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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Fine, if you're all whinging about The X-Files I'll post something else. Mulder and Scully from The X-Files are in The Simpsons:
  2. I always wondered when twitter would melt my brain. Young Americans ordering takeaways did it. I wouldn't have had it in the top 100 if I had to guess.
  3. Bogs from The Shawshank Redemption is in The X-Files:
  4. I'm sorry everyone, I need to go deeper into the Door Dash Discourse. This man's job seems to be to post sports betting tips on Twitter. With an economic grasp like this I can understand why you think 18 dollars (£14.24) is worth ten minutes. I'm assuming/hoping this is 8AM to 11AM. Three hours of work? Of sitting down and talking? I get up at 6 in the morning for an actually physically demanding job and I still manage to force some Weetabix and a banana down me in the half hour I'm awake before I get up and get dressed. And in fact a reply to this from Meg says "Such is the blessing and curse of a silly email job." so... are we even including commuting in this? Surely, surely people aren't doing this while working from home? More from Lia... mate. i can make breakfast. i’m not speaking for me. besides, i’m graduating with three degrees. i just happen to know that my circumstances aren’t universal and that disabled people exist. just because i can make myself breakfast doesn’t mean other people can. (Here's a question and a hill I will quite happily die on - why can none of these fucking zoomers use a fucking shift key? Why is everything lower case? Do they think they look really cool and disinterested in everything? Honestly get so far to f**k.) More from Lia... wow so disabled people are just entitled and spoiled? cool take bro. just because i’m disabled and can make my own breakfast doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone. and even i can’t do it every day because I AM DISABLED. and some days are worse than others. Anyway. Is 'eating' literally the most basic human function there is? At least outside of automatic things like breathing? I think it might be. How can someone work 70 hours a week from home and be physically or mentally unable to... feed themselves? I don't know which part of all of this I'm struggling with the most. Is it people who complain about the cost of living spending ~300-400% more than the actual value of a single meal? Is it a generation - or more - of people unable to cook? Or so worn down by the convenience of technology that the notion of fending for yourself and maintaining your life or a household doesn't exist, you can press a screen and spend some electronic money and make food happen on its own? Is Wall-E going to become reality? I'm not going to claim I spend hours a day preparing haute cuisine meals for myself and my household of ten while working 80 hour weeks doing Very Important and Real Job Things but there is absolutely no situation at all, ever, where I would have things like this delivered on a regular basis. Some people might be sick or disabled or temporarily indisposed and if they need to rely on services like this in those moments then fine. If they need to use them on a more regular basis, that's fine too. I'd be willing to bet a reasonable amount of money (three bagels) though that a vast, vast majority of people who order these kinds of deliveries several times a week could quite easily do, prepare or acquire things on their own if their smartphone didn't exist. Thanks Chris, you've finally found the Twitter argument that breaks my brain. I always wondered what it would be.
  5. That's an American label Tomato sauce is for children Do you do everything labels tell you to?
  6. I'm genuinely amazed that people put sauce in the fridge.
  7. The guy from Jeepers Creepers II and the annoying woman in Speed who tries to get off the bus and gets blown up are in The X-Files: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signs_and_Wonders_(The_X-Files)
  8. Some great reading in here: A crosspost with the "menu anxiety" thread awaits.
  9. Danny Ric should have been out of the sport by the time he left Renault. Absolutely remarkable what smiling a lot can get you in a notoriously ruthless and exacting sport.
  10. He actually ended the night at 122. There are 11 games left in the season.
  11. This sort of thing happens in North American sports with logos on the floor in changing rooms. If the badge is that sacred, why is it on the floor? People are going to walk there, or cover it up in situations like this.
  12. When did pant wetting become the default reaction to pitch invasions? "It's not what we want to see." f**k up.
  13. Clearly his appendix was weighing him down.
  14. Week 12 update Two deaths this week. Up first, astronaut Thomas P. Stafford: https://inews.co.uk/news/astronaut-thomas-stafford-commander-of-apollo-10-has-died-at-age-93-2963283 As many as seven more who flew to the moon? Guess that's someone's theme team sorted for 2025. Though this was the only qualifying obituary for Stafford, so it might be risky. Stafford died at 93 so he's worth 32 Base Points for @Forest_Fifer. A Solo Shot takes that to 82 points. =========== Second death this week is former Luton goalkeeper Ron Baynham: Luton and England goalkeeper Ron Baynham dies aged 94 - BBC News And now, the story that always seems to follow these black and white goalkeepers: Actually now that I think about it this is badly written - did he carry on playing in that match, or just some point after that match? Baynham died at 94 so he's worth 31 Base Points for @parxyz. A Solo Shot takes that to 81 points. After those, the standings look like this: 1. mozam76 402 2. Billy Jean King 380 3. lolls 316 4. Forest_Fifer 297 5. psv_killie, sparky88 291 7. Indale Winton 284 8. Ned Nederlander 282 9. lichtgilphead 279 10. Moomintroll 263 11. The_Craig 254 12. pub car king 238 13. The DA 228 14. JustOneCornetto 225 15. Arch Stanton 207 16. parxyz 206 17. cdhafc1874 204 18. Oystercatcher 198 19. weirdcal 191 20. Melanius Mullarkant 176 21. amnarab, The Naitch 169 23. El Guapo, mathematics 164 25. Salvo Montalbano 163 26. alta-pete 156 27. blackislekillie, Bully Wee Villa, choirbairn, Desp, peasy23 150 32. tamthebam 144 33. Savage Henry 134 34. Arbroathlegend36-0 126 35. Arabdownunder 117 36. buddiepaul, chomp my root, scottsdad, Trogdor, TxRover 113 41. sleazy, Sweaty Morph 100 43. Craig fae the Vale 95 44. ThomCat 94 45. pawpar 90 46. invergowrie arab, Karpaty Lviv, Ray Patterson 78 49. DG.Roma, Lofarl, Mark Connolly, qos_75, sensorsoupe, Sergeant Wilson, Shotgun 75 56. D Angelo Barksdale 71 57. Raidernation 60 58. Florentine_Pogen 58 59. Aim Here, Darren 51 61. stanton 25 62. Everyone else 0 The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CsroU6IlQNJOesOqCc5gsI7SCw8ywBS-PUzQwLTJe4g/edit?usp=sharing
  15. The landlord when Ross moves into Ugly Naked Guy's apartment in Friends is in The X-Files: Shia LaBeouf is in The X-Files: Ranjit from How I Met Your Mother also features in this episode
  16. Having now seen it on players in a game
  17. Doesn't sound like it: Who is Oliver Kahn? Meet Bayern Munich's legendary goalkeeper | Bundesliga
  18. Marvin the janny from Die Hard 2 is in The X-Files:
  19. Missing a penalty to equalise with ten minutes to go then losing 4-1 is very funny.
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