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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. I'm enjoying the online discourse surrounding Henderson going to Saudi Arabia. "He's 33, he's got the chance to set up his family, good on him." He is in fact living in a council house in the Wirral that's riddled with damp so I can understand the motivation.
  2. Discovered my old barber who I hadn't been to since pre-covid has moved elsewhere rather than died or disappeared. £10 for an actual haircut, rather than coming out feeling like a shaved lab animal. I might start going more.
  3. One quite firmly in the worst category:
  4. The 200 million entry fee is far too low. The NHL added new teams in 2017 and 2021 for 500 million and 650 million respectively, and F1 has much more money in it and a much larger audience.
  5. Oh no, I'm just obeying orders. Like a Nazi guard, but in a non-gassy way.
  6. I was out for a run yesterday and I've done something to my leg. Feels like the muscle on the inside of my right thigh. I can move the leg/foot around no problem when I'm sitting down, but when I stand up, try to walk or bend over it's too sore and I can't. Walking and bending over (and coughing) are the only movements I've managed that are actually too painful to do normally, so I can't really tell what it is or how long it'll take to go away.
  7. Well you know, Howard, she's not bent, either in the sense of being corrupt or being gay. And by the way, that's an incredibly homophobic headline, you massive poof.
  8. Tommy Widdrington won player of the year in my first season as Salisbury City boss in Football Manager 2007, and he remained a member of my coaching staff until twenty years later when we won the Champions League. Leave him out of it.
  9. A handy way to tell the difference is that Scorcese films are good and Tarantino films aren't.
  10. If he shits I'll give you five hundred quid.
  11. Oh god no, tuck it in. You look like you've been startled by a fire alarm.
  12. Week 28 update One death this week, the film critic Derek Malcolm: Derek Malcolm, longtime Guardian film critic, dies aged 91 | Film criticism | The Guardian Some time ago (I think after one was posted on here, actually) I discovered the videos on youtube of Mark Kermode reviewing films. I'm not a big film watcher so obviously have even less interest in film criticism, but I found something enjoyable in those videos. I eventually realised I enjoyed listening to someone who was knowledgeable and passionate about a subject talking about it at length. Based entirely on the obituary I've just read I'm pretty sure I would have enjoyed Malcolm's writings just as much. Malcolm died at 91 so he's worth 34 Base Points for @amnarab, with a Solo Shot taking that to 84 points. As a result, the standings look like this: 1. JustOneCornetto 405 2. psv_killie 318 3. The Naitch 240 4. gkneil 234 5. Arbroathlegend36-0 230 6. Arabdownunder 228 7. buddiepaul 226 8. qos_75 221 9. peasy23 220 10. Desp 206 11. Miguel Sanchez 199 12. LoonsYouthTeam 187 13. Billy Jean King 167 14. D.V.T., Mark Connolly, microdave, throbber, weirdcal 166 19. chomp my root 161 20. The DA 153 21. Ned Nederlander 151 22. sophia 148 23. Karpaty Lviv 145 24. Sweaty Morph 140 25. alta-pete 139 26. get_the_subbies_on 138 27. Bully Wee Villa, cdhafc1874, Frosty, HK Hibee 134 31. Ludo*1 133 32. lolls 122 33. Donathan 121 34. amnarab 115 35. Shotgun 112 36. Bert Raccoon, doulikefish, Savage Henry, tamthebam 111 40. Melanius Mullarkay 110 41. Arch Stanton, mozam76 101 43. Lofarl, Michael W, pub car king, The_Craig 99 47. Aim Here, Oystercatcher, weemac 97 50. Ray Patterson 96 51. djchapsticks 94 52. Moomintroll 93 53. dagane, Scorge 87 55. ParsJake, ThomCat 86 57. Indale Winton, sparky88 84 59. blackislekillie, Herc 74 61. ICTJohnboy 69 62. paulathame, Willie adie 68 64. atfccfc, DG.Roma, Fuctifano, HI HAT, lichtgilphead, thistledo 67 70. HTG 66 71. Dunning1874, sleazy 55 73. Empty It, The Hologram 48 75. DeeTillEhDeh, Jimmy Baker 42 77. Oceanlineayr, Salvo Montalbano, Shipa, statts1976uk 39 81. 10menwent2mow, dee_62, Enigma, mizfit, parxyz, scottsdad, senorsoupe, superwell87, Suspect Device 32 90. choirbairn, Derry Alli, expatowner, stanton 31 94. BillyAnchor, German Jag, superbigal 29 97. Everyone else 0 The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RxCIfczRUmrRrW79tUQ0vJ5KaHZpYENsTKmDqW4X3W4/edit?usp=sharing
  13. I think they've been in better situations than he has for the past ~3 years and I don't know how that's affected him. Every year I feel like he should be kicking on and challenging at the front, and it doesn't happen. When something does go wrong he seems to take it worse than the other two, but that could just be because it happens to him way more often. He absolutely is as good as or better than those two but I'm just worried about how much Ferrari are affecting him by being so terrible.
  14. The alleged Man United away top was posted somewhere on here. Just have a look at the long sleeve version.
  15. Thousands of hours in Gran Turismo has convinced me it's the right time.
  16. I get a lot more related tweets to that than I do any non-loonball tweets I look at. I did enjoy someone asking how the capsule from the moon landing took off to go back to earth though.
  17. I'm pretty sure he's spoken about endurance racing before. I don't see him being very keen on America though.
  18. Norris and Russell (and probably Leclerc) would be winning as much as Verstappen if they had that car. Verstappen is signed until 2028 and has frequently said he doesn't know if he'll stay in F1 past that given how long the calendar is, how little interest he has in the media stuff surrounding the sport and his desire to do other things. It would be very remiss of Red Bull to not attempt to have a plan in place for staying at the top.
  19. Passports seem like as much of a faff. A woman in my work had to renew hers a few months ago and filled in the form about three times and came in each week with tales of increasingly irate encounters at whatever office she was going to.
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