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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. Back row left is Paul Newman, middle row 2nd from left is Yogi Hughes, and the manager third from the right at the front is Walter Smith. In all seriousness though, that's an astounding picture. The pride in those those lads is unmistakable.
  2. Hopkin will be always be a legend in my eyes. He managed us through one of the most incredible periods of our short, turbulent history. By luck or design, I don't know, but what can't be argued is that during our seasons in L1/Championship he had a team/squad that knitted better and were better drilled than any team I had witnessed before, whilst being on buttons. With Martindale, it's a matter on record that he has always been a huge influence at the club, way more than any other assistant manager. Takes training, does painting/decorating, fixes floodlights etc. Ask most Livi fans and they'll probably tell you that they think he has more influence than even that.
  3. Contract extension until 2022 for Sibbald. Surprised and chuffed with that. https://livingstonfc.co.uk/sibbs-extends-his-stay/?fbclid=IwAR38enO822NHpqntrCXL1Dq4LHjr6RJovgc72JtEEBRRyV7QimrkuyN9rnk
  4. The Morelos story only gains traction due to clowns like McIntyre. He's an amateur "shock-jock" in the Durham mould, who only says things in the hope that it will whip up "debate". His stock "THE FANS WANT TO KNOW" is tedious in the extreme - this fan wants to know why the f**k the BBC brought him back. His squirming last night as Michael Stewart demanded that he answer HIS question was glorious. As for Hartson, I'm in awe of his recovery from cancer and his gambling demons, truly I am, but he's a mouth breather of the highest order when it comes to punditry.
  5. Gavin Peacock scored the winner in both games when Chelsea beat Manchester United 1-0 home and away in the Premier League in (I think) the 93-94 season. Utd won the league regardless, and pumped Chelsea 4-0 in the FA Cup final (when Peacock rattled the bar with a cracking volley, if memory serves me right). Anyway, Sportsound. Shite sometimes, eh?
  6. Again far be it for me to defend Stewart, but if said establishment that he rails against is the SFA, then he can seethe away with good reason in my book.
  7. Far be it for me to defend Michael Stewart, but it was actually Daryl Broadfoot who stumbled. Another sanctimonious blowhard.
  8. Cammy Bell was on Off The Ball on Saturday and, when asked why he wasn't involved up at Peterhead, he said that he had recently had an injection in his knee which meant that travelling long distances was out of the question and that "the rest of the team went up yesterday". One of your backers feeling generous and ponying up the dough for an overnight?
  9. It's quite a bizarre piece in general. Also find it interesting that the bit that infers that he is a bad egg, or that the accusation at least has been levelled at him, doesn't have a quote from him attributed to it.
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/51019416 That's the child playthings completely oot the pram from Berra.
  11. I will be at the table as well, although I'm working tomorrow. Dinnae care though - love election night.
  12. At a local level, Hannah Bardell will do very well to hold onto her seat. Although she's very capable, personable, always speaks up on local issues etc., she hemorrhaged votes to both the Tory's and Labour last time out. Indeed, had Labour fielded a more prominent experienced campaigner this time out, I would have them down to gain the seat. The other local seat to me is Linlithgow and East Falkirk, and I can again see Martyn Day (again, SNP) struggle to hold off the Tory vote. Hope against hope that I'm wrong on both counts, and it's just my pessimistic nature seeping through. Can also see a Tory majority of at least 30 UK-wide.
  13. I daresay Broony did indeed wind up some Ukrainians in that game, but I think the picture you're referring to was when he wound up the Macedonians in the next campaign. Also, in relation to the Ukraine match during the Euro 2008 qualifiers. Here's how the table stood after that win, with two games to go.
  14. The France results are the obvious ones to recall during that campaign, for differing reasons, but the Ukraine game at home was something else. It was a performance the likes of which I hadn't seen before, or have since. We absolutely destroyed them that day. re your earlier post - I'm not sure "accepting the Kirin Cup" will EVER be an option, no matter what the occasion!
  15. Relatively confident of beating Israel in the semi, if only because we've beat them recently. Also because I think we look better (marginally) than when we played them under McLeish. Can't see us winning the final though - our away record when it counts isn't great, and if we are to qualify, it would mean us having won 5 competitive matches in a row. Christ knows when we done that last (if indeed we ever have).
  16. Gutted to see the big man leave us. All the best to him. What would worry me though, is this attitude of "someone who knows the club". Throwaway nonsense. Do he and McCracken know Falkirk underachieving in L1? No, they don't. Indeed, Lee's last memories of Falkirk when he left weren't good - he took plenty digs at how the club was being run after he joined us, saying that Falkirk was a shambles and he'd never seen anything like it. Now, I don't know if he was referring to things at a managerial level re. Hartley, or things higher up.
  17. Listening to someone like him having a conversation/debate/argument with Michael Stewart is cringeworthy beyond belief.
  18. If it's the case that he's to go, then BSLM will go with my best wishes. He was integral to our play off success two seasons ago - not so much in games played, but because he was a great help with the younger players in the squad. I'm not quite sure why he was given another deal at the end of last season, because he hasn't had his injury troubles to seek and has been a bit of a waste of a wage since then. Having said that, he seems a great guy to have around the club.
  19. You left out his nine months at Livingston. He curried favour with a few fans due to his desire to rid the club of halfwits (Bobby Barr etc), and other fans because of his passion for playing "the passing game, aw those triangles 'n hings, aw lat". Those tactics were an abomination for us at our level, and they would be worse for Falkirk in L1.
  20. Upwards of fifty likes, if there's any justice.
  21. Therein lies the nub of the problem. The board will see (or not, if they've any sense) 50 or so usernames on an internet forum giving them hell, and then weigh that up against the approx 4000 who turned up at the game on Saturday and have continued to do so this season. I was astonished when I saw that figure at the weekend. Your board would have been thinking "we cannae be doing THAT badly". Fiddling while Rome burns springs to mind.
  22. This will only happen if A) you have a young starlet that he can hook up to and champion the cause of, in the hope that when said starlet signs a lucrative deal elsewhere he will be able to rake in some dosh, and B) If he has a platform from which to whore out said starlet. This is what he did when at Livi, with Stefan Scougall. He was a pundit with Sky at the time, and his touting of Scougall was so blatant a blind man in a dark room could see it.
  23. The more I read of Mr Campbell, the harder it becomes to NOT read it in a ridiculous Italian accent ala Angelo Massone. In my opinion, his time at my club opened fissures in our support that are still yet to heal. Indeed they might never. I sincerely hope you manage to avoid Campbell and his nonsense, by hook or by crook (pun absolutely intended).
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