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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. The marked price of my Tesco £3 meal deal sandwich today if bought on it's own was £2.30.
  2. No, there's a Human Rights issue. You need to allow the tenant the responsibility to pay their own rent. Only if they agree to send it direct from UC to landlord to save hassle or to remove the possibility of spending it elsewhere can it go direct to the owner. edit: that's why there's loads of signs plastered across Glasgow Housing Association works vans saying "put rent first". Not that I necessarily agree with the style of the message.
  3. I've taken to using masonry paint on those type of jobs. Reduces time spent stain blocking, the latex additive covers a world of sins and the anti fungal additive reduces re-growth.
  4. Sounds very similar, pal. We've had 3 "mice holes need filled" jobs this week. I always tell them prevention is better than cure, but they keep sending us anyway. Money for old rope sometimes.
  5. Yeah sometimes I think it's because the tenant or the agent aren't well versed in construction matters so panic and over report and then we rush out to something completely irrelevant, and other times I think the clients manipulate the wording intentionally to ensure we drop everything and attend a job to get a troublesome job out of their hair, no matter how non-urgent it may be. We do private client work and development work as well, and stupid questions come with the territory in all of them it seems. I've noticed there's a weird trend among people that they're very afraid of boilers. I frequently come across people who are convinced that the boiler is some deadly thing sitting in the corner just waiting to kill them one day. I've also found, almost without exception, that young adults (especially university students) in Glasgow are utterly, utterly clueless about even the most run of the mill DIY, things which are really their responsibility and shouldn't involve calling out a tradesman. They also overlap on a Venn diagram with clatbags who do not clean their homes. There's a huge amount of the student ones we go to that would need far less maintenance if the lazy, smelly b*****ds just took a cloth and some bleach to their kitchen or bathroom once in a while.
  6. Mix ups due to languages often result in amusing ones. I went to one near Parkhead a couple of years ago that said on the job line the dishwasher was leaking. Got there and there was no dishwasher, but there was a crack in the kitchen sink. The lady had called it a dishwasher as it's where she washes the... well you see the point.
  7. Had a landlord tell us that they weren't going to replace the boiler we had condemned. Not that they weren't going to use us to replace it, which would have been fair enough, but that they weren't going to. Had an agency ask us to do a gas safety certificate on a boiler which, upon arrival, was not connected up. The tenants were living without a boiler as the one in the house wasn't plumbed in. A frequent one we get is "you need to come quick, it's a leak, emergency!" and then you get there and it's either a) condensation, b) silicone seal needed to bath or shower tray or c) water ingress from around a window frame, none of which are leaks, nor emergencies. Had one not long ago reported as a faulty boiler which turned out to be a hot water cylinder (people mixing the 2 up is a pet peeve) which the occupant simply hadn't turned on at the wall switch.
  8. Had one recently where a report was sent in that the basin in the bathroom was to be replaced as it was cracked. We turned up with the new one and found the basin had a hair in it. That's it. Some clever clogs saw it, called it a crack and the basin (which was itself relatively new) was replaced. We then had a basin to fit on another job as well...
  9. My primary clients are letting agents, estate agents, property managers, factors etc. We carry out repairs for loads of different ones on tenanted and void properties. Some of the things that get reported as repairs are mental. And some of the things that don't get reported are often even worse.
  10. Who could ever have foreseen that a notorious oddball and obvious weirdo would ever turn out to be a complete wrong un?
  11. That's just capitalism in a microcosm. Not singularly affecting rental properties.
  12. Cracking poster. Sadly missed, but still great value on Twitter.
  13. You haven't really described any "shite" to be honest. The process is fairly simple, see a house, bid on it, hire a solicitor, sign some forms. The actual legal stuff (missives, exchange of letters) is done between the 2 solicitors.
  14. Can't see the Clyde/East Fife debacle being settled with the awarding of a win. I'm certain it'll either be a rearranged game or PPG.
  15. Remember that you can also sell or borrow against the properties in the future. It's not just about monthly rental income.
  16. Never saw that coming. Big dose of good fortune involved right enough.
  17. This is painful viewing. Sunday morning league quality.
  18. That's almost Garry Kenneth levels of chucking a promising career away.
  19. What's happened to Steven Doris? He looks huge. Was he not a goal machine for Arbroath with Birmingham trials?
  20. This Dumbarton team are a complete shambles, incapable of even the most basic passing which would be expected at professional level. And Forfar might as well not have turned up, they've offered absolutely nothing.
  21. Like trying to shove an oyster into a slot machine.
  22. Some right silky, sexy soccer on display here. I'm reminded of Mark from Peep Show when he's at relationship counselling being told how rubbish he is at sex while paying an exorbitant sum to the therapist for the privilege. "Now THAT'S value for money".
  23. I didn't know there was champions league on. I know, fuming. Might just do my usual and bugger off back to the pub midway through the 2nd half. Need a hiab to lift me
  24. Just logged in and paid 12 quid and discovered it's half time. That'll be a 7 o'clock kick off tonight then...
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