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Everything posted by Thistle_do_nicely

  1. not everyones cup of tea, but this was in my recommended https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68782418
  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/68797201 Tangential,and Turkish football is mad, but its striking that their officials have actually caved and appointed foreign referees. Weak appeasement or a get out so the clubs claiming bias have no complaints for the rest of the season?
  3. Somewhat horrifying that the proliferation of drone/remote weapons also gives a convenient "out" for war crimes tbh...
  4. Rings true for a previous job, aye; warehouse (trying desperately to play about with stock to constantly fight fires while sales fling last minute shite their way constantly) vs. sales (trying desperately to get as many orders as physically possible constantly to keep the owners off their back and fighting to get what they need out of the warehouse)
  5. It rains and it pours The Arabs point scooooore It's all by the by Rangers let their club DIE edit: thank you
  6. My first ever proper, full time, grown up job years back (no graduate, just a few various low to mid tier wageslave positions to date) I got flown abroad for a week training. First day the IT were struggling to get my computer set up and my first hour I was sat with my thumb up my arse pretty much. Then more or less left to my own devices once I started for real, and it was terrifying. Ended up packing it in within a week, still feel really shitty and they were nice about it, said they just wished I'd spoken up sooner. Might have had a fighting chance at it if I got another shot at it these days, but c'est la vie. These days - it still comes in (at work, in the car, in bed, wherever) and my god its hard to fight off. This is the best explanation of it I've ever seen. Hard not to hear it when you realise you've done something incorrectly, or misunderstood something, or whatever. I envy people that can just power through their mistakes, I really do.
  7. Genuinely - before fully understanding football chants and how they work, some of which are nonsensical anyway and have a backstory e.g. Gerry Britton is the King of Spain - thought it was Regular Army for a long, long time. Penny dropped eventually.
  8. That's gutting, hope he can make a full recovery. For the run in... try out a back five - Mitchell GK, Neilson, Aero and McBeth at CB, Milne and McMillan as wingbacks and rest Fitzpatrick for a game or two, which at times he looks like he could do with tbf? Something wild like McMillan further forward (but then Williams is out too and we're also limited at right back so would probably be weaker there which isn't ideal at all, don't think Zander fits there)? Shoehorn Robinson in there and then juggle about the midfield a bit (also just noticed Bannigan hasn't made the bench the last couple of games either...)? Legit not sure; will be impressed if Doolan can stumble on something that works but aye its a pain, especially before a particularly tough match. Are emergency/out of window short term loans still a thing
  9. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/15454fa2-a791-4df8-961f-292c43788773 Cant find a quality video of this unfortunately but aye. Hipsterism at its most pretentious.
  10. i get you. Livi papped us out of the cup that season too im sure, they were legit just better than us over the tie. Failing to score in the home game, leading and then Sammon having a penalty saved late on to set up a possible grand finish (damage already done by then anyway tbf). It doesnt rankle the way the County game does, conceding and then making an arse of the kick off to concede immediately. Also now remembered losing from 1-0 up to late winners, 2-1, back to back against Hamilton and Dundee..... bloody Simon Murray.
  11. Losing the playoff final to County on penalties last season. Losing 2-1 at Firhill x2 against Rangers in the same season, last minute winners for them both times. Brutal. Losing both legs of the playoff final against Livi, think we went 1-0 up in the tie too.
  12. Bloody hell. Got away with that a bit, but fortunately Inverness were largely toothless. Think we really didn't know how to play it once Inverness were down to 10, made them a lot more focused on not losing the ball cheaply & they kept playing for free kicks to launch and pin us back, whereas we became ridiculously slow/ponderous. Lawal was excellent for Inverness, really sharp wee midfielder.
  13. Oh, I vaguely mind reading it years ago on a recommendation! Little dry at times but also cool & semi-historical, will give it a go.
  14. Yep - occasionally pop into Tesco near my work for the odd meal deal, and the nearest food places are Subway, Greggs or Burger King around Central Station. edit: by comparison the odd sandwich, crisps and diet drink feels positively healthy. Would be nice to have places serving stuff thats a bit more wholesome but even at that the bulk of the cafes are either extortionate or still cater to folk that just want something fried and tasty. Can't blame them tbh. Pretty sure the likes of Sprite and 7-Up are already advertised as being low calorie & per can they're not far off, say, an equivalent coffee with milk in it. Feels pointless, unless its more targetted at high caffeine content shite like Red Bull / Monster which still... well, doesn't feel like this is targetted enough if thats the end game. Quavers per bag are advertised as being fairly low in calories per bag and all. The bulk of the crisps & chocolates you can get on in a typical meal deal are, I suspect, already low calorie thanks to shrinkflation anyway (unless you're actively hunting for the best value price-to-shite ratio)
  15. Noted on the poll it specifies "viewers" and "watchers" - got to suspect that figure is skewed by armchair fans who'll just lap up whatever EPL shite they're being served.
  16. https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/bowel-cancer-rising-among-young-adults-in-europe/ Not necessarily what she has, but there's an awful lot of high profile cases of fairly young folk dying from it that, while tragic, hopefully can result in others getting screened. If one person sees that Kate has it & gets their symptoms checked out off the back of it then that's good enough for me. springing to mind are Deborah James, Jeanette Maus (video game actress), think a Dons player developed it too a while back. Frustrating, as its preventable if its looked for early enough.
  17. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/5863108/antonio-cassano-sex-food/ The Sun, yuck. arguably doesn't qualify but going by this he hated training for football & vastly preferred food and women to being a professional player. #TopLad #Banter etc. Nile Ranger another seeing as the article mentions petty crime, was involved in all sorts while still playing professionally, think he ran a credit card scam or something
  18. Interesting - suspect the rumour grew arms and legs from the odd comment like this https://www.skysports.com/football/news/2232817/kahn-sick-of-football not the same thing as actively disliking football, really; fighting chance its just a common occupational hazard to end up jaded if you feel like you're being overworked no matter what you do. Arguably why Klopp is leaving too if he's to be taken at face value.
  19. Think Oliver Kahn has spoken about not enjoying football & it just being a job to him.
  20. Kinda this pretty much. Aye, I actually had a pal look at an intermittent check engine light a few months back and it came up with a fuel/air mix code, but it kept going away. Car was due its MOT in September anyway, was hoping to go trouble free til then. Problem is its been running just fine so I've not bothered my arse up until it became properly unignorable. Annoyingly the white smoke is something that I have clocked occasionally but thought nothing of...
  21. Cracked manifold, apparently. New one to me, Dad is already suggesting potholes have fucked it...
  22. Yeah, had to look this up a while back. Wills are still very important but theres kind of minimums set out as legal rights. https://advisingfamilies.org/uk/information-portal/family-matters/legal-rights-scotland/
  23. bumped/paraphrased from Alan Partridge, but stretches of road which alternate from a 40mph limit to a 60mph/70mph limit. Timing the acceleration and braking to technically stay perfectly road legal but absolutely booting the car from 40mph - 60mph. Exhilerating. edit: The stretch that goes from 50mph - 70mph around the Erskine Bridge. Oh baby. (this may explain why mine is needing in for a repair imminently tbf)
  24. Sacked in the Morning is good to listen to while drifting to sleep - can make of that what you will, I'm aware that may be damning with faint praise but it was generally decent, if forgettable.
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