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Everything posted by LIVIFOREVER

  1. Just noticed the same thing today when i came on, usually get notified if there are new posts in the Livingston thread, but there were none, despite several new posts on it.
  2. Aye nae chance they're voting to reduce the money they get for Championship clubs to get some.
  3. Watched ep 2 last night, Jackie Dee playing a blinder using his hotdog double pts suit.
  4. Was Whitburn academy i went to, a long, long time ago, but aye, it was pretty good with grass pitches, an ash pitch at the side, and a swimming pool in it too (built a big extension just after i had left school). Most schools in Livingston have good sports facilities too though, i used to go play badminton in a few when i had left school, in my late teens early 20's, the odd game of squash too, they're open to the community after school hours. Liked Craigswood sports centre the best for playing badminton. Whitburn community centre was decent too, paid your membership then it was 10p to use the multi gym for weights training, or the main hall for 5 a sides, and badminton courts on a Sunday.
  5. Morton 1 - 1 Airdrie Partick Thistle 2 - 1 Dunfermline Queens Park 1 - 1 Ayr Raith Rovers 0 - 1 Hamilton
  6. Also wondering, do the armed police really shout police stop, or shout police to identify themselves, while giving away the element of surprise and letting the armed criminals turn and shoot at them. Chasing someone and shouting police stop seems futile too, don't think i've seen anyone go ok, and give up.
  7. Similarly when being chased and attacked by a psycho killer, you get caught but in the struggle manage to get the better of them, by stabbing them or hitting them with something, wounding them or knocking them silly, then you drop whatever it was you used and run, allowing them to recover, pick the weapon you dropped up, and come after you with it. Naw, just keep on stabbing/hitting them, when they're lying there stunned, till they're either unconscious or dead.
  8. Only watched the last 2 episodes so didn't see anyone being particularly diva ish. Kelly was a bit of a moaner, giving her partner ear ache right enough, but that was about it. Was wanting the ones who came 2nd to win, had no idea who they were though. Mills, Kelly, and vaguely knew the blond fella and his son from seeing them in the audience of Strictly, supporting his son Bobby from being married to Jade Goody, who was a contestant, calling them celebrities is a stretch though. Mills partner was alright too though, so a decent guy won it.
  9. Things must've changed since i was at school P.E wise, we got all sorts to try, cricket, football, rugby, athletics like running, hurdles, javelin, discus, high jump, archery, tennis. And there was activities day, where you could go hill walking, canoeing, sailing, skiing, golfing, all sorts of stuff.
  10. Yeah that was the general response from the kids when they were asked about playing cricket.
  11. Not particularly interested in watching cricket, played it at school for P.E, and it was ok when you were batting and fielding, but boring as f**k to watch when you weren't playing. Anyway gave this a go, and am on the 2nd episode, has more to it than just cricket. The social element to it is interesting, taking cricket to an area where nobody has any interest in it, and trying to get kids playing it. All sorts of backgrounds, with some kids sleeping rough, one parent families etc, and one or two always in trouble at school, and getting expelled, it is something good for them if it gives them an interest that can help them in life. Was a bit sceptical of a wealthy sportsman doing a tv program being only a project for entertainment and viewing figures though, and getting kids together from troubled backgrounds, giving them a purpose that takes them away from the shite in their lives, then dumps them when the next idea for a tv show comes along. Also going to the Council for 200K to do up an old cricket club for them to play and train at, when Councils are shutting swimming pools and other community leisure facilities with budgets being so tight, if it's only a fleeting interest for those organizing and running this thing. However it seems to have been going for a couple of years now, and i see they're onto a 2nd show touring India, so at least the kids are still together. Would be great if there is something in place to carry this on when Flintoff can't do it anymore (i don't know how committed he is to it yet, and it requires a lot of personal time doing community work for kids, it's a big commitment), and even if the cricket club he's renovating incorporates a youth team to try and get kids to come along to. As i said i haven't watched it all yet, only a bit into the 2nd episode, but will give it a watch to see how things go, it's quite interesting. Oh yeah, it's on bbc i Player.
  12. You doing your questioning for the prosecution, before i get jumped on? Bit of a struggle at times, but yeah mostly, but for a tv presenter it's just lazy. Talking to mates or outside of tv work then fine, but you moderate your language when presenting tv shows and don't go about swearing, which is what i'm getting at, changing how you normally talk, for how you talk presenting a tv show. Not suggesting putting on a posh voice like some folk do answering a telephone, just clearly forming words without slang.
  13. True, even i hate to hear myself when i've been filmed, sound much better in my own head before i speak.
  14. Everyone is a martial arts expert when fighting. Also when armed with a gun, sword, knife, but decide to have a fist fight.
