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Posts posted by Clyde01

  1. 1 minute ago, RutherGlen said:

    I disagree. I think someone like McLean (young manager with lots of enthusiasm) is exactly what we need. Jim Duffy had bags of experience but look what happened with him at the helm. Then there was Chapman, Bomber Brown, Millar, the list goes on. Plenty of guys with vast experience but they were all absolutely useless. 

    Of course it's a risk going with McLean but I think it is absolutely one worth taking. I only wish he had been given full autonomy from the outset and then we wouldn't currently be in a position of still not really knowing whether he can do the job or not. 

    He doesn’t have lots of enthusiasm though, that’s part of the problem.

  2. Today I thought he just looked out of his depth and at a loss for what to do. More and more this is my impression of him tbh.

    Agnew was animated and telling players where to go, tinkering with the tactics etc. Very little coming from our bench. Fair enough he didn’t have much in the way of subs to make but even directing players or encouraging/reprimanding them is lacking. It’s hard to say if he is just quiet and thoughtful or not got a clue.

  3. We need bodies in the door now to help bail us out, it’s as simple as that. And I don’t mean wee boys that have never played men’s football, I mean anyone we can get on loan or out of favour elsewhere that has played league football (and can run about). We need to throw some money at it.

    We competed well in the main today but the squad is a shambles. Two outfield subs who are both miles off the standard. ONE striker with any SPFL experience who is now crocked, Mullen looks ok but unfair to expect him to be the main man. Mulvanny, like the subs just isn’t good enough.

    Hammer blow losing the late goal, didn’t see it clearly as was down the other end edging towards the exit but even before the tannoy I knew who the scorer would be.

    Without fresh blood in the door we are in BIG, BIG trouble.

  4. 37 minutes ago, Cutty Sark said:

    Think there's a difference between picking youngsters from Caledonian Locos and Glasgow Uni compared to a player who has trained full time with a top end championship team for over a year.

    I notice he was on the bench for the majority of their run in last season. Must have something about him.

    Picking up youngsters would work far better if we had an established or experienced team around them. At us he is likely to drown in the shite he is surrounded by.

    At this stage we need some guys who know the league and know the game IMO.

  5. 3 hours ago, Kempes said:

    Great to see that some of the ‘supporters’ are benefitting from the club’s troubles.

    Made a change pocketing some cash off the back of a Clyde result instead of feeling like I’d pissed it into the wind.

    Surely the bookies will cotton on quick that we are shite and not offer such decent odds on the opposition. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Harry Hood Fan Club said:

    You'd like to think the solo Captain, President and Pope had some experience of the job though.

    Rhys McCabe to quote one example didn’t have any experience either and look at the job he’s doing at Airdrie.

    Willing to give McLean a fair crack now that he doesn’t have Duffy breathing down his neck. He needs to get some players in and sort things quickly though, he’s been left in a right mess.

  7. Peterhead will absolutely steamroller us as we will have a bunch of wee boys running about like headless chickens and Forbes out for an afternoon stroll.

    Despite the positive Duffy news I’m still not willing to attend this following the horror show of the last 3 home games.

    Got some money on Peterhead, if they cant win this they should really just chuck it.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Brian Carrigan said:

    Jesus fucking christ man, what a ridiculous thing to be saying. Have a bit of compassion for the boy. No wonder people think Clyde fans are a bunch of wanks for the most part.

    It’s a shame for the lad but he played a handful of games for us after taking a wage all season and chose to move on. Good luck to him in his recovery but it’s completely irrelevant.

  9. 37 minutes ago, RutherGlen said:

    I can only conclude the board are sticking with the narrative this is a long term project and so don't want to be seen to have what some may interpret as a "knee jerk" reaction to recent results. The new set up is still in its infancy but the problem is there are ZERO signs it is going to lead to anything productive no matter how long we wait. 

    I fear what's going to happen is the board will give Duffy/McLean at least half the season to at least cobble together a few draws/wins and only act to get rid of them should there be a string of losses from now until mid-season. Of course by that point it will probably be far too late. It's utter madness. 

    By my calculations since Duffy came back to the club in November 2022 we have won 4 competitive matches in 90mins out of 36 played.

    How can anyone in their right mind think this is the man to spearhead our football operations.


  10. Something needs to change.

    First of all I need my head checked for going to that tonight, it was absolutely inevitable. As a few others have now stated that’s Brechin, Bonnyrigg and now Stirling Uni all beaten us at HOME without us ever looking like taking anything. Possibly the lowest crowd I’ve ever seen at a Clyde game too. I’m done with this shit.

    The squad we have assembled is absolute howling. Peterhead will steamroller us on Saturday, fair play to ANYONE brave enough to go to that now.

    Far too many soft as shite, naive wee boys, and absolute duds. We need 6 or 7 straight into the starting 11 quality players just to be competitive and at this stage that isn’t going to happen.

    Im not going to pick apart tonight’s performance too much but too many of those boys just aren’t ready for senior football (and may never be) and I already never want to see Ross Forbes in a Clyde shirt again.

    I’m away to see if Tommy Lee Jones can wipe the last 3 and a half hours from my memory.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Scott-Replay said:

    This is absolutely embarrassing. Forbes in particular is a disgrace out there.

    We are being completely outplayed and could be further behind. Forbes just gave up chasing back for the goal and has been abysmal. You can maybe cut some of the young guys a bit of slack due to inexperience but he’s been the worst of the lot. Fraser Malcolm looks to have something about him but mulvanny and Duncan not offering much.

    Only having 2 outfield subs and having to use 1 already for grants injury isn’t ideal. We could maybe replace Forbes with parry though for more mobility. The state of the squad at this stage of the season is a disgrace and the buck for that stops with duffy first and foremost.

  12. Bit of a no win situation tonight for us, win and everyone will claim it’s expected (tougher game than many realise) or lose and it’s more fuel for the meltdown.

    Do we think McLean will go full strength to try and build some confidence (could have the opposite result mind) or will it be a weakened team (as if our first 11 isn’t weak enough) to give us a ‘get out’ if it goes against us?

    Not sure if Rennie is fit and maybe an opportunity to get minutes into the likes of Hynes or Lyon if they are close to a return. Hopefully Leighfield plays too.


  13. Unlike (apparently) several others on here I have no hidden agenda or axe to grind with the current board. I don’t know anyone of note on a personal level and have no ambition to be involved. Ultimately what I want is for Clyde to be successful, starting tomorrow night against Stirling Uni, I just can’t stomach hoping the team lose to further an agenda.

    However, I think it is more than fair to discuss the shortcomings and numerous failures that have us where we are. We all have justified concerns about the current direction of travel, make up of the squad, management structure etc. Unless things change quickly these discussions will rightly continue.


  14. Again going back to the podcast interview, only last Friday the chairman was talking about how important having a ‘football minded’ person to assist the board was and how Duffys experience in the game was too valuable for the club to part with. That doesn’t sound like anything will change soon, especially as another key point he repeatedly went back to was more continuity within the club.

    On the face of it what he is saying makes sense. Yes, having someone experienced to guide the board is in theory a good idea. However, in practice that appears to be Duffy playing to all his weaknesses like recruitment, contacts etc instead of his biggest strength which is coaching players on the training ground.

    Continuity is important too but NOT if it’s the wrong people on board. Duffy should have gone, he’s not the correct fit and handing out 2 year deals with very little basis to failures like Peter grant or unknowns like the young RB just for continuity’s sake doesn’t seem wise either. Then there’s retaining guys like Cameron and Parry, there no point in continuity if it’s continually pish.

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