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Posts posted by Kenny_m

  1. 13 hours ago, Passionate said:

    that's us on 43 points ,Allo a and  Edinburgh on 45,   what is the target to get in the playoffs I am thinking 58 or 59

    Our next 2 games are against Peterhead and Clyde but so are Alloa's but I would be surprised if we both take 6 points. They'll be slip ups on the run in for all but our results against Alloa & Edinburgh will ultimately decide as they would definitely be must not lose games if not must win.

    History shows that 58 points would normally be more than enough.


  2. Just now, Rhys McCabe Hype Train said:

    Didn’t see that result on the cards, was predicting a few goals but couldn’t pick a winner. Looking forward to seeing the goals back again later. Buzzing for Gabby, he’s got some finish on him. 

    Crucial couple of weeks coming up now. Really has to be 6 points from 6 against Clyde & Peterhead going into the Alloa, Montrose games to give us a bit of a free hit against Falkirk and Dunfermline again.

    Alloa game already looks massive and whilst we can't take anything for granted, it will be disastrous if we don't collect the 6 points from our next 2 games.

  3. 4 minutes ago, ShineOnYouCrazyDiamonds said:

    Same team starts next week for me. Ballantyne had one of us best games since he joined, definitely lose something in attack with him on the wrong side but he was still a threat down the wing and defended really well. McMaster offered more in the holding midfield role than McCabe has this season. He made a mistake when he gave away the penalty but other than that he was good. I’d rather have Devenny in the midfield than Telfer at the moment as well. I think at Telfer’s best he’d start but when he’s off his game you just get more from a guy like Devenny out of pure desire and commitment. Brilliant for Gabby to get a hat trick and Gallagher to score the best goal I’ve ever seen in person.

    If McCabe gets back in the team it should be at centre half.

    Agree that Ballantyne was great today but it can only ever be a temporary measure. (I've got a massive bee in my bonnet about right footed left/wing backs)

  4. 20 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:


    Not really, we know we can hammer teams and have done numerous times, we can play great football. It's the other side of the game we lack when the going gets tough. As great as we were today, it's nothing we haven't already seen a few times this season.


    Yip although Kelty seem to have a few issues at the moment.

    Apparently their owner is off to Raith next season and Forster is missing from their squad amid rumours of a domestic with his wife. Higginbotham was also absent today and they appeared a right soft touch.

  5. 1 hour ago, Chapelhall chap said:

    Gone for a home win but it's going to be tight 

     Given that he brought in Byrd last week , it looks like he'll retain his place but I suspect Ballantyne might be benched for Watson and we might even play with two up top, if McCabe is unfit,  or am I just clutching at straws? Varying from optimism to acceptance that we're stuck in this league again. 


    Airdrie to win and all the praise heaped upon the injured Manager in the dug out.

  6. 15 minutes ago, David Fernández said:

    Watched the Dunfermline vs Falkirk game last night. Dunfermline highlighted everything we aren't and also what it takes to get out of league 1.

    ● Management team that can make changes when things aren't going to plan.

    ● Better game management (street wise,  seeing the game out).

    ● Solid defence (experienced pros like Kyle Benedictus, Chris Hamilton etc)

    ● Big Haddy striker to bring off the bench (Todarov etc).

    ● Manager that has previously achieved promotion or has won League 1 previously.

    ● Team that focuses on winning games of football rather than being the 'best footballing team' grinding out results.

    Overall I was impressed by Dunfermline especially in the second half of the game, and if we are looking to plan to get promotion this season, we should be looking to follow a similar model if possible. I think the idea of having a development academy is complete nonsense and we should be looking to build a team to try and aim for promotion. If both Dunfermline and Falkirk go up, that would leave us in a league with potentially Hamilton, Arbroath and QOS going for promotion, not saying that would be easy, but I don't imagine any of the teams budgets or resources would be that of Falkirk and Dunfermline.

    Not forgetting a budget which will be double what ours is.

  7. On 05/03/2023 at 09:49, Kenny_m said:

    Looking at the last 2 completed League tables (ignoring the short covid ones) 51 points has been enough to secure 4th place but likely that won't be enough this season. We'll probably need 15 points from our last 9 games where we cannot afford defeats at Alloa & Edinburgh away and Montrose at home.

    Of course next week against Kelty is now our biggest game of the season especially with Alloa at Edinburgh.

    Quite interesting given that we've been on a terrible run. Apart from the top 2 everyone else seems pretty similar.

    SPFL League 1 Form Guide Points Last Six

    Dunfermline Athletic 16

    Falkirk 13

    QoS 9

    Montrose 8

    Airdrie 7

    Edinburgh 7

    Alloa Athletic 7

    Kelty Hearts 6

    Clyde 4

    Peterhead 4

  8. 5 minutes ago, Duncan Freemason said:

    I think his lack of mobility was at the core it. I don’t know if he is carrying an injury, but last four or five games he has looked less and less mobile.

    That’s the three games against the Fifers plus the games against Dundee that have shown us to still be some way off it.

