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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I've consistently stated that I think the time for indyref2 is after people have had a chance to live with the full effects of Brexit but I really don't understand why these Tory and BBC b*****ds think that a poorly framed, fundamentally flawed and misrepresented opinion poll takes precedence over a majority vote in the Scottish Parliament. I think it's time for Nicola and Co to shove all in and go for a single issue election, if they don't win they won't win a referendum anyway.
  2. I think Andy took it to mean a small number as in the small edge of the wedge, he certainly used the 20% figure whenever Spiers used the term.
  3. It's not a surprise, they're not called the British Broadcasting Corporation for nowt.
  4. Certainly not when we're talking about Michelle Mone.
  5. Aye, it's always in someones best interests to gratefully thank people for shagging their arse sideways.
  6. Nah, there's nobody on here spouts the Labour party line as eruditely as Jmothetwat.
  7. She couldn't run for a bus.
  8. You obviously don't realise what happens in these gentleman' clubs that politicians attend.
  9. Most haven't got the balls to be outraged I'm afraid.
  10. I like listening to Speirs but he came across as a bit of a knob tonight, nobody asked him to misrepresent McLarens point about it being too middle class by going on about rugby,tennis etc, he preferred the JCB route to the humility route tonight.
  11. I'm sure you'll handle Berwick no problem next season.
  12. Obviously I wasn't including Paddyboy in my post.
  13. Usually they insert a wee caveat that they can use to shake the SNPbad fist about a bit in the future.
  14. You'll be dizzy with delight if that wins.
  15. Sir Ian is just a Unionist mouthpiece on the oil industry, I'm no more likely to take on board his view than I am anything JK Rowling has to say on independence.
  16. It's almost like Scottish Labour want to slaughter the SNP for holding a similar position to themselves on what Scotland requires from the Brexit negotiations. SLAB appear to be behind the curve on almost everything, deserved shoeing heading their way in a few weeks.
  17. All very pertinent points, I'm not really interested in the shipbuilding industry in it's present form, I'd far rather an independent Scotland diversified into building vessels that we need to service our offshore industries rather than depend on MOD contracts. We just need to look at the success of Alan McLeish and QTS to see what can be achieved by innovation and development aimed at satisfying the needs and diversity of a sector.
  18. Spiers will look a fool if he tries to get one over McLaren as it's hard to beat someone who talks with openness and honesty.
  19. Perhaps some of those who promote an independent Scotland have principles.
  20. It's better than them filling the space with news about the diddies.
  21. I really don't give a f**k about jobs affected by the loss of Trident, there's nobody else' jobs protected to such a level, they can join Asda, Primark or suchlike like everyone else that loses their job.
  22. If we vote YES I think we should take control of as much oil as possible, f**k the oil companies and their shareholders as they're quite happy to f**k Scotland for profit.
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