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Everything posted by Thistle_do_nicely

  1. Not even exaggerating - I'd rather have Brian Graham than Dessers up front for Thistle. Maybe its a confidence issue but he just looks like a player that knows he's on his way out for £500k at the end of the season to a club in, say, Cyprus. Tavernier fairly poor throughout too but at least his excuse is its compounded by having Dessers to aim crosses toward when he got forward. Maeda rinsed him with no end product a handful of times in the first half - but tbf it was one of J-Tavz better defensive games; an odd one where he won a good few challenges/sliding tackles throughout but couldnt create much when he got forward, normal reputation is its the other way round.
  2. not got much by way of OCD, but when I'm eating the first mouthful of food is always, always chewed with the right side of my mouth. Then the second bite is with the left, then the next bite is with my right, etc. etc. etc. and the final bite always has to be with the right side. Occasionally have to adjust my final two mouthfuls of food accordingly to ensure that the last bite doesn't fall on the left side. Bizarrely I actually reckon it's had a minor health benefit, less strain on specific teeth through the years. I think it started in primary school, about the same time I'd grab those wee sachets of salt and pour them on mouth ulcers to cleanse them to death, relishing the pain. I am a strange, strange man having been a strange, strange child tbf. edit: pouring milk into a cup of coffee before adding the boiling water from the kettle, too. So clean, empty mug, *then* add a spoonful of coffee, *then* pour in a bit of milk, *then* add the boiling water and *then* stir well; anyone else I know adds the milk last. I am convinced it tastes better, no clue if its psychological or genuinely makes it less bitter.
  3. Ha. I quite liked him in spells with us, cant mind why it all faded away for him in the end. Cracking goal from halfway against iirc St Johnstone, scored a good brave header from close range (got clattered by the keeper i think) against Dundee too, dunno if was just a Sammonesque purple patch.
  4. yeah, wasn't it something about one or two ex Thistle players at Glenafton (maybe Paul Paton? edit: ah, or Gary Fraser!) that recommended him to us, think that was in this thread Very happy he's extended, not just an absolute unit but he's got a bit of talent/flair about him and all, occasionally makes really eye-catching passes over a decent distance and of course the goal against Airdrie. Can pick up the ball and drive us forward from the back or from midfield too.
  5. so is it basically a few weeks of this? cant wait
  6. I'm less convinced from this season (recency bias maybe) that McMillan is ready for the top flight tbh. Might still be teams with deeper pockets willing to take that risk or offer him a deal, but idk, depends on the right back depth at a few clubs & its not quite the same as last season where Dundee Utd poached a couple of our key players, less convinced Livi are as attractive this time round & most of the other teams in the league have a feel of a fairly sideways move to them - they might also be completely fucked and admin bound if the news is right. Would love him to re-sign if only to avoid a headache replacing him, McBeth shows we can sometimes find an absolute gem notwithstanding.
  7. Extremely frustrated. About 7/8 weeks its been in the garage and now they tell me its going to Vauxhall to see if they can sort. Either being taken for a ride or its just fucked and they've not managed to fix it. Would rather they'd sent it to Vauxhall to sort a while ago though if thats what they were going to do?? probably another fucking 2/3 weeks of this and ive a holiday next month. Dont fully get why theyve replaced the manifold and a bunch of filters and its still (seemingly) fucked? Like why not just say that a few weeks ago, i could take that, and budget accordingly way sooner? Maybe theyve tried fixing it in good faith over the last while, maybe not, past caring. Actually no, seething etc. Bloody cars.
  8. Cheers for that, worth a go tbh and its not something ive ever popped in the petrol cap in the 4 years ive had the car, cant hurt Not oil as such, but white smoke out the exhaust & more thirsty for petrol prior to the noise starting Got a couple, worth a shot for <£20. If nothing else it (allegedly) can boost the mpg a wee bit. It'll need near enough a full tank of petrol once I get it back anyway, so can put one of these in at the same time i suppose.
  9. Slightly conflating a bit here, sorry So the garage have said its probably one of the oil rings on a piston that's a bit worn; the car itself is driving fine, its just that its got slightly high crank case pressure. Point still stands to get rid within a few thousand miles/next couple of years, however, just as a precaution. Different pal I spoke to that hasn't looked at the thing said the piston rings on mine can be prone to overheating and said something about a PCV (I know nothing about cars tbh) which is where I picked that up from. Wasn't sure if that would be an advisory/fail when its due its next MOT, but seemingly not, so got a bit of time yet. Bit of a pain because the parts themselves are buttons, its just the labour costs mean it's not really worth it - says online it'd almost be worth just getting a brand new fucking engine and fitting it in there rather than stripping the engine for the sake of a fault in and around one or more pistons? idk. Is there any sorcery that can be done with some kind of remapping to prolong the life of it with the fuel air mixture?
  10. Unsure if/how its linked, but a long while later... Been in the garage for weeks. High crank case pressure, been advised theres probably something wrong with a piston seal/ring or a piston is cracking/melting They've advised they've got it running fine for now, but have changed a few filters and will try one or two more things to get the pressure down. Car will run for a while but they're advising to get shot of the car within a year, would apparently be a full engine strip to fix down the line if thats what the fault is.
  11. That was kind of why I thought he'd end up with us still fairly young, too, though & we've taken risks on similar players before. Ahh. Bugger, he sprang to mind as being eye catching in the odd game against us, good athlete.
  12. Weird feeling based on nothing, but I reckon theres a couple of players we'll - strongly rather than tentatively - go in for from Inverness if they go down. Cammy Kerr (think hes on loan technically but im guessing hes finished at Dens, he should do just fine as a replacement for McMillan and has a wee bit of the Christie Elliot "gives 100% wherever you fling him on the pitch" about him), Cammy Harper etc. Convinced Declan Glass is going to sign for us and all.
  13. Aye, sorry, thats what I meant - was fucked after the 90 and had to go off,not that he was fucked after the 120.
  14. Legit not downcast after that, getting papped out by Raith was always likely. Not sure why as was expecting to be a lot more seething when we fucked the shootout (which was pretty much guaranteed) More feeling a nagging worry about next season, every playoff fuckup in that fashion builds up the doubts, pressure and reputation as bottlers. Doolan's done well with the side he has but if we lose several first team players again it increases the risk we recruit poorly and regress... Would assume Aero was fucked, normally a good pen taker. Find out down the line. Best wishes to Raith in the final.
  15. No chance we're winning a shootout, Mitchell vs. Dabrowski is no contest Hadnt really crossed my mind as a possibility til now. Might get one more chance, need to.
  16. Case in point looked a handball all day by the raith player but the ref cant be fucked giving it or misses it entirely so the game keeps rollin' baby
  17. I know theres a few poor decisions arguably because of it, but the fact the ref isnt giving many soft free kicks (that other refs definitely would) is helping the game stay frantic. Misses a few stonewallers too, but im all for it
  18. For all that hes not that tall Robinson does some graft at long punts, makes it really awkward for defenders to clear cleanly and wins a few and all
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