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Everything posted by Thistle_do_nicely

  1. Salou sprang to mind, only nominating as someone had says they're not long back from there and loved it. Might be worth a wee look, she says it was a pretty comfortable flight and all, only 2hrs30mins away.
  2. I don't think so, tbh. Any tellies I walked past were either showing Putin/Zelensky/various EU/German political figures talking about EU things, formula 1 racing or coverage of the Euros. Never even overheard anyone idly talking about it. Have looked it up and I think his disappearance is a wee bit out the way from where I was. Would guess will hit the front pages if/when he's actually found. if he's out lost in similar terrain the tour bus went past up to Mt Teide... ooft. Assuming this isn't some sort of weird grift where he uses the GoFundMe money for, say, a Willie Wonka themed kids amusement party down the line, of course.
  3. Hahahahahahahaha No, but I did clock some of that thread when I had the hotel wifi!! Alas, any cactii I witnessed didn't have a pissed up teenager hanging off them. Need to check that thread again come to think of it, no idea if he's been found yet or any other exciting twists and turns...
  4. Not long back. Shattered tbf but initial quick thoughts on the norf of Tenerife were great, would recommend. Couple of family also ended up coming along with me, too, which worked out great as I reckon I might have gone stir crazy for a full 11 nights all on my lonesome but just wanted a nice long holiday, hadnt been away in ages. Teide was marmite I think, its barren up there (rocks as far as the eye can see!) but tbh I found it impressive to look at and go up to look around (but only for a few minutes, altitude is so high in the heat I got a bit lightheaded up there) Tour guide said iirc the area is a popular stand in for Mars for movies or something to do with the mars rover (promotional material maybe, cant mind exactly what she'd says) and can see why. Loro Parque is a fun wee place for a day, preferred the wee hyperactive animals generally. Dolphins > Orca's too, fite me bro Couple of folk during one of the games said they were regulars and thought it was incredibly quiet the past few years and was quiet while I was out, which surprised me! I thought it was still pretty bustling tbf but my aunt made a fair point that we're there in June and you could generally get a seat outside for food anywhere you wanted easily enough apart from the super small cafes/tapas places where the tables would fill up. She's been places before and its been nigh on impossible to find anywhere to even get a seat. Cruz campos lager (might be mistyping it phonetically, think the guy said is Sevillan lager) was dynamite and a drink recommendation, I loved the stuff. Glad I went, would probably try another island if I can keep saving up enough/avoid further car misfortune if I were to go back to the Canaries. All the same, if you offered me another several days there to just sit about in the sun, walk and sit out in the breeze, get some of the food then I'd say aye. Woman at one of the bars (lovely tbf) says its a bit frustrating because they serve meals from time to time for, say, couples that they could easily charge 70 plus Euros for elswhere in the islands but its so cutthroat they can only charge about half that at most. Good value for the punter at the end of the day tho! Also the breweries have been getting pretty tough, charge a huge amount per bottle/pint/can but the locals get really pissed off whenever prices go up so they get shit off the customers if they try and bump the prices up even a few cents... It felt pretty safe to be there too, all the street vendors just left most of their merch out in plain view etc. Would see the policia local a handful of times driving along with sirens on but didn't see any direct bother. Zante (years ago right enough) I'm pretty sure I was at least x1 fight a night.
  5. Unironically get to a dentist. I had a bit of toothache a couple years back and did the tried and true "ignore it, use more mouthwash and hope it goes away" It did for a few weeks but came back with a vengeance. Warm salt water helped a little. Vodka unironically helped, just swilled it around the tooth and also drank some to dull the pain, not a sustainable solution tbf Milk, too, weirdly, found swilling that around the tooth helped a wee bit. Got to the dentist eventually, was a crumbling wisdom tooth they had to extract Gave me a weeks course of amoxycillin too, so ibuprofen wont help with that, good chance you need strong antibiotics prescribed to kill any infection as presumably thats causing the toothache. Extraction... wasnt fun, but it healed up ok, dentist actually recommended the salt water too, draws out any infection or summat. Couldnt have left alone, just better getting it done, otherwise theres problems if the roots to a deid tooth are still in place foostering away.
  6. Try an XLOOKUP? I got shown a sheet with several hundred entries needing processed regularly and was shown how to do it (literally one by one, for every entry, and check every 20 or so entries that the numbers were adding up) which would be a tedious, lingering death of a way to do it. Played about with the sheet and discovered the XLOOKUP function; tends to be theres a handful of entries that cant be found and need a little bit of digging & one or two other minor issues I just manually update, but just using that does about 90% of the work. Cut down a 4/5 hour job to about half that.