    The Cup game next week will be a good indicator as to how good (or not) we are. Another performance like last night, and Ayr will comfortably beat us. Even our best next Monday might not be enough.

    Having watched the game as a neutral McGinn looked as if he was towing a caravan!

  9. 18 hours ago, dextermorgan said:

    Chrighton was certainly a 'stopper' and very good in the air. Unfortunately his abilities finished there. He found it very difficult to play out from the back and seemed lost outside of his own penalty box.

    I do feel sorry for Fordyce somewhat as I feel that he has had to carry the back line all on his own with constant changes to playing partners and the lack of decent full backs to eliminate the constant crosses into the box. I'm pretty sure that almost every other side in the division would be glad to have him.

    Obviously that shipped has well sailed but I remember a Friday night game at East End park where we beat Dunfermline 1-0 on an extremely wet and windy night. Crighton & Lithgow were centre backs and Dunfermline bombarded us with high balls most of the 2nd half which both of them lapped up but yes, I still wouldn't mind an one old fashioned 6' 2" "heed the baw" centre back.

  10. 3 hours ago, Sage Monkey said:

    I am not sure quite who McCabe is marking, there are two men within arms reach when the ball is kicked. McCabe can't mark both, and as manager, he ought to be calling someone else in to support him. Not only does he not do that, he drops off, leaving BOTH men free, and one of them scores.

    I am not having a go at McCabe, just using this as another example that everyone makes mistakes, and you have got to expect more mistakes from younger players. We need to persevere with these kids, give them more than just one game.  A lot of people have been begging for an improvement at the back, give Byrd a chance, he just might be what we need.

    Another thing is that we need to start planning for next season now, I doubt we will get promotion, we are just too inconsistent, even if we make the play-offs, which I seriously doubt, I cannot see us beating the other teams over 180 minutes, we are simply bound to have a spell where we let in three goals in 20 minutes, killing our chances.

    One final note, you certainly get entertainment following the Diamonds these days, sadly much of it is heartbreaking, but we get more than our fair share of goals, just wish more were into the opposing net.

    Gallagher is on Brydon who blocks off Byrd who is marking the scorer. QOS will be delighted that their training ground move has come off but looking at it again it's definitely a foul but one you will seldom get. Learning curve for Lachie but we'll agree to disagree..

    I do concur that Byrd should be given a run in the side as it seems to me that if Fordyce doesn't get his head to crosses,  then no one does. 

  11. 9 hours ago, Sage Monkey said:

    Why are having a go at Byrd, it was his first start for the club, and in my opinion, he played well, yes, he made a few mistakes, but who didn't, Frizzell made a mistake and he is our best player (again, in my opinion!)

    Byrd is being blamed for the first goal, but as the corner is taken he is marking a man on the edge of the 6-yard box. The person marking the goal-scorer was Rhys McCabe, the goalscorer and another QOS player, left McCabe to run to the near post, and McCabe simply let them go. Byrd saw the danger too late and made a late attempt to get to them, but was too late. Sorry, not his fault.

    I won't try to defend him for the second goal, but here there were a few others that were also at fault.

    Byrd had a difficult introduction having to mark a prolific striker, and the striker did not score, so in my opinion, he fulfilled his primary task for the match. He is still young and has potential, cut him a bit of slack guys.

    McCabe is marking QOS No 8 who peels off to the edge of the box although being kind to Byrd you could say it was a foul by QOS No 35 who blocked him off and let the scorer get free, got to be stronger though. I did say earlier I would persevere with him as he has the physical attributes to be a success but definitely needs game time.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:


    They also signed Rico Quitongo and Sam Wardrop, so full backs maybe aren't their area of expertise.

    Anyway, my point is more about who didn't sign him, if he was genuinely that good why did no-one else want him at a higher level? Presuming that he didn't turn down moves to the Championship, which he may have but seems unlikely.

    Thistle were rumoured after he had already signed for us, but of course unlikely we'll ever know.


  13. 4 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:

    The 2nd goal yesterday being a good example, the focus is on Deveney and Byrd for criticism but watch Ballantyne in the build up, he is comfortably goal side of Gibson by at least 5 yards but when the ball goes across the goal he's nowhere, he didn't have a clue where his man was as his body position was all wrong

    Agree, so we've now blamed the entire defence with the exception of Fordyce and rightly so, they all were at fault but Deveney mostly for me.


    7 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:

    The truth of the matter is that if he was that good he'd have moved up a league rather than sign a 2 year deal with us, so there must be a lot of other managers who also don't rate him very highly.

    Ian Murray and PH did, they signed him.

  14. 3 minutes ago, airdrieman said:

    I’m sure McCabe’s LinkedIn page describes himself as an associate. Either way McCabe, Frizzell, Devenny, Jay Riley, Stanway, Gabby and Alex Henderson are all represented by that group. And Dixon’s da is at the very least a self-described pal of Jackie McNamara’s. 

    You are indeed correct although not listed on the Consillium website. Does seem a bit unhealthy but I'd be pretty sure PH is aware of, and sanctions.

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