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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. I do iron my own gear. She's not one for ironing, irons nowt.
  2. It is. I always send her straight back to make me one. I rule with an iron fist.
  3. My lass sometimes forgets to make me a brew when making herself one
  4. Lads and lasses; any interest in setting up another official crawl? Subcrawl 3 Crawl Hard With A Vengeance hasn't happened yet as the last one ended up a sort of 2.1 rather than a 3 proper. If there's enough firm interest we can talk dates.
  5. There's been a few P&B Subcrawls, mate. Only the first two really count though. We should organise a new one.
  6. Never been much of a one for international fitba, mainly for the reasons BBPF and SSO08 mention.Never really feel connected to the players either, mainly because it's most often players from teams I don't support (the down south teams who have Scotland players) or actively dislike (Celtic and Rangers).
  7. I had a session in the Louden after Sons game against Rangers last year with a Rangers mate. First I'd ever been in that one on a match day, only having visited for SubCrawls previously. All weird as f**k ****. Some mouthy bird was from Stirling or thereabouts, I asked her if she'd enjoyed the game and she looked at me like I was from Mars and said "ah dinnae gaw ae thu gemmes!". When I asked why she had travelled from Stirling to the Louden on a match day otherwise her response was "tae gaw ae thu pub likes!". Freaks.
  8. See below. The cream bun pubs are by far the most enjoyable on the whole thing, with North Glasgow being the shite part of the crawl. Well, except for when we all walked in The Angel...
  9. I used to attribute it to that most intangible of things "atmosphere", but most pubs have less "atmosphere" than the Milky Way, so f**k knows what causes it.
  10. Correct. I had half a bottle of bourbon on Tuesday night and was fine for work the next day. But like I said, pubs seem to make me feel the effects of the bevvy more, so the equivalent of a bottle of whisky would leave me blotto.
  11. I can't stand people who say "voddy" instead of vodka. Pure neddy and common sounding. Mods, please?
  12. I'm a big drinker, can handle plenty bevvy, particularly when home boozing (for some reason pubs always make me more drunk), but I reckon although I would manage to drink 29 drams, I'd be steaming and rough the next day, hence why I reckon there will be casualties.
  13. A half or two and no casualties in 29 pubs? The Glasgow SubCrawl makes grown men weep and that's only 15 pubs (16 if you close the circle).
  14. Dump her and I'll smash her back doors in on the rebound.
  15. Good point. This wee Methodist lady is saving us from raising a generation of Hitlers. Gor bless her foresight.
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