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Posts posted by Kenny_m

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jack Reed said:

    Certainly been a horrendous month for team and supporters,reading about all the players that can step up to championship ,did anyone see any player yesterday that could step up,players including manager need a reality check,

    It's a fair point and I've always said that to progress out of this league you need to have around 5 o r 6 players who are capable of the step up. Unfortunately being one of the lowest full time payers, if not the lowest, then this is difficult to achieve.

    Ditch the Gow youth experiment which is destined for failure and put all resources into the first team.

  2. 14 minutes ago, David Fernández said:

    The manager is responsible for recruitment

    Not sure that's 100% true. Do you really believe that McCabe went to PH and said I want to sign Joe Dixon!


    15 minutes ago, David Fernández said:

    When it comes to defending what do they actually work on in training?

    It's completely disingenuous to suggest that. So you blame McCabe for Deveney not putting a tackle in and Byrd losing his man although in his case, it's inexperience and naivety.

  3. 7 minutes ago, David Fernández said:

    Wasn't at the game yesterday so can't comment too much on the performance but having a look at the goals we conceded yesterday that defending is absolutely horrific. 

    We are probably the softest team in the country, even when the goals are conceded, some players either don't look that ar*ed or their heads have dropped completely.

    McCabe has had numerous chances to get this shambles of a defence sorted and still we are conceding comedy goals. If we keep defending like that, we won't even make the play offs, never mind win them.

    Harped on about it numerous times but we are not getting out of this league unless we get in an experienced manager with a track record of winning league 1.

    But all is well as we are the 'best footballing team in the league' 🤦‍♂️


    Agree that the goals are horrendous but what can the manager do other than drop the players involved?

    Byrd is as weak as water at the first.

    Deveney doesn't even stick a leg out to stop the cross at the 2nd.

    Individual error by Frizzell for the 3rd.

    You can be the best coach in the world but players really need to do the basics. 

  4. Looking at the last 2 completed League tables (ignoring the short covid ones) 51 points has been enough to secure 4th place but likely that won't be enough this season. We'll probably need 15 points from our last 9 games where we cannot afford defeats at Alloa & Edinburgh away and Montrose at home.

    Of course next week against Kelty is now our biggest game of the season especially with Alloa at Edinburgh.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:

    Putting aside the managerial stuff for a second, what exactly is McCabe meant to be offering in the middle of the park?

    He doesn't have the legs that we need in there with Frizzell and Telfer, doesn't have the physicality either, and offers very little on the ball. He was great last year at the back but I was always unconvinced by the shouts to get him back in midfield. His career trajectory in that position already suggested he wasn't a good option there, and what I've seen this season confirms that. McMaster was much better when he came on at what we need in there, someone to nip in front of players and win second balls. Him sitting out a few games might not only fix the problem of having no-one on the sidelines, but might also improve the midfield.

    McCabe is the ultimate target being the manager but Byrd got bullied for the 1st goal and showed his lack of experience.

    Deveney (who also had a mare) was easily beat for the 2nd followed by Byrd  allowing attacker to get across him.

    And Frizzell made an individual error for the 3rd.

    I'm not suggesting McCabe was great but these were the issues that ultimately cost us the game.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Diamonds02 said:

    Season's already over for me so not going to mention the obvious negatives from today.

    I know young Byrd struggled a bit at times today but in fairness was up against best striker in the league in his first start, i think he's shown enough potential that we should persevere with him as he gets match fit because i think if he just bulks up a bit he could be a really good player for us.

    Also thought Dean McMaster was easily our best player today when he came on. Certainly wouldn't be opposed to him starting next week and allowing McCabe to manage from the sidelines.

    Yeh Lachie had a bit of a mare and probably at fault for the first 2 goals, although not just him. He needs to use his physical attributes better but i would persevere with him and it's the only way he'll improve.

  7. 8 hours ago, Mr November said:

    I think that will be even more of a factor with the cost of living just now. Players will be less keen to travel up to Cove/Peterhead etc. but equally it makes collecting your Darvel money very appealing.

    It’s a tough one isn’t it. We’re in a unique situation being hybrid (although is Gallagher our only part-time player now?) which makes it more complex. I think there’s definitely some value in building a consistent core within a squad at part-time level, Arbroath and Montrose have done that very successfully over the last five years or so. However there does come a time when you need to refresh that and I think this season shows both clubs are at that point. Doing that at full-time is more difficult for us given we’re literally at the bottom of the food chain. Any decent full-time player will be keen to use Airdrie as a stepping stone, and rightly so, which makes it difficult to have the same continuity. 

    Building for the future by signing a load of young guys in January and not playing them seems daft but equally rebuilding every summer isn’t sustainable. I don’t think there’s a perfect solution unfortunately.

    Money of course is the biggest factor. Quitongo on £375 per week is surely the the lowest full time wage in the country and highlights the issue we have as virtually every other full time club in Scotland could probably offer more. If we don't get promotion this season then finances could be worse next year as it's a strong possibility that Dunfermline & Falkirk depart and Arbroath & Cove come down which will be a big hit on revenue. 

    We need to get out of this league for the club to progress.

