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Everything posted by btb

  1. I only despise two clubs in Scotland, for the rest it's just an un-friendly rivalry. As I've said elsewhere my heart wanted Thistle promoted as I've got mates who support them but my head was glad when County won as I think Thistle have more potential to make a long stay in the top flight, potentially at our expense. Also it's remarkable how seldom we've been in the same division over the last 40 years as we've tended to yo in opposite direction as the same time. It's been a pleasure to add my own special brand of chaos to what surely should become the Big Thistle Thread!
  2. The arithmetic is not the problem @cb_diamond just made a different, and IMO, a more sensible set of assumptions.
  3. Throw in Killie who were at their peak in the early 60s - in fact a wiki check shows these teams were Top3 in the League that season in the same order as the LC!
  4. I see the Tories are starting to take a we're a whole new party line, it'll be "Boris Who" by the next GE!
  5. I think this should become the new Big Thistle Thread - I prefer its randomness and lack of relevance (Morten reaching a Tennents 6s back in the 80s) to rational analysis.
  6. It started of with favourite authors and moved onto Dan Brown (theirs not mine) and like I said their belief that the Da Vinci Code was all true, btw the underground link between Paris & Rosslyn was how the Templars were able to avoid having their treasure confiscated. Then just the usual stuff like Mary Magdalene being in Da Vinci's painting of The Last Supper and then down a few other rabbit holes. It was an entertaining part of a N/S when we had completed our work and raided the canteen for our supper. In return I completely bored them with my tale of the One Giant Frog / Many Normal Sized Frogs controversy regarding said plague in the Book of Exodus - their opinion was that it was clearly many normal sized frogs. ***************** My POV on Conspiracy Theories is that I enjoy a good one but I can't think of many that I've believed.
  7. Nothing like keeping a sense of proportion...
  8. What's the goss regarding youse signing Brophy? It doesn't have to be true, amusing or interesting will do just as well.
  9. Coupla guys at my work were explaining to me that everything in The Da Vinci Code was true - I tried a coupla mild rebuttals but they were having none of that - they also added a new twist that in medieval times there had been an underground link between Notre Dame and Rosslyn Chapel.
  10. She must have plenty of spare time for, erm, assignations...
  11. Don't want this to sound aggressive but is there any club where there's not "lots happening behind the scenes currently"?
  12. National honours[edit] Scottish Cup Winners: 1921–22 Runners-up: 1947–48 Scottish League Cup Runners-up: 1963–64 Scottish Challenge Cup Runners-up: 1992 Erm, impressive palmares, which Cup final?
  13. I heard Charles Kennedy leaned all ways as the evening progressed.
  14. I was walking our dog (Beagle/Whippet mix) yesterday when this mm-massive mm-mastiff arrived unaccompanied from it's home somewhere nearby, initially I was a bit worried but after 5mins my main concern was that it was gonna have a heart attack chasing after our dog which is pretty nippy. It followed us round for a bit until we musta got near to it's house and it decided the prospect of a bowl of water was more attractive than trying to catch our dog. All's well etc.....
  15. 1. Granted but it was Labour who were in power at the time of the Second Iraq War and they who came out of it with a tarnished reputation. 2. The Lib-Dems are a sorta Frankenstein party with in a schizophrenic manifesto of policies half of which can be ignored depending on which of the major parties they are trying to ally with. As an aside are the Lib-Dems any worse than Starmer's iteration of the Labour party on rowing away from left-wing policies to win power? **************** Having said that I still feel that Cameron's government had a veneer of centre facing policies especially on Social Issues which attracted the Lib-Dems and gave them enough reason to enter a coalition in 2010 even with it's brutal austerity policies which probably weren't unattractive to the right-wing side of Lib-Dems. Sticking with the Tories till 2015 shows their love of Ministerial cars overshadowed any commitment to social equality.
  16. Inspired second attempt. Wordle 722 2/6
  17. 1. I disagree, in the aftermath of the 2010 GE the PLP still contained plenty of senior members tainted with the Iraq War plus any anti-Tory coalition would've had to include the various Celtic parties, at least informally - Cameron's Tories offered a surface level of decency. 2. One of the features of the Lib-Dems vote in the last 30-40 years is that many of the seats they are strong in down South are natural Tory seats where they are being used in Nimby stylee tactical voting to warn the Tories which IMO (and I've absolutely no evidence to back this up) results in these MPs being skewed in number towards the right of their party and having to avoid saying anything that might be considered left-wing.
  18. Sure the Tories have always had their share of xenophobes over the last 50 years but the Cameron government was socially liberal or else they could not have tempted the Lib-Dems into coalition (2010-15). One of the affects of said coalition was to make it easier for Farage/UKIP to appeal to the "19th Hole", reactionary segment of the Tory membership at the start of the last decade. Our FPTP system forced Cameron to make gestures towards Farage/UKIP by conceding the Brexit Referendum, the eventual aftermath of this was Johnson's hollowing out of the Tory party to "Get Brexit Done" which has ultimately led to an increased number of these types at Cabinet level.
  19. I think Trump's constituency is smaller than his, erm, anti-constituency and that the Democrats would relish a Biden-Trump rerun rather than face a slicker, younger Trump type xenophobe.
  20. The last finishing spot in the Tour de France (Lanterne Rouge) used to be a competed for and coveted spot as the associated appearance fees could be lucrative. Maybe Jacksgranda has a side-hustle going on.
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