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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Suposedly McMahon is already bored of it, at least thats what i heard on FB. Hopefully it goes away quickly
  2. Watching last weeks Raw now, much appreciated. So far so good, i actually think Raw looks far better like this than the current overly flashy raw. Ill bet it saves McMahon a fortune in fireworks costs aswell, he should stick to the old school. Is it just me or did the properly milk the rocks entrance on last weeks Raw? is it cause hes never there? so they just get the most of it when he can be arsed to show up?
  3. Cannot find this week's raw anywhere to watch. Gutted
  4. It's sad to hear about Paul Bearer, it seems fitting that arguably the greatest wrestler of all time had the greatest manager of all time. He was a fantastic preformer and pure entertainment, id like to see him be put into this year's Hall of Fame by taker.
  5. When the freebirds were wrestling surely Cena was still a kid? Thats gotta be one of the smallest Wrestling rings ive seen, why is it so low to the ground?
  6. Pretty acceptable Raw, started brilliantly and ended brilliantly. Still think Swagger should be pushing for the US Title with his current gimmick, but some good segments with them both tonight. I'd rather see Daniel Bryan pushing for the WHC as I still think he's one of WWE's beet assets. Looking forward to next week's Raw
  7. I couldnt agree more, 3 of the biggest names in Wrestling standing together celebrating undertakers 20-0 Streak? Couldnt think of a better send off
  8. Why does the title belt have to be chunky with diamonds? why does it have to be a bling belt? Whats wrong with a thin plate covered in beautiful engraving and some colour? That is fucking awful! The OVW title design, in many ways a homage to the greatest belt, the title turing the attitide era. Now thats a fucking amazing looking belt
  9. Well its definetly the one from the photo posted ages ago, and i can honestly say something i never thought id say......Bring back the spinner!
  10. "What are you expecting from the Rock tonight?" "Domination" Wit? Hes celebrating a victory you dosey bimbo
  11. Heyman is the best thing in the WWE right now.
  12. Anyone else think this promo would be so much more relevent if it was Swagger going for the US Title against the formerly anti US Cesaro?
  13. Naomi was the best thing in that match, properly impressive preformance from the wee dancer
  14. Now i agree with you, but at the same time id much rather watch Punk/Cena/Rock for the title than twice in a lifetime shite
  15. Ooft! He went jaw first into that chair!
  16. Its Cena/Punk next week for the title match at Wrestlemania
  17. So The Mizz uses Flairs Figure 4, and now he has seemingly stolen Bret Harts jacket
  18. Hopefully Botch cara will be injured again and finally f**k off
  19. Cena - "Next week i will go to Wrestlemania" Go home Cena, its not for 6 weeks. Your drunk
  20. Cena/Punk for the Number 1 contender? Interesting
  21. Punk being amazing on the mic and all cena can say is "uhh what do you want me to do?" Then punk nails it by saying what we have all been wanting
  22. Im looking to start losing some weight, getting annoyed whenever i look in the mirror now but im pretty unfit, im gonna start going on walks every day. Any advise for anything else i should be doing to lose weight?
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