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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Buying 3 wee bags for £80 is familiar territory for people from Airdrie.
  2. My cellar is above ground. Not like her dungeon.
  3. I still have loads of the cheap ones in a bag in the cellar. I use them for stain blocking on occasion then just hoy them in the bin.
  4. I only ever use water based satin wood nowadays. It's a pleasure to work with. Though one of my staff, the painter, is old school and thinks it's sacrilege to use any gloss that isn't oil based. I just prefer how much easier it is to clean and since it dries quicker you can get more coats on in less time.
  5. My experience of cheap brushes has almost universally been negative. I buy the Crown Trade packs of brushes from the Crown Centre. Consistent quality, without paying a fortune for the likes of Purdy or Bates.
  6. That's because the "furry ones" are for emulsion.
  7. I've seen the photos of the containers with holes in the lids for brushes etc at places like Toolstation, but never used them. Always been fond of an old baby milk tin, slit in the lid and filled with white spirit or thinners and brushes stuffed into it.
  8. So energy drinks are "just sugar and chemicals"? Huge if true.
  9. A strong contender. Cocks in vans, aeroplane seats that aren't beds and daily demands for olives. We're crushing this dad stuff, lads.
  10. Looks like there's a bit of an attitude towards energy drinks and their drinkers, but plenty of caffeine addicted coffee drinkers. Interesting.
  11. I chugged one down before running for the train to the fitba a couple of years ago. Had the shakes afterwards. They're as strong in caffeine as Monster and the like and with about 9%abv added in.
  12. I got a temp ban a couple of months ago for a tweet about such and such being "good c***s".
  13. What was your first clue that something was wrong, brainiac? Darwinism.
  14. Used to work with a solicitor who was caffeine sensitive. He was only to have decaf and was a constant throughout the day coffee drinker. If the decaf ever ran out he'd demand to have normal coffee and then be a grumpy b*****d all day. In the same workplace was a woman from the other end of the scale who would have constant normal coffees throughout the day and if the normal coffee ran out and she had decaf she'd get a headache and start grumping.
  15. Is there a difference in the quality of the ingredients? How is one worse than the other?
  16. Would someone drink 6 coffees in a day? My wife would, but she's a fuckign creep, so probably not the best basis for comparison. Doesn't seem to have any effect on her whatsoever. Isn't there a load of other stuff in energy drinks as well? Stuff with made up sounding names. 6 a day seems excessive. Once, and only once, I got drunk on vodka red bull and had a hangover the next day that was approaching existential.
  17. Can confirm that The Moonster is about 4' 8".
  18. Does anyone on here indulge in energy drinks? I've found myself having them lately as a bit of a fad the past couple of months. Usually zero sugar Monster, sugar free Red Bull or sour apple flavour Reign, but have had others too. Never been a big one for energy drinks or even coffee or caffeine stimulants, but of late I've taken to having one in the afternoon a few times a week. Can't say I've noticed much effect from them, but I don't have more than one so that's possibly why. I did once try an "energy shot" and within about a minute had sweats, p***kled skin, hair standing on end and a horrible edgy feeling that took about 20 minutes to pass. It was some super high caffeine stuff designed for pre-workouts. Never made that mistake again. I've seen quite a few anecdotal stories of people becoming "hooked" on energy drinks, getting heart palpitations or even liver problems from overuse. Anyone on here ever overdone it on the Red Bull and ended up with a heart attack? Should these high caffeine stimulant drinks be regulated? Discuss.
  19. Everyone got the point as far as I can see, Gaz. It's just that it was a daft point. You don't need Aberdeen to prop up Engligh league numbers. As they have a true pyramid, you move everyone up 6 places all the way down the pyramid, where near the bottom a reshuffle is required. People are laughing at the suggestion that Hearts will be invited to play in England.
  20. Someone told me in work yesterday "I'll pay more for something to save looking for it cheaper, convenience is king".
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