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Everything posted by btb

  1. I don't know many people who have changed their minds on Indy since 2014 and any demographic change will be slow and not guaranteed as yesterday's angry young person is tommorow's worried pensioner. I'm a Yes in any Indy vote but my view is the if the Yoons had cojones they would go for a second referendum in the next Westminster parliament - in these circumstances I think NO would still win and kill off Indy hopes for a generation. Politically I think this is a good outcome for those that want Independence, I'd rather see a bedraggled Unionist movement dragged into a second referendum than a confident one arguing a positive case, something that vanished this morning.
  2. Certainly a worry if we're counting on the 7th place prize money to cover annual running costs IIRC back in the bad old days we used to budget for a 10th place finish.
  3. @aldo_j Fairy Nuff but only Lavety (just) is from this millenia. Did we love Michael Higdon, he had one very good season with us.
  4. Other than Thommo have we ever had a striker that was universally loved? Obika, post that goal, comes closest...
  5. We scored two late winners against Livi & Utd. last month - it's a tight division & at least we're competitive.
  6. Two cheeks, hate us diddies more than each other, but you're right beyond bizarre!
  7. While Trump has his, erm, devoted following he's now toxic to the majority of US voters and his endorsement likewise - unelectable in their system. The question is what % of Trumpers will vote for someone like DeSantis, a populist but more savvy than The Don and certainly less of a cartoon character and how many will stop voting and turn to more violent ways to get their policies enacted.
  8. Four teams are on 20 points, three should be sleeping with one eye open, Saints, Hibs & the Fakes - I'd say only Hearts are safe from a bottom two slot.
  9. Yeah, I think this is the end of Trump24, before it even officially began, I think he's just a little bit too toxic for all but the most hardline Republicans. Looks like the frontrunner for the Republicans will be Ron DeSantis which is probably not gonna be much of a difference in terms of policies although he is less of a cartoon character than the Don.
  10. I understand all that but surely Boris has few friends left in high places, not in the EU, not with the current US regime, not in Sunak's government and I imagine very few of those Toriy MPs that did support him to succeed Truss will do so again. His only potential route to friends in power is a Trump led Republican revival in the US - we'll see what happens tonight. I doubt he'll even stand for parliament at the next GE. I see after COP27 he's due to speak at a Cryptocurrency Security conference in Singapore. I know there was always an element of acting in BJs performances but I find it hard to believe that PeppaPigWorld's most famous visitor will live up to his billing.
  11. Quite correct we're a yoyo team, with a Bottom6 budget - there's nothing Nostradamus like in your prognostications.
  12. Yesterday was disappointing but prob'ly didn't tell us anything we didn't already know, we're competitive in the division and were beaten yesterday by a team who were less sloppy at the back. Really hoping we can come out of the next two games still in the Top6 (realistically a win against the Fakes) it'll be a long 5 weeks otherwise with the football world focussed on the abomination in Qatar.
  13. Boris Johnson ‘quit PM race over risk to £10m earnings’, sources say | Boris Johnson | The Guardian Sounds plausible to me - funniest piece of the article has to be the following sentence... talent industry
  14. Never is a long time but I will not vote for the Starmer iteration of the Labour party.
  15. Erm, what happened to Sir Graham Brady's inscrutability - it would surely have been an easy question to avoid answering.
  16. Am I the only one who finds BJs interest in attending COP27 surprising, he fell asleep in Glasgow (COP26). If he does go will he carry a sandwich board saying "Available For Hire @ Private Functions"?
  17. I agree, it's more of a first goal issue which goes back to when Robinson took over but I think we're stronger this season, the two late winners against Utd. & Livi after we lost the lead didn't happen last season. I think we're competitive in the division and that's all we can ask for in the top flight - 3 games to the WC in Qatar and then we can get some serious navel gazing done. Oh yeah and fuck international football, I'll never be watching it again.
  18. Yeah, but it's less than a week since young Rishi was installed to reboot the Back to Austerity franchise and he's already outpolling Labour on the issue, throw in the "buts" and a right wing MSM media and how long will Labour's lead last? With Starmer matching every step to the right by the Tories since becoming leader the next GE will likely be decided by which one of these wooden politicians manages to convince Middle England he's a real boy?
  19. Interesting as we've never even equalized during Robinson's tenure. Time for a Plan B...
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