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Everything posted by JogaBonito

  1. The theory of everything New film about Stephen Hawking. Eddie Redmayne was excellent as Hawking and the music was brilliant. First time in the GFT too, very comfortable. 8/10 Watched two animes over the weekend too. Don't usually watch them but these were recommended, and were worth it. Grave of the fireflies Anime on how a boy and his younger sister coped during WW II in Japan. Excellent. 9/10 The wind rises One of Miyazaki's. I download a couple but could only choose one to shove on my hard-drive and this was the lucky dip. Story about a guy and his two loves: to build the ultimate plane and a mysterious girl. Very enjoyable 8/10
  2. There may be 1 or 2 jogscotland groups near you. Couch to 5 K seems like the most common beginner routine.
  3. My sister complains of flat-feet too, hopefully it's not a family issue! Thanks. I've walked past AH many times before, think I'll pop in one day. It's interesting because apparently loads of people are turning back to supportive shoes after the barefoot craze that occured a year or two ago. Here's the facebook group for those in Glasgow btw - https://www.facebook.com/groups/224012937626179/
  4. I've joined the Glasgow facebook group, but haven't been on an outing yet as I've just started c25k. What kind of shoes do people wear? Is it really that important to get your gait analysed and stuff?
  5. Just downloaded full 10 hour dramatisation of Tolstoy's " War and peace"
  6. Is there a promotion going for new members? Did you get much information by any chance? I spotted them too but was too busy to talk. If it's another one of the 24/7 constantly chock-a-block gyms, then I'll probably leave it.
  7. Set a reminder on your phone to remind you to do it every-day to reap the benefits. It's all about trying to apply the hints in real-life scenarios. I love using this app to keep track of meds, daily routines etc.. I'm sure some of you could use it too - add a widget to your home screen.
  8. Just out for day 1 of c25k. Very easy as expected but the legs are leaden now. Anyone done it before? Worth the hassle or is there are a better training methodology?
  9. What happened to the following members: XBL Ad Lib Dickson? (Can't remember his username) The Hearts guy who came up with dece Sciencey Hearts guy #2 (Paulo Sergio? Or was it Hearts Daft? I dunno). I probably shouldn't care but I always see their names pop up in old threads and they've usually racked up thousands of posts (only to have "banned" next to their avatar)
  10. Don't be fooled though, there is a massive overlap before woo-ey alternative medicine (life coachey crap) and meditation. I probably wouldn't bother if it involved money, as everyone will have their own way to be in the moment.. R:E Marcus Aurelius, if you have an e-reader, you can usually find a pdf or torrent on the internet, (or you can pm me and I can send you it via e-mail).
  11. Good shout. I'll have a look for them as I'm really into my philosophy podcasts (Philosophy bites and The philosophers zone). I only just got into stoicism and lucked onto the book because the gf and I decided to randomly browse in Oxfam one day. Almost finished and tempted to read a bit of kierkegaard (existentialism always interested me) before jumping into some Seneca.
  12. Bit random but currently reading Meitations by Marcus Aurelius. It's all about stoicism, a mindset one should strive for basically choosing to do things that are rational and not based on emotion, try and control your emotion in the face of adversity, interpreting other people's emotions/minset etc..etc... Very enlightening although slighly muddy (it's a translation of random musings that Aurelius jotted down at the time), Two books that really changed my perspective were Down and Out by George Orwell and Man's search for meaning by Viktor Frankl. What about you?
  13. The amount of wooping, cheering and back-pattering is nauseating - is this any different to Jeremy Kyle?
  14. http://sectioneduk.wordpress.com/2014/11/15/hows-your-day-been-a-day-in-the-life/
  15. Weight training shouldn't go amiss too. Check out 2nd hand outlets, gumtree, ebay and the like. Adjustable dumbbells and ~25kg-30kg worth of metal plates for each dumbbell could probably last you a while.
  16. Were your colleagues well aware of your physical and mental health? What were their thoughts on your job situation? My friends seemed a bit stand-offish when I answered "ill-health" to questions on why I wasn't texting back. I hope your former colleagues are a lot more helpful (difference between adults and kids I guess).
  17. Really small issue but really hate that pop/country music is used so often now - just seems really cliched/over-done. I can't quite put my finger on it.
  18. Kind of like CBT - you can't control your emotions, but you can certainly control how you react to them. It takes practise, repitition and is hard work - but it'd be amazing to not have to internalise and over-analyse every tiny little detail. To be honest, I wouldn't worry. With technology advancing the way it is, and the tens of apps available out there on the market, meeting some-one couldn't be easier. Being from Dundee, you might have to settle for ladies with six fingers and webbed toes, but it's the inside that counts right? People keep saying you can't be comfortable in a relationship unless you're comfortable with yourself - not sure how I feel about that, seems a bit cliched/chick-flick stuff.
  19. Give yourself a break, you suffer f rom mental ill health. I'd come clean about the other girl though. Can't add anything about re-settling, should probably make sure you have a job secured first. Was that Ukraine? I'm sure someone on here emigrated to Ukraine.
  20. Climate change denialists Homophobes Want to privatise NHS Fear-monger about immigrants Want the death penalty back ( I remember that woman from QT 2 weeks ago) Not much of a fan to be honest.
  21. Hope you get some sort of social support/severance pay. That is fucking ridiculous, I hope it wasnt done to circumvent private healthcare or something. Thanks Obama! /s
  22. Thanks for sharing. The point about constantly wanting reassurance resonates strongly with me. It's incredible that we're expected to battle against our own brains, an organ that is usually trusted with helping us live our lives. If you have a course advisor, I think you should open up (when you're comfortable of course), especially as it could affect your grades. Plus, you could always ask for help, especially with regards to work experience or extra tips and advice. Plus, there are usually counselling services on campus, so please make use of them. Learning a different kind of coping mechanism could do wonders. Best regards (apologies if I'm talking shite, slightly steamboats!)
  23. Just found out I was unsuccessful, and reading ^ just makes me feel utterly pathetic and useless. I asked for feedback, but I'm not sure what more I could have done (done a placement with them before, former colleagues put in a good word, asked for advice to touch up cv/cover letter, suited up and arrived an hour early, brought in all the documents, had a relaxed interview and made them fully aware that I was ready to relocate and go asap). Seeing the gf later tonight (who's a really hard-working, high achieving individual) but I just want to eat and greet tbh.
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