  8. 48 minutes ago, Passionate said:

    Telfer has indeed been excellent , really when Friz came back into the team,  watching the games his work rate has been good IMO,  let's be honest here you are playing League 1 for a reason ,  all teams players are the same unless they are on the way up, 


    looking at next season if we stay in this division(more than likely) do we think many of our players will get picked up by championship  club s,  for me Smith, McCabe, Rae and probably Telfer could make the step up,  the rest no including Frizzell who at top level in this league gets found out for pace,   although is a very good footballer...f




    Smith - Accies seemed happy to offload him when he was there but his pace always makes him a threat and therefore possibly could move on.

    McCabe - I would have thought would be under contract and probably is our highest earner so therefore unlikely he will go anywhere unless he gets sacked or walks.

    Rae - I've no doubt he will be off to possibly a higher level than championship. Carlisle were strongly linked with him last close season.

    Telfer - couldn't secure a better deal last close season so again unlikely. Can play though.

    Gallagher - his goal record could attract interest although his part time status may be an issue.

    Frizz - Obviously had an interrupted season through injury and form has been a bit patchy but obviously talented and a strong end to the season could attract the attention of someone.

    Ballantyne - Partick were linked last close season but again very up and down this season and uses  the stadium for his soccer school so  might not want to move anywhere.

    So not many and probably explains our current league position.

  9. 54 minutes ago, Sage Monkey said:

    I read on here a few people saying that we need to slow the pace down, but this is easier said than done. Opposition teams have realised that the best way to knock a passing side off their stride is to press the ball high up the park. This means that the players that are being harried are the back four, who are likely to be the most susceptible to making mistakes. Also, if such a mistake is made, then it usually leads to a one-on-one with the keeper, and a great chance to score. Rhys has spotted this, and tries to exploit it by playing the ball long for our front players to chase. The logic is that if the opponents simply fall back, they will have 8 outfielders marking our 5 front runners, a considerable advantage, however if they add two more up front to press our defenders, then it becomes 6 against 5 and the odds are a lot better for us.

    Regarding  Adam Frizzell, I couldn't agree more that we need him to play a bit deeper, such that he is more involved on the ball, however, he is, by quite a long way, the most creatively dangerous player we have in the final third of the pitch, so we need him at the top end too. In effect, what we need are two Adam Frizzell's, just as we had last year with Dylan Easton and Adam. Sadly that quality of player is difficult to find.

    Dylan was on commentary on Saturday and was suggesting that Frizz is at his best in the pockets and looking to play the killer pass.

  10. 1 hour ago, CumbyDiamond said:

    Hows this for a setup to sort the Defensive side


                          Watson               McCabe                                         Fordyce             ATS

                          Ballantyne           Telfer                                             Frizz                    Smith / Euan

                                                 McGill                                          Gallagher


    Allows            Smith/Euan , Mccabe & Ballantyne to move forward in attack & track back help in defense, leaving Gal & Mcgill free to counter


    Also facilitates Mcgregor to come in last 20 for Mcgill / Ballantyne who will tire & stanway to replace Telfer / Frizz if required

    I doubt ATS will start, in fact I don't believe he will start another game this season unless we're decimated by injuries and/or suspensions. Got a feeling he will give Byrd a chance at centre back before him, but not this Saturday.

  11. 5 hours ago, Passionate said:

    look at the 3 goals on Saturday I blame Fordyce for every one of them, watch them back

    You could perhaps apportion blame for the 3rd for a poor tackle.

    Didn't do anything wrong at the 1st, his positioning was fine to cut out cross, went over his head and Oliver scores from 3 yards in the 6 yard box, goalkeeper is badly at fault.

    The 2nd, is 100% Ballantyne. He seen and let Kennedy run straight by him, you cant pass on runners in the penalty box.

    5 hours ago, Passionate said:

    Ballantyne as stated previously has had an average season

    Agree, erratic is how I would describe him.

  12. 13 minutes ago, papa57 said:

    McCabe a good player, but not a good manager, 3 games on the trot they have threw a lead, one point from those 3 games, not good enough, will be lucky to make play offs

    Whether they were deserved or not we received 2 red cards, conceded 2 pens, missed a penalty and had 2 important players suspended in these 3 games. It was a major factor on our points return and not what you want when playing the top sides in the league.

    As long as our confidence hasn't taken a knock then I expect us to easily reach the play offs although we need to rack up a lot of points in our March fixtures.

  13. 8 minutes ago, 101 said:

    Mainly because he is the current assistant rather than based on any of his previous managerial work.

    Also if you put £200 on Tam Courts he would then be the favourite, that's how poor McBookies are.

    Don't get me wrong I would be shocked if Stevie Crawford got that gig, it's more the fact they are a pretty uninspiring bunch for a club of that stature.

  14. 1 minute ago, ShineOnYouCrazyDiamonds said:

    Granted Murray ultimately did fail because the goal is and always promotion, but we were never this easy to beat under Murray and he inherited a really poor team and consistently improved it every year.

    Yeh but Murray was already an experienced manager and until last season improvement was minimal, therefore why wouldn't we give a Rhys a chance to learn and improve remembering that there were a lot of calls for Murray to be relieved of his job prior to the start of last season. We can't go writing off a youngest manager in the country in less than a season in an undoubtably stronger league.

    Of course he's shown naivety and made mistakes but it's far too early to tell especially since we still have loads to play for this season.

    What I would like is for the board to push the boat out and use up our 2 remaining loans on players who walk into the starting 11.

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