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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. This happened last night and wasn't allowed, sadly: http://giant.gfycat.com/MatureMarvelousCougar.mp4 (PS if anyone can figure out how to embed gfycat images it'd be nice)
  2. Don't forget picture of the baby in question as the profile picture.
  3. I'd like to see Eugene wearing that moustache jacket.
  4. I suppose it's a downside of being on the internet so much, the basis of people's arguments can be quite single-minded and gives the impression they get no joy out of just watching good players/teams.
  5. I said if you watch Messi and your first instinct is to try and list players better than him instead of just enjoying being able to watch so much of someone who can play football on a level well beyond any of his peers there's something wrong with you. If you've seen players and you think someone's better or you just enjoy/appreciate someone else better than that's fine. That's not the point. People who try to argue players besides Messi always seem to resort to denigrating his ability rather than extolling anyone else's, which is just baffling to me. In any case, this complaint is aimed more at people who constantly look to make people choose between Messi/Ronaldo (extra bonus c**t points if they claim to be a fan of either Real or Barca while never having set foot in Spain) rather than just enjoy being able to see players succeeding with a level of consistent excellence that is pretty much unparalleled in the history of the sport.
  6. As much as I'm reluctant to criticise anyone for what they post on a messageboard, if you are a football fan and your reaction to watching Lionel Messi play football is to furiously try to list assorted dross that were better than he is, you have some glaring deficiency comprising your character. Wind your fucking neck in and just enjoy watching what any fan of any time period would be overjoyed to watch.
  7. I await lichtie's post of "burning piss" in PTTGOYN in ~3 days.
  8. I was going to say it's obvious he has a mirror that has one of those edges around the... edge, that's angled differently which distorts the reflection, but the tiles in the background are still straight, so I've no idea what's going on.
  9. You think I have hair this good from exposing it to shit like fresh air?
  10. I'm 23 and have a luscious mane of thick, brown hair It's fucking magic If I ever go bald I will never go outside
  11. I've no idea what you work us but I would sincerely hope not, I get the feeling I'd be quite unprepared.
  12. We flushed the gator down the toilet, but it got stuck halfway so now we have to feed it
  13. I've had my new telly with Freeview HD since January and I still can't remember the number of the BBC News channel
  14. That barnet would have cost a fair amount
  15. "It's patronising to call the British voters gullible" *3 million UKIP votes*
  16. http://deadspin.com/the-future-of-hockey-is-a-bunch-of-kids-with-irritating-1702933861
  17. Farage resigns. Goodbye, UKIP.
  18. I liked the bit in 127 Hours where while facing near certain death he contemplated having one final w**k to the picture of girls that were on his camera. A truly touching portrait of humanity, there.
  19. You reject red wine but not Skittle Suppositories or Kermit the Beast Interesting
  20. Except, he isn't, because he's getting nowhere near any sort of power. Unlucky.
  21. Good final, unquestionably good performance from him throughout the tournament and given the effort and dedication he put into his career you can't begrudge him this victory at all.
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