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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. Aye, found a photo of them online and it defo wasn't them. I'm fuming as I can see these trainers clear as day in my minds eye.
  2. It wasn't them no, but I'll tell you what, they're not all that far off. They were definitely around the same time as SPX, British Knights, Reebok Pump etc. These ones I saw last night had a white and blue colourway, and the X was definitely prominent (maybes even more prominent than that on the SPX boots). I'm wondering if SPX done a trainer?
  3. Spotted someone knocking about in a pair of new trainers yesterday - they had an air cell in the sole, and the logo on the sides was a large X. These were big in the early 90s I'm sure, but they looked in decent nick, some I dunno if they've been re-released. Anyone any ideas who the maker could be?
  4. Rarely pop in here now - but just want to say, sign the board Feelup, sign the board. Delighted that despicable scrote is oot.
  5. Great guy, but his tenure was overshadowed by events off the park - he was in charge when Massone ruled the roost. Utter madness most weeks, culminated by the players being banned from attending a fan organised POTY event. I seem to remember Hegarty saying he'd seen nothing like it.
  6. Nah, Knudsen was Nyborg. Katrine was played by a lass called Birgitte Sorenson.
  7. There was a thread kicking around when the series was first shown on BBC4. They showed the last two episodes of S2 back to back at the FilmHouse in Edinburgh on the weekend they were shown on the telly, and they done a live Q&A with Knudsen. One of the finest days of my life, have to say. She's utterly glorious, as was the show.
  8. There's plenty BBPF. Trust me. You can away and shite for the scummiest club comment though.
  9. It's hardly a huge leap of faith for the press to take, is it? A blind man in a dark room could see the link.
  10. S6 is comfortably the best phone I've had. Excellent piece of kit.
  11. Danny Mullen on Twitter last night said he'd signed a 2 yr extension.
  12. As far as I understood it, and I'm happy to be corrected, it's because Livi were the only club out of this triumvirate who didn't declare that Rankine had interests elsewhere.
  13. Due an upgrade just now, am currently on 3 - 35 quid p.m for 600 minutes, 3k texts and unlimited data. Had a look at a demo version of both galaxy s6's yesterday, and can get the non edge version with 7gb data (enough for me) and unlimited texts and minutes for less than I'm paying now. Will also get the free wireless charger, free case, and 2 years free Sky Sports Mobile TV. Really tempted...
  14. Took the card into Silicon Group on Dalry Rd in Edinburgh - one of their pc's was actually recognising that something was plugged in, but then the pc started to run hellish slow. As soon as he took the card out, the pc ran as normal. The fact that it was being recognised is something, but I think I'd need to go down the professional data recovery route and I haven't the cash for that. I did look through the phone structure palmy, but I'm always transferring stuff from the phone storage to card. If I was half as organised and backed up the card elsewhere as well, then I wouldn't have lost all this stuff. Fucking raging.
  15. My galaxy s4 flashed up a message today saying "memory card unmounted unexpectedly" or some such pish. All the apps that were on the card are still appearing in the app drawer but they're greyed out. When I go into settings/storage the only option is to insert card, instead of unmount. I've inserted the card into 2 different pc's via card readers, and neither of them recognise the card at all. Needless to say, the stuff on the card is all stuff i'd love to keep - family photos etc - and I'd be gutted to lose them. Everything points to the card being gubbed, but do any of you guys know if there's anything I can do to get stuff back?
  16. Bump, for the new LG Urbane. Prettier than a really pretty thing. http://m.gsmarena.com/lg_mwc_2015-review-1213p4.php
  17. According to the Metro the SPFL are going to investigate into Rankine and his dual interests, in the wake of the SFA decision last week.
  18. Not enough gifs. Drama and skill and mental strength and drama and joy of the highest order. That was reminiscent of Murray winning the US Open. Fucking tremendous that it was against Feelup as well.
  19. Best final in recent memory now, has to be. Not that I can remember many others, but I'll go along with the Sky line.
  20. The reason he "got a bit lost" is because he's playing in a high intensity final Mardle, you fat Cockney p***k. More than you ever managed.
  21. Loving this from Anderson now.
  22. You just know that if Anderson wins the Deviant will have something to say about it - fucking good!
  23. What the f**k was Anderson doing with those X18's?!
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