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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. In my case it's my 7 year old loudly asking for a serving of olives (preferably black, but green will do) wherever we go.
  2. Only the common folk keep their knives in a drawer. Need to show them off. Pans / utensils hanging from a hook as well. That's the mark of success in life.
  3. I was convinced owning a knife block was the sign of being middle class.
  4. Absolutely. The old 3 to 5 class tiers notion is outdated. And I agree about seeing the bottom rung up close. Between my own background, my professional life and some volunteer work I did with a soup kitchen, I've had plenty insight into the sub, sub-working class. Never ceases to be harrowing.
  5. In terms of what actually constitutes a middle class lifestyle, it's obviously Vienetta and pampus grass.
  6. It was used as shorthand and for comparative purposes to the situation I was describing. Wasn't expecting it to be dissected.
  7. Basically this, yeah. I still own a flat in a tip surrounded by loonies, but don't stay there. It's basically excess jacket storage at the minute. Plan is to put a tenant in it.
  8. 100% this. It's another thing referenced in the Glasgow Effect study I.E why even leaving the area and / or changing income bracket does not escape people from the shortened lifespan of their lineage. Because toxic stress will damn sure kill you even when you're out of harm's way. Also things like never fully embracing improved diet due to an ingrained distrust of unknown foods and attraction to crap.
  9. In what context? I referenced struggles I have/had trying to alter my ingrained subconscious mindset that made it difficult for me to settle, enjoy things, fully invest myself for fear of having it all taken away. I'm not sure what you're asking.
  10. Christ, sarn't, that's a sore yin right enough. Glad to hear you're coming out the other side.
  11. I first went to Maryhill for the sectional league cup final between bankies and pollok on a weeknight years back. Discovered it to be a really interesting ground. Still go back from time to time purely because I like the stadium. Took my son pre covid and he went on the park at half time and one of the subs had him lay up the ball for him to swing a few corners in. A small gesture, it made a 6 year old's day.
  12. I've had a hard time adjusting in adulthood to a middle class lifestyle, which I worked my way into and which is all my kids have known. Having come from below the poverty line in a deprived, unsafe scheme, I didn't realise until relatively recently that it's not "normal" to be on edge all the time, that there isn't violence or problems lurking around every corner and that these subconscious pre-programmed safety mechanisms that I developed as a child are not compatible with my life as an adult. Basically the fight, flight, freeze mechanism of the amygdala works overtime in people from these backgrounds and means they're producing adrenaline and cortisol much more than is healthy, leading to all sorts of stress related side effects and destructive behaviours.
  13. Yeah not to accuse ICTChris of naivety as it would be extremely unfair, but sadly this type of behaviour is never far below the surface in the average socially depressed housing scheme. That's part of the reason why it's self perpetuating, the kids live through it and take that edgy stress of daily life into their adulthood and the cycle continues. These places come with an inbuilt tension and lack of feeling of safety that causes permanent effects and changes in the brain/hormones. The Glasgow Effect study had some great info in this area, but I'm sure other socio economic studies are available.
  14. Motherfuckers! Doesn't surprise me mind you.
  15. I'm not completely convinced by either, but on the evidence of both so far (albeit some of Zeno's have been out of position at RB) I'd say give him the nod to partner Broadfoot (who himself isn't shining lately).
  16. Best way to protest this is to watch it illegally for free on a dodgy stream.
  17. We laboured a bit against Montrose and showed our defensive frailties at times. I'd expect to see the full backs both switched out for McGowan and Haunstrup, Mulumbu probably swapped for Dicker (though I'm not convinced that's necessarily the right idea) and maybe (ideally) Medley swapped for Rossi. Either way, we will be looking to Lafferty to drag us through another game as he's miles above the quality of most of our players and his movement allows us to get the best out of the likes of Kiltie, Burke and Pinnock.
  18. Born and raised in Clydeside to a Celtic supporting family (both sides). Clydebank went bust when I was a kid. Went to 2 Celtic games with family in primary school. Went to 1 Clydebank game with friends in primary school. Went to 1 Ross County game with my dad (an ex Ross County player) in primary school. Decided to support Kilmarnock. Took the hump with Michael Johnston's regime and started watching Dumbarton in protest as I lived in the town at that time. Ended up watching them for a number of years, repeatedly having season tickets and even got married in the stadium. Live in West Dunbartonshire and support Kilmarnock and have a soft spot for Dumbarton. Also occasionally take in games of Clydebank, Yoker, Vale of Leven and Maryhill as the mood takes me because they're (relatively) local and I enjoy the variety.
  19. I've done this one. The rationale was that I had only fallen asleep at 6am. Also phoned a colleague who wasn't my boss, steaming, from the pub at dinner time the day before work to tell them I would be too sick to come to work the next morning. Said colleague then simply told me that as I wasn't subordinate to them it was a wasted call. Said colleague was also my maw.
  20. Sorry to hear you have no pals. Weddings are class.
  21. I've never been to Ireland, but I quite fancy going.
  22. Wee lunchtime walk through the gorbals today. This walk revealed a shisha bar, a "patisserie" (I shit you not) hidden behind rubble in a half derelict industrial street, an astonishing number of discarded whip it chargers and some graffiti revealing "God is Gay". So, if you're a homophobic, athiestic vandal, currently tripping your nuts off on laughing gas; hello.
  23. When they built all those new flats and townhouses on the road along to The Rock, the new occupiers complained that they were inconvenienced by matchday traffic. Matchday traffic from the football stadium which had stood there since 2000, and the houses were built 15 years later.
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