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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Are you kidding?! You get to be Sweet Pete! Not me literally, but you get all the reflected glory of association. I just think SlipperyP suits me better, because I'm half eel on my mum's side.
  2. Off topic, but can we swap usernames?
  3. Tramadol are the berries, but they don't half give me the opiate itch. I end up happily stoned out my melon, scratching away at my flesh in a daze.
  4. Actually that leads me onto a pet hate of mine; tattoo bores. The folk who insist on showing everyone who'll listen their tattoos and telling them how much it means to them and why they got it and what it represents. Cringeworthy wankers.
  5. You won't necessarily have the same tastes and interests later in life as you do now, just as you didn't before you got to the age you are currently. That being the case, if you hold off waiting to find some magic, timeless, classic tattoo that will remain meaningful and appealing to you for the duration of your life then you'll never get one. Too many people seem to think that their tattoos need to be somehow meaningful or "deep", but at the end of the day it's body decoration, so if you like it get it, if you can't find or design any nthat you like enough to get them permanently etched then don't.
  6. Exactly like that except the hands were white and the black was inconsistent.
  7. I saw a guy in Greggs on Byres Road last summer who had both his arms tattooed completely black from shoulder to wrist. He was wearing a sleeveless tee shirt and you could see that it was basically a really mental cover up, where he had, for whatever reason, decided he didn't like having the existing black tattoos all down his arms and had tattooed over both arms completely to compensate. White shoulders, white wrists and hands, shakily executed black arms. Odd.
  8. The lassie I use nowadays likes a blether, so going in for a relatively small piece can take two hours or more. But it's hard to tell someone to shut it and get on with things.
  9. What are the full day sittings like? I reckon I'd get awfa bored.
  10. I've got 11 tattoos and have designed my 12th, just need to find time to get it done.
  11. Quite like that, though if pushed I would prefer the classic look of the current strip, but good effort.
  12. Look at Philpy making gags. I feel like I'm cheering on the limping kid in a school sports day footrace. Good for you, Philpy. Good for you.
  13. This is a betrayal, Deeboy. If I can't get a pint yet then no-one can!
  14. Had about 6 pints last night in the West End as I was out for a gig and it has really given me the taste for more. I'm sat in work and have jack shit to do as I've caught up on everything in advance of starting a new job in a fortnight and just want to f**k it off and hit the boozer. Clockwatching.
  15. If only, Moz. I can but dream of being as attractive as this:-
  16. Handed in my notice at work this morning, so now it's just a case of hiring my replacement before I f**k off to start my new job.
  17. Mixed bag there, but at least you have that windfall to tide you over until you get something else. Best of luck.
  18. Saw it in the cinema. Mildly amusing whilst also quite shite.
  19. Get married, then you'll once again know what it's like to go months without sex.
  20. The only thing I know about golf is that you only wear one glove. What you do with that single glove, or with any of the other assorted accoutrements (bats?) I have no idea.
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