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Everything posted by printer

  1. Typical shoddy, even sensationalist reporting from the BBC. I normally don't vote in SPOTY, but I'll be voting for Froome now.
  2. On the surface it appears strange, but from what I'm reading there appears to he good evidence that elite athletes are more likely to suffer from asthma. As I've mentioned already, there are no performance enhancing properties from Salbutomol if you don't have asthma.
  3. Asthma medication isn't performance enhancing. It only helps individuals who have genuinely got asthma. At least that's what the experts I've heard/read today are saying.
  4. I don't think you need a TUE as salbutomol isn't a banned drug. My reading of Froome's comments is that he took an increased dose over a number of days, but not such that the levels of the drug should be as high as found that one day.
  5. Definitely an attempt to prop Alexandra up. Going to be interesting to see who is in the bottom two. Could be any couples.
  6. Probably best for both Cook and Alloa that they part company. He looked a good signing on paper, given his raw talent, but it hasn't worked out. Perhaps the manager is partly to blame, but I feel it's more a case that we've seen why a player with his ability has bounced around the lower leagues for several years. As much a mental thing as anything else It seems. Clearly that some of Big Jim's weekly wages budget potentially released.
  7. I don't disagree with a lot of your comments, but I'm guessing you aren't a typical Strictly voter. E.g. you can make your own mind up. A lot of the typical voters will be hugely influenced by the general view on FB etc that she isn't a nice person (arsehole is a bit strong IMO).
  8. How is that possible? Did she not come top in the judges leaderboard?
  9. I'll be happy if we end up with more league points than your IQ. So a win next week and I'll be smiling.
  10. That's fine, Alexandra can come round to mine. And bring Claudia if she wants.
  11. Let Eddie have as much of the ball as possible? [emoji6]
  12. I agree with all of this, but I would argue also that putting Fleming into the DM role wasn't the only option Goodwin had when he was deciding how to set the team up when Meggat and McKweon were out. In fact in that first game there was quite a bit of incredulity about Fleming playing that position.
  13. Ouch! Hope he recovers soon and isn't off work too long. Leaves us a bit short. Emergency loan incoming?
  14. Good turnout for George Ormiston's funeral. Nice to see Alex Totten there and also so many connected to the club. Also a nice touch from the funeral directors wearing Alloa Athletic ties.
  15. I'd put Meggat in at left back and leave the rest of the defence and midfield alone. Clearly early days to see how Fleming does in the DM role, but he has the physical presence for it, like Simmy. Interesting that Father Barry... says the balance of the midfield has been better.
  16. Let's hope one of these goes out tonight, especially Brian.
  17. Route for the 2018 TdF announced this morning. Interesting stages include a 35km TTT, a lengthy stage over much of the Paris-Roubaix cobbles and a 31km "hilly" ITT on the last Saturday Prudhomme quoted as saying he wouldn't mind a Froome v Dumoulin showdown, and there appears to be nothing in the overall parcours to prevent that.
  18. I don't agree that the reason Cook is starting (some weeks) ahead of Martin is down to Jim Goodwin's ego and I don't believe there is any evidence for that view. Cook certainly hasn't been as bad as some fans seem to think he has IMO, although I have only seen him a handful of times. I think the manager is actually handling Adam Martin quite well.
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