  7. saw that on the Legal Eagle video about it, yeah. Not technically a felon yet. Fine/safe ground to call him a future felon, though.
  8. Finally got my car back - fixed up! Valve under the rocker cover, apparently, all replaced along with the cracked manifold & various filters, but looks like it's *not* piston related. Was sweating, but might be some life in it yet & didn't end up costing a fortune. Noticeably fewer exhaust gases too! Need to watch that along with treating the car with kid gloves from now on, having finally had to spend a bit on repairs outside of normal brake pads etc. - don't want to be forking out a few £hundred again for as long as I can get away with. will be swerving potholes like its the wacky races.
  9. Playing it in Murrayfield seems strange, albeit I quite like novelty matches like that (think Hearts used it for some European games a few seasons back) Aware there might be works going on at Ibrox but why not Hampden even, keep it in Glasgow? Might be cheaper to rent Murrayfield out for the match or something. edit: ahh, a rare thought from me! might just be more tourists in Edinburgh than Glasgow over July
  10. Byrne willing to sign? k, mcbeth is playing at centre half Ashcroft willing to sign? k, mcbeth is playing at centre mid iasipmacsayingimplayingbothsidessoialwayscomeoutontop.jpg.gif edit: half joking tbf, unless we're shooting to have a bit more depth in the squad all over for next season to properly shoot for the title/getting through the playoffs unscathed.
  11. Scored an absolute belter -albeit a consolation in a pumping - against Celtic too, at Firhill. edit: this one. Angle behind the goal is the best, cut across it perfectly and I think live it looked like more of a foot bazooka than it does on the highlights
  12. Christie Elliott came in from some kind of Newcastle junior league equivalent I think? Steven Bell arguably, an older head and not quite the same as unearthing a younger player that settles into full time football but had a good impact all the same.
  13. Was already mentioned a page or so back, good ser. Probably an upgrade on Sneddon, almost certainly an upgrade on Ross Stewart. Unless he's had a previous loan spell somewhere in Scotland that I've missed I don't think theres much to say, article says he's a 22 year old that's mainly been playing with Leicester u-21's. Might point to us casting a reasonably wide net for the rest of the summer if nothing else.
  14. Ahhhh! Quoting myself but aye, this is the more american/canadian version of it. Worldstar etc. https://twitter.com/ryanlongcomedy/status/1764779321632125201/mediaviewer
  15. Struggling to articulate this a little, and not sure how specifically/quintessentially ('member that banner?) British a phenomenon it is, but a strong mob mentality & wistfully thinking of yourself as being in a Silent Majority. Maybe the mob mentality thing is a hangover from medieval times? Or people getting to express their most horrifying, base instincts - but its ok cos its a criminal! Like Instead of braying and chucking rocks at those accused of being petty criminals, now its all comments sections on various online channels. Where people seem to try to one up each other on who can come up with the most cruel and unusual punishment for, say, the McCanns, or Lucy Letby (a full spectrum of relatively mild comments, i.e. "lock them away and frow away the key" right the way through to "THIS IS WHY WE NEED THE DEATH PENALTY BROUGHT BACK THEY SHOULD CHAIN THESE MONSTERS UP AND LET THE VICTIMS FAMILIES SORT THEM OUT WITH AN AXE IN A DARK ROOM THATD BE JUSTICE" Also getting caught up in whatever is going on in the states and doing a shite knock off of it. Boris aping Trump etc.
  16. "what do you want me to do? It's ridiculous"
  17. Commiserations to you - doubt we'd have been able to overcome County over two legs either. Last time round our side was gutted after the playoff (Docherty and Holt to Dundee Utd, Turner to County) but I'm not sure Livi are as attractive. Suspect Brown will attract a fair bit of interest from the top flight, maybe Easton too & Murray might end up interviewing at Hibs?
  18. Not even exaggerating - I'd rather have Brian Graham than Dessers up front for Thistle. Maybe its a confidence issue but he just looks like a player that knows he's on his way out for £500k at the end of the season to a club in, say, Cyprus. Tavernier fairly poor throughout too but at least his excuse is its compounded by having Dessers to aim crosses toward when he got forward. Maeda rinsed him with no end product a handful of times in the first half - but tbf it was one of J-Tavz better defensive games; an odd one where he won a good few challenges/sliding tackles throughout but couldnt create much when he got forward, normal reputation is its the other way round.
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