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zidane's child

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Everything posted by zidane's child

  1. This. People do the same when talking about Chorizo....they'll say it like Chorisszzztho! f**k off and say it like a normal person.
  2. This, my gf does the same and then asks why the electricity bills are so high when they come through the door
  3. basically my life now and then when I decide, I immediately regret the decision
  4. Smoked applewood is my choice and generally gets inhaled when you put some on an oatcake/cracker
  5. Looking forward to the Paris-Roubaix but sad that it will be Wiggins' last ride for Team Sky before to do his own thing with his own team. He's been a pleasure to watch over the years and his time-trialling has been flawless to say the least. I hope he wins it as it would a nice way to finish his road career but those cobbles can be a b*****d!
  6. Stuart mccoll is a big ranjurz man he'll help us oot. Get beat 3 skud off QOS Oh the lolzzzzz
  7. those two need to brush the smack off their teeth
  8. My job is at risk of redundancy...isn't that just fantastic!
  9. Terrible top to wear out to a club. Obviously fancies himself and think it may get him his hole by wearing it
  10. My girlfriend telling me about every single engagement on her facebook. "they've only been going out for 6 months and don't live together" I couldn't give two f***s to be honest!
  11. downloaded it and it works. Cheers guys. I'll be watching Jimmy Fallon and James Corden shows tonight
  12. What's the add on called in the chrome store? I've had a look but can't see it!
  13. how do i get a temporary american IP address so I can watch american tv from the UK?
  14. my office playing absolute 80's day in day out. F**k off! I think i'd rather listen to Clyde 1 at this rate!
  15. Have fun- great place and loads of traditional boozers. parts of it remind me of Rose St. in Edinburgh city centre
  16. if you're not getting replies from recruitment agencies then don't worry. They tend be a shower of a**eholes anyway who talk shit from 9-5
  17. Southern Fried Chicken on a roll with Nando's Hot Sauce
  18. people who put their hazard lights on to stop but just keep moving forward. Make up your f***ing mind!
  19. £20 million rangers need in the short term.... Can't help but think they're f****d
  20. It'll be a good contest. I'm aiming to do 30km a week but I'm sure others will do a lot more
  21. Competing against the Glasgow Nike Running club between now and the end of March. Feel like a traitor seen as I'm from Glasgow.....sad days but I'll do my best none the less.
  22. people who don't pay you back after putting a holiday on your credit card. "I'll pay you when I get paid" You got paid on the 26th of Feb and I'm still waiting....really pisses me off
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