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Everything posted by diamonds2002

  1. try some heel drops/raises on a step when you are stretching out. help to strengthen as well as stretch. new shoes might help to
  2. Have you upped your distance or increased the number of runs you do? It could be tendinitis (something I suffer from in my achilles) does it hurt like hell when you pinch it?
  3. if the snow is just falling and fresh I love running in the snow. If it on the ground for anymore than a day then no chance - looking at a broken ankle. i was on the treadmill this morning - time just stands still
  4. I use a tomtom and cant recommend it highly enough. They also link to any bluetooth heart rate monitor if that is of interest to you
  5. My focus this year is going to be on the shorter distances to try and get my speed back to somewhere near where I was 5 years ago. Last two years have had marathons that have't gone well for different reasons - so back to basics for me. I also fancy giving a sprint tri a go if I can improve my swimming and potentially some trail running Stu - I hated my brooks when I had them - blame them for my IT band issues that I had a few years back. I am a slight over pronator and have a wide foot so the Asics GT -1000 series are ideal for me. I tend to go for the previous years version which means I can pick them up slightly cheaper - you can pick up the GT-1000 5 for about £50-£60. Could you maybe try the brooks ghost 8s?
  6. When I first started watching it it wasn't until anatomy park that I really "got it". I was in stitches with the homeless guy in the sky
  7. It depends on how much you want to spend and what you want it to do. I have the Tomtom runner and it is great I usually go for a slightly older version than the current one as it saves a few ££££'s. I used to have a garmin but prefer the tomtom and I have heard good things about the polar. Groupon have the tomtom spark at the moment which also plays your music clicky
  8. There are plenty of good ones out there - makes sure the any plan works with plans eg holidays etc. I like Hal Higdon generally havent tried his marathon program but used his half marathon plans . http://www.halhigdon.com/training/51135/Marathon-Training-Guide you should be able to find one that suits your current ability/training
  9. Morrison - that is a brilliant time well done
  10. I got my annual London marathon rejection email this afternoon - 8 maybe 9 years on the trot
  11. That is exactly where I started about 14 years ago - I was very unfit at the time. I went on from that and have run 3 marathons - I would tell anyone that is the best place to start as it allows your body to adapt to the changes and you set your own pace. I used time rather than distance as my measure and by the end of it was running further than 5k.
  12. Nope - just regular blood. Best bit in episode 2 was the wind calling Jerry a loser. Next up - I'm PICCKKKKLLLLEEEE RICK!
  13. I looking to do a bit of trail running over the summer (when I get back from my holidays). Looking at trainers just now if anyone has any recommendations for off-road shoes? I tried some adidas shoes but they were too narrow for me And what I have read about the inov-8 and the salomons is that they can be on the neat side
  14. I cant seem to motivate myself at the moment. skipped the run this morning - need to sign up for something to get me out of bed
  15. Basically type in DUP scandal and you get the jist why these guys have done more for a united Ireland than SF My favourite is Irisgate - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_Robinson_scandal
  16. I struggled with cramp as well on Sunday - Front of my thighs were goosed from mile 17 onwards - never experienced cramp in this part of my leg before so it was a horrible surprise. There is a picture of me crossing the line and you can actually see how tight the muscles. It was really disappointing as I was coping well up to that point and was on target for a 3:30 in the end I came in just under the 4 hour mark.
  17. Existence is pain! Great first episode - cant wait for the rest of the series.
  18. My kids are 5 and 3 so its the only chance I get and it sets you up for the day. Although when the alarm goes off at 5.30 and it is pishing it down it is pretty tough to motivate yourself.
  19. I was out first thing this morning - little slippy but nothing dangerous I did 3x10min threshold runs with 3 minutes recovery. I feel shattered now but the endorphins are through the roof and still feel high as a kite 2 1/2 hours after finishing. WOOOHOOO!
  20. There are a couple of runners world articles on how the process works http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/interview/rw-interviews-hugh-jones-olympic-course-measurer/8360.html http://www.runnersworld.com/general-interest/elite-course-measurer-im-a-real-pain-for-some-race-directors and a website all about it http://coursemeasurement.org.uk/
  21. I went up on my arse yesterday . Rain on icy pavements do not make ideal running conditions
  22. Foam roller massage should help ease it off. The first time I had it it took about a month to clear up without any let up in training
  23. Sounds like IT band - I would speak to a physio before a GP if I were you.
  24. cheers all I really need to pick up then is the inner tube and the levers which I was planning on getting any way.
  25. Hi everyone I have just join the cycling fraternity and I am looking for advice. I have read that it is good to take out a tool kit out on the longer rides. Can anyone recommend what kind I thing I should be taking out (just in case) Cheers
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