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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. You're unusually lucid, Phil. Good for you!
  2. The amount of people posting all over the Internet about the amount of GDPR emails they've received.
  3. How dare you call me reasonable!
  4. I really don't see the point in the rail signs, road signs, emergency vehicle signs etc. Even the TV channel, to be quite honest. It was never a fully national language for the whole country and hasn't been widespread for a thousand years. It's as relevant as Latin, frankly. It doesn't annoy me, though. People getting annoyed about it might need to have a wee word with themselves. Growing up in a mixture of West Central and North East Scotland, I've never knowingly met a Gaelic speaker.
  5. Parts of the east end are very celtic-y, parts of it are very rangers-y. All of it is shite.
  6. If your house is messy, tidy it. If your house is filthy, clean it. If you leave litter in your street, the street will be full of litter. If you leave rotting cars in your drive, the street will be full of rotting cars. If you don't cut your grass or hedge, the street will be unkempt. If you don't tell your landlord / council to repair the damaged doors, buildings, windows etc then they won't get fixed. Every single one of those examples is tenant choice. Apathy, laziness and a general lack of care are the reasons.
  7. Did a bathroom job in Provanhall this week. The neighbourhood was grim as f**k. The kind of abject dilapidation I haven't seen for years, and I say that as someone who frequently works in the east end. There were six vehicles abandoned on the driveways of the street, one of which was a doubler, a transit and caravan hooked together and completely filled, cab, everywhere, with rubbish. Why are people in Provanhall just leaving cars to rot in their driveways? Why do people in Provanhall not trim their hedges or gardens? Why do people in Provanhall live in flats with windows that have rotted through and long since ceased to offer protection from the elements? It's a mystery. Miserable c***s.
  8. Nobody cares about your homespun tales and folksy wisdom of polio and rickets from down on the farm, grandad.
  9. Brief stint in a North Korean gaol. All I said was that the Supreme Leader looks a bit like a lesbian. An Asiatic Ruth Davidson, if you will.
  10. Having to get the dug put down, so that means a conversation with my 4 year old about what death is.
  11. There was a goodly portion of last night's pasta bake left over, so I've just microwaved it for my lunch and drowned it in sriracha sauce. Sriracha makes everything better. I'd eat Susan Boyle out if she tasted of sriracha.
  12. Beany and Lyle in? Ooft. That's enough to make a man moist.
  13. Call me cynical, but this still doesn't feel right. Smelled a rat since day one and still smell it.
  14. I like McCulloch and have sympathy for him, but clearing the way for Steve Clarke to bring in his own coach was the right decision. A clean break for all parties. I hope Lee goes on to have a good career in management or coaching if that's what he chooses to do.
  15. The pumping his daughter one? No, but that twist was ruined for me by the Internet previously.
  16. I ruined the sixth sense for myself and my wife by saying "he's clearly a ghost" five minutes into the film. I'm shite with twist endings, I inevitably work them out before the reveal.
  17. Sounds like she just doesn't want to have to sit still and eat some days. Perfectly common. Can be irritating, but it won't do her any harm, she won't starve.
  18. I've surveyed two sites recently where new build flat developments have been constructed and the joiners for the housebuilders haven't properly fixed the chipboard subfloor to the joists, haven't glued the joints of the caber and haven't glued or in any way deflected the joists from rubbing, and one of the sites they had also had the skirting sitting directly atop the joists. Both sites have engineered hardwood floors throughout and need to all be taken up to rectify as the resultant squeaking is so bad it's led to court action amongst tenants and owners in some cases. Two huge developments, from two different housebuilders. I know from talking to the agents for one of the sites that the builder went bust building that development and the architect involved cashed in immediately and bought three of them and got permission to knock them into one. That same site they've obviously failed to schedule the joinery and heating around each other properly, as the heating pipes have been forced under the squeaking floors and then the caber jumped on to flatten the pipes to make them fit under the subfloor. You'd be amazed what they get away with.
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