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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. I'd forgotten about him. He was on my P&B 5s team one year. Can't for the life of me remember how. A weird wee guy. Took the whole P&B banter thing super cereal. Someone came up to him in the pub after the tournament and said "oh are you Supras?" and he got all defensive and went "I wouldn't tell you if I was!". He was convinced everyone took his poundland virginton tribute act (or even vikingtons own act for that matter) completely seriously. Weird, maladjusted kid.
  2. That's a few lines of patter I've put on here over the years that have stuck around longer than I did; bidness, WaffenThinMint is Bible John, scheme goblin are all ones I've seen recently. This is my forum, you're all just guests.
  3. Someone should tell virginton that his decade old patter is being kept alive and well.
  4. I've got those. A varicosele it's called. And the benign cysts. They do increase the odds of / frequency of infection/inflammation of the pipes though FYI. Very nippy when it happens.
  5. No, but it looks like you've been desperate to get involved here and charged in after the fact making yourself look a dick. Now off you pop.
  6. It's exactly what happened here on my part, so don't talk shite. What anyone else did is no concern of mine.
  7. If it was .22s I reckon I could do a fiddy cent. If it was .50s you'd find me hiding behind whichever of the old firm's stadia were closest so at least it'd take some damage as the round made it's way through it and then through me.
  8. Who were you before you got binned? (I saw it mentioned recently you had been emptied previously). Edit to add: it's completely farcical to suggest a ban is a problem. Literally half the regular users have had previous usernames.
  9. Not exactly dire consequences at stake. Being an internet forum moderator is a made up post in a made up place. It's not like he's taunting an armed polis.
  10. I'm reporting f**k all, I'm no grass. But I will point out if someone has posted something that I strongly disagree with. As I'd expect others to do likewise to me. We should (and I stress "should" here...) all be adult enough to listen to criticism when it's merited. That's how discussion forums work.
  11. @GordonS "It's a term Catholics use". I've never heard a single Catholic say it. I've only ever heard it used by non-Catholics in a derogatory manner towards Catholics. As for it being insensitive or offensive for several people to have pulled you up for using such derogatory language, well that's just about the stupidest doubling down bullshit I've ever seen. You also accuse others of pretending to be stupid, when that is literally the tactic you're using, and forewarn others against accusations of defending yourself by having Catholic friends. You're describing your own actions. Incredible. I don't think I've ever seen a worse attempt at defence or justification. This isn't playground infant behaviour no matter how desperately you try and deflect it as such. You've been pulled up for saying something derogatory and you're not mature enough to take your medicine like an adult and move on. That's what's playground here.
  12. Don't try and play coy and don't feign ignorance. If you're going to let your prejudices shine through then at least be man enough to stand by them. Shitebag.
  13. Translation: "I only took it too seriously before I realised that was precisely why I was being made fun of. I'm now making a half hearted, mealy mouthed attempt at claiming I'm simply stopping other people from becoming upset by also not understanding how an irreverent discussion forum works".
  14. Timber yards are still your best bet. You may need to ask the assistance of someone with a roof rack, or pally up with them to convince them to deliver a small quantity. If you know someone with a van, or roof rack at least, that's your answer.
  15. I've only come back in the last couple of weeks after a 3 year hiatus, so can't comment on his general output, but "bead rattlers" is way past the line of decency.
  16. That's the second thread in 24 hours that a grown man has claimed to have been "bullied" on / claims is a vehicle for "bullies". But he's absolutely not bothered and won't "be cowed by them". A. Grown. Man.
  17. Regardless, it doesn't excuse the blatantly sectarian post by Gordon S.
  18. Expect a joiner to be £50 labour per door hung. When you say would suppliers fit, that would be no unless you're hiring a joiner to supply and install. You're cheaper ordering your own doors and then having a local joiner hang them. If you're not au fait with the process involved in hanging them then have the joiner measure them and tell you what sizes you need to order as they often need to be trimmed and foredged.
  19. So are you still denying the noncing or are you now just moving on to petty semantics about whether the BBC mentioned it explicitly or not?
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