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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Currently eating one of Asda's chocolate cakes. I essentially do this once a year when it's Maw Sanchez' birthday, and I think they've missed a layer from the bottom of it. About an inch smaller than it should be. Robbing c***s.
  2. If you cook chicken for twenty minutes and can actually get your teeth through it you've done well
  3. In short, it transcends what I previously thought possible in a video game. I'm glad it's getting a potentially fresh audience.
  4. So does Idaho, mind you: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3165519/Police-continue-search-toddler-disappeared-Idaho-campsite.html
  5. I happened to have that on my TV once. They had to name the musical piece. Albatross by Fleetwood Mac starts playing. Silence.
  6. But when it isn't, and someone's sole means of trying to win is trying to knock you off the road, they're a w**k. I've been in races with one other person, on courses that go round the whole map, 10+ miles, and within ten seconds of starting they're trying to spin me. Learn to drive and you might actually get somewhere. GTA races are generally fair game. I don't mind bumping or incidental contact either, but deliberately ramming someone is just complete scum of the earth stuff. Ed - I just realised my original post said "GTA races," I meant races in the game in general, whoops
  7. I like how Thistle's "not so cuddly anymore" tagline for their new mascot also gets it up Chick.
  8. Don't worry honey, I'll teach you to comb it over so no-one notices, just like my hair!
  9. Miguel Sanchez

    The Sopranos

    Finished it last week. It's not something I could fully or properly digest/analyse after one viewing, but I enjoyed it.
  10. Gareth on fine form in here. Regarding indie landfill shite from the 05-09 period where its popularity was at its peak and when I listened to it, I only have the View's first album and nothing from the Courteeners, so they must both be especially dreadful.
  11. that performance seguing into Guetta was pretty much what made me post it in the first place That Valerie clip was just appalling
  12. DJ Sets at festivals paying ~hundreds of pounds to go and stand in a field in the pishing rain while David Guetta plays his laptop and turns the sound down at bits where he wants the crowd to say the words anyone into this sort of shite should be deported
  13. After 2010 one of my friends took his off because he worked in McDonalds at the time, he left a few months later and reattached it. By burning it to get the ends to fuse together. The other way round from his Glastonbury band that was on the same wrist.
  14. Cheers for the Twilight Sad heads up. I should really re-enter life so I can know about these things more in advance and avoid the brief panic between seeing stuff posted on here and finding out whether tickets are still available or not.
  15. People who try to win GTA races by running people off the road should be fired into the sun
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