at the club on a commission basis.
  11. A fair point. There was certainly a greater opportunity to not run it as such, under his tenure.
  12. Nixon is an arsehole. I don't know why anyone would support him in this case, when he could potentially put the club out of business. The guy run the club like a circus and things have been incredibly more stable since Rankine has become more hands-on. Quite fancy a trip to the COS when it starts, given I live a 5 minute walk away.
  13. Whether he has both a senior and junior counsel, I'm unsure but Nixon's "counsel" was mentioned in the paper and it wasn't Donald Findlay.
  14. I've been neglecting the thread recently but I really need to thank Club Dece and its inspired way of living which undoubtedly helped me pull arguably my hottest ever bird last night. A clear 9+/10, I couldn't have done it without you all. #totesemosh #cocktaildatetomorrow
  15. Looking forward to one of the Dece derbies, Livi vs. Falkirk on the 2nd. Sure to be a solid 8 or 9 goals.
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