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Posts posted by Clyde01

  1. Didn’t the chairman say in his podcast interview that the mystery money man was supportive of the board, he may even have gone as far as to suggest the money was only forth coming as a result of confidence in the board.

    This is from memory having watched last Friday night so correct me if I’m wrong. 

  2. What incentive is there to turn up and support the team at the moment? In the two ‘home’ games I’ve attended this season I’ve seen us soundly beaten by a highland league side and a team recently out of the lowland league. I have seen nothing in either match to think things will click or improve it’s just been eye bleedingly dreadful on both occasions. We’ve barely troubled the opposition or looked coherent never mind in control of the match. I have zero appetite to go and watch more of that, especially against a uni team midweek.

    Our attendances are awful these days, a combination of the awful product and playing at Hamilton. How much money is it costing us having crowds that are at least a couple of hundred bodies down on broadwood.

  3. 11 hours ago, haufdaft said:

    I've just watched our head coach state "we're still trying to find the best system to play with the players we've got."

    Surely that's the wrong way round. I'd suggest the director of football should be signing the best players to play to the system he's chosen for the team.


    Our football setup is completely flawed as you say. Our rookie head coach doesn’t have a clear identity on how he wants to play. It should be the head coach that is dictating who the DOF recruits to fit into his system and style. Instead we’ve got McLean trying to cobble something together from the old pals and young boys that Duffy is signing. It’s an impossible task, Pep would struggle to make something coherent out of that shite.

    I would like someone to remind McLean of his ‘fittest team in the league’ bollocks then ask him to comment on Ross Forbes fucking waddling about for 90mins yesterday. That was embarrassing.

  4. 1 hour ago, Jaggy Snake said:

    That was painful watching. I lost count of how many times I said 'For f**k's sake' today.

    Cuddihy and Donachie are the only players who can feel reasonably okay with their performance today. Craig tried hard to little effect and Carswell seemed okay positionaly for a while but was clearly nowhere near fit.

    Ross Forbes was a fucking embarrassment. Ewan Cameron reminded people why he should never have been re-signed. Parry should have retired at least 2 years ago. And pretty much all the rest ranged from embarrassing to just simply not good enough to play professional football at any level.

    Agree with all of this, Forbes was playing walking football FFS and even if you accept his total immobility he was also making a c**t of every dead ball and delivery too which is why he gets a game I would guess. At least he looked like he had been on a football field before unlike Scullion and Cameron who lost the ball countless times. Then a raft of guys on the bench who have barely played a senior football match. 

    The chairman talks a good game but I don’t see how the club is benefiting from Duffy’s ‘experience’. He is a total dud as director of football and his recruitment record is a shambles. As an assistant to McLean perhaps he has some merit as he is a good coach but everything else around him is a disaster. There’s no point appointing someone based on experience alone.

    Bonnyrigg are rotten and will doubtless be near the bottom of the league and we couldn’t even lay a glove on them today. Embarrassing stuff and making a mockery of our ‘aiming for promotion’ vision.

    So scunnered after today that I don’t know if I’ll be rushing back. The only plus point was Donachie would did very well despite the shambles around him. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, Ignoramus said:

    Sula at RB over McCulloch is the right call, but maybe an indication of what they think of the young guy atm. Parry in goal is a confusing one.

    Also Mulvanny wearing 4 as a forward makes me irrationally angry 😂😂

    Is it sula at Rb in a 4 or is it a back 3 with wing backs? 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Harry Hood Fan Club said:

    Another load of unsubstantiated drivel from the leader of a failed group of directors. If the chairman has assessed our squad, our head coach, our Director of football, and our ability to compete with the others in League 2 and has arrived at the content of this statement- it rather proves his knowledge of football is sadly lacking.


    Have to agree with this, surely it shows he is completely out of touch with reality if he still believes at this point that we capable of challenging for promotion.

    Hopefully we are all wrong and he is correct but I certainly wouldn’t bet on it. Would need more than a few of our signings to turn out to be gems which given the league cup performances seems unlikely.

  7. The signings this summer have been erratic at best. Peter Grant looked dodgy last season before we shipped him out, now he’s back on a 2 YEAR deal and looking dodgy as ever. The new RB has me longing for the return of Ross Lyon as he’s prime Cafu in comparison. Forbes at least has some experience but flies in the face of McLeans ‘fittest team in the league’ vision. We are told by the board we have a budget to compete for promotion yet are plucking guys from Glasgow Uni, Rossvale and various academies. Then we’ve got Cuddihy and Conor Scullion who both appear to be injured after 2 games, hopefully nothing serious. The whole thing is a disjointed shambles and then you’ve McLean trying to make something out of it with Duffy hanging over his shoulder. What a club!

  8. Another signing it’s impossible to be excited with. Rennie still the only forward with any kind of meaningful experience. A worrying lack of know how and leadership throughout the whole team. Why has it taken us this long to sign him if he scored in pre-season, that’s not a great sign either.

  9. 2 hours ago, Clyde85 said:

    From what am reading the new right back seems to be a downgrade on Lyon which I didn’t think was possible 😂. Why can we not find competent fullbacks?

    Jon Craig was rank rotten last night too, the whole defence is a shambles and with Livi beating Cove 5-0 last night I dread to think what Saturday will bring.

  10. Playing a team of similar standard and that was an abysmal failure tonight. The full backs were absolutely dreadful and the RB in particular was honking, the only time he kicked something in the right direction was the water bottles when he took a strop at being hooked. There is nothing in that team to be positive about moving forward into the league, it ranges from clueless to shambolic throughout the side.

    Parry has the agility of a fridge/freezer, full backs are amateur standard, Peter grant is done, Cuddihy injured again, imposters and ringers all over the shop. Brutal.

    As for Duffy he’s been on the bench interfering in all 3 games so far. Heard him shouting ‘what are you doing Ewan’ at Cameron at one point. Something I’ve wondered every time I see that c**t playing. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, David W said:

    The licensing means things like having a certain size/slope of pitch, cover for 500 spectators, a certain standard of floodlight, disability requirements etc, as well as other stuff such as having a doctor present at games. If clubs aren't able to fulfil those criteria then they should be nowhere near the league. 

    I believe a grace period will be allowed in any case should teams not meet the standard.

    Licensing obviously beneficial in the long run but raising the bar being pushed through by a group led by a league 2 chairman who has previously pleaded for relegation to be removed doesn’t sit right. Particularly when we have clubs as high as the championship just now on an entry level license who wouldn’t currently meet the criteria. 

  12. 1 minute ago, SLClyde said:

    Assuming he was one of the trialists? 

    Looking back at the Paul Kelly cup photo and trying to figure out if it’s him. If he’s the lad the played up front at number 10 he looked not bad. Good physical size and at 18 you’d think plenty of potential to develop. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, ClydeFCTheBullyWee said:

    Is there a limited number of trialists that we can play in this tinpot cup on Saturday ? Like is it 5 trialist max ? Because if that’s the case looks like we’ll have another Jonathan Page and Robert Jones day tomorrow or Friday…!

    We are not allowed to play any trialists as far as I know, expect a few to sign tonight or tomorrow. 

  14. Surely we could at the very least tweet the result with minimum info. Every other club in the country seems to be tweeting about their pre-season, meanwhile our is under a veil of secrecy. But at least you can also hear nothing on Threads whilst buying a bandana for your dug. 

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