  15. Pipe down c**t (see i can swear and act big too), dickhead. Strongly disagree with you there, but that's not what i'm meaning at all, just think if you're on the telly or radio presenting shows, you should make an effort to be a bit clearer sounding. Being interviewed or invited on the odd program is different altogether, you speak how you speak, but if you're getting paid as a presenter it's a bit of a requirement to be clearly understood. There are a few annoying c***s that i listed that just bug the shit out of me though, the way they speak is just the tip of it, but still annoying listening to them. Swash is an annoying c**t just for how he behaves, Dooley and Clark also annoy me, and i find them dropping letters annoying too (all presenters on shows), and Stewart's should of, could of, speak is a pet hate of mine, but he's also a shite pundit.
  16. Yeah it isn't so much defending the set play advantage it gives us i don't understand, that's fair enough, but the likelihood of us clearing the ball with no player outside our box, means it'll get picked up by an opposition player, who then has plenty time under no pressure, to get the ball back into our box, that's what bothers me. Also having to counter from our box, instead of breaking quicker with a man already up the pitch, bugs me too. The argument of having a crowded box making it more difficult to get a shot on goal is also good, but it also means we can have a deflected shot beating our keeper as it comes down to luck with the pinball affect, and our luck wasn't great for that sort of thing last season. We've been defending set plays like this for a while now, in one game Danny Mullen was walking back towards our box when we were defending a free kick, and i frustratingly shouted "NO DANNY, GET BACK UP THE PITCH", and he turned round and followed my instructions, must've thought Martindale was shouting at him from the dugout.
  17. You're a Dundee fan so understandable. Aye in a thread about someone looking at kiddie porn, me finding c***s like Michael Stewart, Stacey Dooley, Joe Swash and Rylan Clark painful viewing for the way they b*****dize the English language is what gets you riled up.
  18. Yeah knew after i typed that i'd be picked up on it, not at all, but at least make an effort to speak properly, and not talk slang, like you're on Eastenders, so people in other parts of the UK can understand you. Classic examples are Stacey Dooley, Joe Swash and Rylan Clark, nuffink i can fink of worse, lisening to em free.
  19. Might've got away with it if it wasn't for the pics of those pesky kids.
  20. It's the way things have gone now on the bbc, with regional accents being accepted, they'll be scared to correct him in case it offended someone. I've even seen it typed on twitter, which seems worse, writing it down and thinking it looks right, just waiting on enough people saying/writing 'should of' *, and it'll get legitimized and recognized in the dictionary. *never seen it shortened to should'f yet, think that would send me over the edge.
  21. Think he's got it spot on, if you read our match threads you'll see we don't think we're anywhere near 1., esp in every first 45 mins we've played this season.
  22. Is that a misprint, and should've been "The Rangers fan caught without Nazi banner at match?
  23. Yeah he's not got the same physicality, but he has a great first touch, and good control on the ball, to get past defenders and in on goal. Seen him catch the ball high a few times now, and just flicking it on, then turning and getting onto it. Complete opposite to Yengi, who needs the ball played to him with nobody pressing, so he can run at opposition players. Yengi is actually better coming deep to get the ball, then running up the pitch, he just isn't the No9 target man we were needing. May's comfortable taking the ball under pressure and mixing it up with defenders, we were really needing a player like him in our attack, to have a serious chance of competing for promotion.
  24. Yeah can see him being our top goal scorer. Great seeing Pitts scoring goals again too, he's excellent getting onto balls played across the 6 yard box, but showed on Saturday there he has a good shot on him scoring from the edge of the box. Maybe you could clear up something for me, as you're good at analysing games and tactics. Often wondered the advantages between having all 10 outfield players back defending set plays, to leaving a man up the pitch, and why we keep doing it. I mean there has to be stats showing it has merits, but from a layman's point of view (mine) i just don't see it being better than having an out ball, that also gives us a better chance to break up the pitch. Breaking it down, when defending with everyone back we've 11 v 9, with their 9 having the GK (normally) and set piece taker, out of the numbers in the box. And the opposition prob leave 2 players outside the box to pick up clearances from us defending it, so that leaves 11 v 7 in the box. Us leaving a player up the pitch takes 2 of their players up with him, which leaves 10 v 7, but we've now got an out ball, and someone to challenge for the ball being cleared, so it isn't casually picked up by them and played back in. So basically all i see is an 11 v 7 to a 10 v 7, which still gives us a 3 man advantage. The crux of it for me is the out ball, defending with everyone back means we usually have to defend balls into our box at least twice before we get control of the ball to break from our box v only having to clear it once, and having an out ball to boot it up the pitch to counter from the halfway line. Long wnided post, and the short version would be, is it really that much of a defensive advantage having 1 extra man back, and worth it to tale away the out ball with leaving a player up the pitch.
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